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MaiChai last won the day on July 23 2012

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  1. The real question is how many people are getting really sick and ending up in hospital? If the numbers are small its not worth worrying about.
  2. I think inane comes to mind. Time is a finite resource so use it wisely rather than watching inane youtubers like Nate. Even sleeping might be a better use of your time!
  3. As you get older the cover will reduce and the premiums will increase. It will get to the point where you play cat and mouse on what is or not covered and you will need to be a legal eagle to read the fine print and fight the legal battles to make your claim. If you are a long term traveller instead build up and maintain a fund for health care. Also refrain from dangerous activities and taking risks. With age comes experience.
  4. Some facts rather than hearsay or theorising. I have little faith in insurance companies and prefer to self insure.
  5. What a cunning plan to avoid the draft. Better than coughing up 20k like another poster commented.
  6. There is a simple fix. Thai gov have a campaign to educate people not to overtake unless they can see ahead there is nothing coming. This is the most frustrating thing i see driving in Thailand: dangerous overtaking.
  7. I will be amazed if a popular people party with people friendly policies is allowed to stay in power. We shall see? Also why does it take 3 months toget the results?
  8. Agree 100%. These arrivals will need to follow Thailand visa rules like the rest of us. They are not refugees as such, more like rich Russians who got out and have more options (like buying foreign passports) than your typical refugee who only has the clothes they are wearing.
  9. Did they take bribes or ask for them? I have been advised in the not too distant past that paying a certain sum of money would get me a visa irrespective of documentation or money in the bank. Glad they are clamping down on this; i am happy to follow the rules.
  10. Has anyone mentioned the Thai obsession with food? On a positive note that means its a fantastic place to live but on the negative side it means people are constantly eating and, well getting over weight. I am currently in Vietnam where there is a much larger population to consume a smaller amount of food, and it shows. Also Vietnam exports alot of its foods so there isn't much left for the locals! I do remember 30 years ago Thais were also much slimmer having a mainly fish based diet, but the country progressed, more food was made available, everyone is generally better off and can spend more on food. What to do? Sugar is definitely a problem; force manufacturers to use less sugar and replace it with artificial sweeteners? Educate mothers and grandmothers to stop spoiling boys (food and other things)? Tax sugar in drinks?
  11. What amazes me about Thailand is the extremes of poverty vs wealth. As a european where we vote for our governments and in return receive some benefits from the state, I find the uncaring nature of unelected Asian governments concerning. Which is why these young ladies enter prostitution; the alternative is quite miserable as noted by other posters.
  12. The dinosaurs in charge borrow expensive watches and clothes to show they dont have hidden wealth when they are on government salaries!
  13. So much to socialism! Labour party members want to rich just like everyone else!
  14. Hopefully the 300 baht Tourist tax will save us from insurance companies that wont pay up or overpriced private Thai hospitals!
  15. I am rather interested in what my 300 baht tax will provide for me should I get critically ill in Thailand? I can't think the private hospitals would want foreign visitors heading to Thai government hospitals? And I can't think Thais will be happy that the government hospitals are clogged up treating foreign tourists? So where is the detail about this policy?
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