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Posts posted by Lee4Life

  1. I agree with everyone who wants rid of these feral dogs.

    However, protect yourself from dogs by carrying a stout stick. The dogs will see the stick and you will probably never need to use it: they will steer clear!

    You haven't been walking in my neighborhood have you? Pulling out a stick only makes the dogs more angry and aggressive, and once the other neighborhood dogs hear the commotion caused by you fighting off their friends with a stick they come running also. The grave marker will say..." but he had a stick"

  2. Thats why i never use atm cards in thailand...and if i did, it would only be in an atm attached to a bank branch so i know where to go next day to get my card back.

    That theory doesn't work with Bangkok Bank. When one of their ATMs ate my card, the only recourse I had was to pay 100 baht for a new card as they would not or could not retrieve my old card from the ATM.

    As described in my post above when a Bangkok Bank ATM ate my Bangkok Bank debit card in Dec 15 my branch replaced it...and replaced it for free. I was prepared to pitch a bitch if they wanted to charge the Bt100 fee which they typically do to replace damaged or lost cards, but they didn't charge me anything.

    Yeah, I had the same thing happen to my Bangkok Bank card, went to use my card out of province and the machine said that my account was suspended and the card impounded. Gave me a heart attack because I had a lot of money in the account. I went to my home bank branch in my province and explained what happened, the bank rep said "happens all the time". She set me up with a new card without charge and despite my fears my account was just fine.

    I did have another bank"s machine eat my card once also, but that was my fault. The machine gave an error code while I was using it and started beeping. I was afraid to do anything so just stood there. Turns out the machine was beeping as a warning that I needed to remove the card...I didn't do so and it ate it. I did thought the bank could have given it back to me when they serviced their machine, but they don't do things that way. if the card it ate was not one of their own they just destroy it..

  3. A reliable source would be helpful!

    I assume this would just be the Thai bank ATM charge, which I think was 200 Baht, but home country bank charges would still apply. I paid £5.08 in total charges last time I used my bank card at a Thai ATM, of which the Thai bank charge was the highest proportion.

    EDIT: Just checked, I paid £4.08 "Non sterling transaction fee" and £1.00 "Non sterling cash fee". I can't recall where I saw the Thai bank fee premised, it may have been a credit card a few years ago.

    It states "to help Thai Tourists", I would expect that to mean that the atm fee for withdrawing funds outside of your home bank province is going to be waived (and that's what the article states)...which is a whopping 20 baht isn't it?

  4. Is that a dump truck? If so, was his dump bed up in the air to catch the bridge? How else did he hang up on it?

    Yes it's a dump truck, and the dump bed was raised while he was driving. That's what they are referring to when they say that the vehicle had a malfunction while he shifted gears, the malfunction was that the bed went up. The levers to raise the dump bed are usually located close to the gear shift lever but are usually shorter and harder to reach. The question is how in the heck did the bed raise up high enough to hit the bridge without the driver noticing? It's usually pretty noticeable when you are in the drivers seat and the bed goes up.

  5. I would immadine that outside of Thailand,India and a few other places,The US has one of the most dangerous rail system in AMTRAK.

    That's a pretty broad statement. Outside of India, Thailand and a few other places? Actually the U.S. has one of the world's lowest railway accident fatality rates.

  6. The batteries exploded at the same time, with a little assistance maybe.

    Easy for a single battery to be venting some gas, an open flame nearby , and the lot explodes.

    Lead/acid batteries produce hydrogen and if not properly maintained, in a closed space, any heat source can easily set it off. Hydrogen/air mix can detonate with a lot of force plus the fire produced from such.

    Probably most here have seen the experiment done in chemistry class.

    Correct, marine batteries are specially sealed so that the gases don't escape into the engine compartment and create volatile conditions, they also have special venting to allow the gases to escape to areas where they will do no harm. I'm not sure they are even available in Thailand.

  7. Got a deflated tyre drive it to a safe place to change it that's not putting anybody's life in danger,

    Exactly, I drove Tow Truck for 18 years. I told everyone I knew that if they had a flat in an area that was unsafe they should just drive on the flat tire at a reduced speed until they came to a place of safety. Even if you have to buy another wheel and/or tire it's certainly cheaper than losing your life.

    My condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.

  8. If you pay over 300k, you are being ripped off.

    Thank you inzman, that's exactly the sort of figure I had in mind and I'd hope to have a house like this built for approx that figure.

    I don't know about other areas, but here in NongKhai that would be a fairly accurate estimate. Our neighbor just had a nice little house about that size built for around that amount. Just as the others have said, it does depend on the materials used.

  9. I don't understand what was botched.

    Further leads should the dealer has been caught alive...

    Maybe they called it botched because they believe the police should have had their guns out and disarmed the fellow before he had a chance to pull a gun and shoot at them. The police are fortunate that he didn't kill one of them.

  10. Just cut it down...

    You think he knows how many flowers he has smile.png

    I'm no expert, but I think one banana tree equals one flower equals one bunch of fruit. It's hard to miss something as big as a banana tree, and if there's no fruit I guess he'll wonder where it went. I don't really want to get into an argument with the neighbours for obvious reasons, plus the family that own the plot must have some serious money as the land alone is worth around 40 million Baht at today's prices. I expect they could afford a better lawyer than me.

    Get your woman to do it for God's sakes. Thai women are fearless unlike the majority of farang who seem to be terrified of 4ft thai men

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

    It's smart to be terrified of a 4ft Thai man...who is connected to another 4ft Thai man, and another and another.....

  11. Nok Air to Udon, Airport Van from Udon to Friendship bridge, cross border, take tuktuk,van or taxi to Vientiane. (will be too late for the bus and maybe even for a tuktuk)

    Reverse order for return, except the only van running directly to the Udon airport from NongKhai leaves from a tour company (Udorn Kaew) next to MegaHome in NongKhai and usually needs to be reserved ahead.

    There are vans that leave from in front of the 7-eleven at the Thai side of the border but they go to the main bus station at Udon, although I have heard reports of them running people out to the airport after the bus station drop off. If they stop at the bus station you will need to get a tuktuk or taxi out to the airport. There are taxis in front of the 7-eleven that do the trip for 900b.

    The other option on the return (if you have time) is to take the Vientiane/Udon International bus and then get local transport from the Udon bus station out to the airport.

  12. We Westerners see things differently to Thai's. We greet the changes with skepticism....when we should be applauding the efforts of the current government in building new friendships and developing the country into a greater than great powerhouse of modern wonders!


    He's even got his lipstick out to put on the pig.

    I think the picture of the bull says it all!

  13. My wife and her niece were taken out by a new Toyota pickup the same way, only they were injured and both ended up in the Hospital. The truck pulled over for a second as if it were going to stop and then sped off, leaving them lying in the road. Roadside vendors and other motorists stopped and carried them off the roadway. The police were nice but didn't seem very interested in investigating, I figured it was because they weren't killed but also there were no cameras in the area.

  14. We have the same problem, we have a nice covered deck that we can't use much of the time, we also have to keep many of our windows closed much of the time. I'm not so sure that rubbish collection would solve the matter, I have seen people here burning rubbish next to empty rubbish bins near the streets.

    One of our neighbors burns leaves and rubbish in order to chase the insects away from their beautiful flowers and trees, another neighbor burns rubbish in his cow shed at night to keep the mosquitos away. If these people see their actions as normal and this is the way of life as they know it then it's going to be pretty tough to change.

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