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Posts posted by Lee4Life

  1. Always sell for the right price.

    And who is to say what the right price is? There is a lot of new building going on around us, but it seems to have been planned for years. There are some lots next door and also a building that have been for sale for two or three years now.

  2. In the BKK post there is information that Lady Kai got a diplomatic passport during the YL reign on after the PM's office pushed for her to have one and made sure the passport was issued. (what is it with PTP and passports).

    Seems to give a good indication too who her backers are and why before when the PTP was still in power these cases were pushed through and nothing was done. (still protected.. and now.. no protection)

    Just show that whoever is in power always abuses the poor and that there are no parties here that are champions of the poor. They just use them to get in power.

    But would the poor learn to be smarter, or would they be again blinded by the freebies?

    Not very nice to blame the poor, they were offered decent paying jobs and also education, how could they know what was coming down the road? (by the way, the were being paid to work for her...not exactly freebies)
  3. I researched bikes quite a bit before buying a Phantom, and heard a few complaints from my wife's relatives and also foreigners about the PCX stalling on steep hills when loaded heavy. While it's not a scooter, the Phantom is really a great mountain bike from my experience. I can't say it's a perfect bike for the long, straight high speed roads in the low lands though.

  4. Seems that selling fake fertilizer, old seeds and weak pesticides is currently OK as no mention of any current law violation. And what is an illegal slaughter house in Thailand (other than those closed for dogs)? Animals are killed and butchered in barn yards and street side then sold in all kinds of markets. I fail to see the connection between money laundering and illegal slaughter houses.

    or a connection between fake fertilizer, pesticides and seeds with illegal slaughter houses.

  5. Most Americans only get one week vacation per year? And the average flight from America is 1700$ economy? Where are some of you guys coming up with this stuff? It may be that the Americans don't top the list, but it certainly won't be because of the faulty reasoning here. I have been coming to Thailand and Laos since 1995 and never paid more than 1400$ Round Trip, the average has been more like 1200$. During the first year of employment in the States, the average employee will get one week vacation, then it goes up to two until year three and after that most employer will give a month or more. Of course there are exceptions, but to say most Americans get one week of vacation per year is not correct

    Most Americans work at jobs that don't pay all too well and will get one week or two weeks maximum. My dad used to get one week off of his job per year at the luggage factory he worked at. He couldn't afford to go anywhere so we ordered pizzas at home and rented a VHS because they were expensive to buy in those days. Yes, most Americans work dead end jobs.

    $1,700 is excessive for a flight but I booked one lately for around $1,400 and this was looking around. You are insane if you think that most Americans get anywhere close to a month of annual vacation. Prices of goods are very low in the USA and this isn't achieved by giving out paid holidays. I calculated it one time and figured that the price of goods on most things in Europe cost around 10% more based upon paid holidays. If you are talking about national holidays and banking holidays you could be closer to the truth but Americans are not able to take a full month off and get paid for it.

    I may have spoken too harshly, my apologies. However I can't say that I have ever known a single person who gets only one week of vacation after the first year or two of employment. I worked for many years in the auto industry and never saw anything less than that among my employers also. The only thing I can't say for sure is whether or not this differs per region and possibly per employment classification.

  6. Most Americans only get one week vacation per year? And the average flight from America is 1700$ economy? Where are some of you guys coming up with this stuff?

    It may be that the Americans don't top the list, but it certainly won't be because of the faulty reasoning here. I have been coming to Thailand and Laos since 1995 and never paid more than 1400$ Round Trip, the average has been more like 1200$. During the first year of employment in the States, the average employee will get one week vacation, then it goes up to two until year three and after that most employer will give a month or more. Of course there are exceptions, but to say most Americans get one week of vacation per year is not correct

  7. If the system is truly designed to work as pictured it is ripe for flaws. There will be so many vehicles not completing the distance between the two cameras that there would be a lot of wasted data.

    Taking into account the common computer and electronics maintenance practices here what is the likely-hood the system will function correctly for an extended period of time?

    I have noticed that a lot of cars are slowing to the speed limit while going under these devices, then speeding back up once they are past.

    On a side note, one of my neighbors in NongKhai told me he just noticed a red light camera at the main intersection near Tesco.

  8. So I'm guessing you are talking about Phu Ruea when you say you know about Loei. Have you also tried the road that runs along the Mekong from

    NongKhai to ChiangKhan? It gets a little rough just before ChiangKhan but other than that it's a nice ride.

    Another road people sometimes miss when riding through Phu Ruea is the road that takes off from Wang Saphung and comes out about 16 kilometers

    from Phu Ruea. It is steep and twisty and is great for bypassing Loei. (on a bike that is)

    I also am really interested in other nice rides in Isaan, maybe around the Sakhon Nakhon area especially.

  9. Crossed over and back yesterday, a sign in English on the Visa on Arrival window says they are open from 6:00am until 10:00pm, it also states that before 8:00am and after 4:00pm it will cost an extra dollar for overtime.

    But it would be good to keep in mind that this is "an anything goes" area and

    there is no guarantee. If you are going to show up really early or really late have a

    backup plan in case things don't work out time-wise.

    • Like 1
  10. Drinking and being a pedo sex pest.

    I'm sure that goes against one of the precepts at least.

    After the police, the monkhood in Thailand needs a thorough clean out.

    Pedophiles hiding within religious institutions is common throughout the world. One does not have to look too far to see which one is the most frequently spoken of.

    No names. no packdrill.

    Pedophiles hiding everywhere is common throughout the world.

  11. But first thing....

    Does everyone constantly have to point out " there is no retirement visa" or "there is no marriage visa"?

    Many of us know it is not technically called a retirement visa or marriage visa, but that's what it is still commonly called. I have even seen it called that on Thai consulate and embassy websites.

    you guys know what people are talking about, and what they mean.

  12. I was bitten by a neighbors dog while riding my bicycle down the street three weeks ago, I told the owner they need to keep their gate closed or tie the dog up, never happened and probably never will... In another case I know of a dog has bitten five people and neither the dog's owner nor the authorities have done anything.

    What a terrible thing to happen to the girl, she will never be the same and no amount of money will fix that.

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