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Posts posted by Lee4Life

  1. we have a plant which the wife tells me is called dog fart and she's not wrong.

    Yep....that's what it's called. we have lots of it...my wife's relatives would come over to our house and I would often see them holding their noses shut and saying "it stinks like dog fart". I thought our dogs had some real problems before I figured out they were talking about a vine. I have been told that some people eat it.

    Sure hope we don't ever have one of those mushrooms...stinky squid and dog farts don't sound like a good combination.

  2. Just thinking outside the box. I've just blow the hell out of a public place killing and maiming a lot of people. CCTV catches my escape. I've had days to get the heck out of Dodge. Why I'm I still in my room with a bunch of materials that could be used for bomb making. Personally, especially considering the media was saying there was not a good CCTV coverage, I'd be in a different country, and back to whatever sick terror cell I came from. But no! The "Suspect" stays. Like one of the previous posters said. Wait and see.

    The fact that the person did what he did already indicates that his thought process is anything but normal. You are correct...wait and see.

  3. It's not clear.....Did the gunman just start shooting randomly, or did he attack the soldiers (and lose, haha som nom na)? That the soldiers were the ones injured suggests the latter.

    You have absolutely no information to back up your statement, the soldiers were injured because they were being attacked when the news reports clearly state they overpowered the attacker and kept him from inflicting more harm on others. They were injured protecting others.

  4. One day I couldn't find a parking spot at Tesco except next to a pickup that had parked diagonally across two spaces. I had to park so close that they couldn't open the driver's door very far, but didn't feel bad because they could slide across from the passenger side. While I was walking away the driver of the pickup came up to me and asked me to move my vehicle so he could get into his drivers door....and he was another foreigner. It's not always only the Thai people who do these type of things.

  5. I don't agree with the others who say don't worry about it, I have found that when I am dealing with a shop and something makes me feel like things are going to go sideways...they usually do. It would be different if they hadn't charged you for a substandard repair when you had already pointed out the problems with it and they had agreed to make it right.

  6. Using Thai names, ingenious.

    I will actually ask them that for fun surangw, but let me reassure you they won't respond.

    The samples aren't worth much but I absolutely need them and it's super inconvenient. That sounds like a good idea before I ask the manufacturer to send another same except using the postal service and a fake Thai name.

    It's funny, once I exposed all of XXX lies and sent a complaint to the head office, some other random person just sent me an email asking to pay as if nothing had happened. I was sure to add XXX email address to the response.

    How will you collect the goods on a fake name?


    He doesn't have to "collect" the goods. The post office simply delivers them to the address on the label.

    If the item is to large for the post office to deliver then they have to be picked up at the post office, they will require Identification at that point.

  7. "The scheme came to light after police in Chiang Rai arrested a 50-year-old Singaporean businessman trying to enter Myanmar with a fake Thai ID card, according to Pramuan. The Singaporean man’s ID card bore the name of a Thai man from Uttaradit province who died long ago, he added."

    Perhaps he was arrested because you need a passport to enter Myanmar. A Thai ID card is useless. They need to lock that state official up for a long prison sentence. But, TIT, it won't happen.

    Pretty sure my wife came with me to Myanmar for the day about 12 years ago before she ever had a passport. You take the Thai id card and get a piece of paper from immigration that acts as a temporary passport and it gets the stamps. I could be wrong but I'm sure that's how it worked.

    Three Day Border Pass ?

  8. I live in NongKhai, the parking at the border lots is 50b/day. I used to take my vehicle across, but crossing the border is a lot easier without it so don't take it any more. The traffic can be really bad, as far as the paperwork goes...if the vehicle is in your name it's not bad, if it's not then it's tough. It also helps to have someone who reads Thai.

  9. And what condition was David when it has been proven he was drinking all night with friends, and probably not used to a lot of alcohol, being young and a University Student?

    Was David a Marital Arts Expert or Kick Boxer? Does he have a history of violence and got into a lot of fights? Was he even expecting to be hit over the head with a Garden Hoe when he was standing Butt Naked? Maybe turned his head to see what was happening to Hannah, and they got that one lucky hit in, that crippled him. Was it a fist fight or did one have a weapon, which always makes this not a fair fight? What history does the accused have for violence and fighting skills?

    I think someone else here describe it best. He said a 14 year old kid could beat you to death if he was holding a garden hoe and you had nothing to defend yourself with. David had defensive wounds so he obviously tried. But I tend to agree with that. But is okay if you don't. As both are just honest opinions. .


    Your making a lot of assumptions there

    I am sorry but all my statements ended with a Question Marks, as I was asking you a question. I was doing that because you made the "assumption" that these 2 tiny men couldn't overpower 1 larger man. So I thought maybe you knew that David had special fighting skills, and his sobriety at the time or knew the accused background and fighting skills, to make such an assumption.

    But, I guess not.

    Well there is cctv video footage of David walking back down the strip around 1.30am iirc, apparently on his way to look for Hannah, and he did not appear worse for wear at that time.

    Correct...and to say that University students are unfamiliar with alcohol is an unbelievably naïve statement.

  10. Mooslum scumbags waving the ISIs flag are not worth having on the planet....and neither are the ones fighting for ISIS. Criminals and terrorists. The things going on in Sandland (ME) are despicable.


    Don't you ever think the west ghas a huge share in the blame of the mess the middle east is In now? Continually meddling, stealing and bombing in the region helps create the conditions for these terrorists to thrive. Wholy condemning some nations but then selling them their weapons on the side.

    It's a mess the west had a huge hand In creating.

    Dream on....these people have adopted a belief based on hate and fear, if it wasn't focused on western countries it would be focused on others, and this has been proven to be a fact.

  11. "He said that operators would have to spensd hundreds of thousands baht to upgrade equipment to the necessary standards, and fishermen do not have the skills to operate the equipment" Now how complex is this equipment and how difficult could it be to get a bit of training to use it?

    Not only that, but just how much is "hundreds of thousands of baht" compared to the profits they have and will make, and also how much did they already save by not keeping their equipment or licensing up to standards for all those years?

  12. Have you seen the state of the chickens in this country? Most of the chickens I have seen look like they are survivors of a nuclear attack, and these guys are in trouble for violating animal cruelty laws? I don't get it...besides, most of the cats I have seen here look like you would be doing them a favor if you ate them. I like animals just fine, and am quite fond of my dog, but they are still just animals. ( * no animals were harmed during the making of this message)

  13. The ThaLi crossing is a good bet.

    The Thai vehicle passport will be needed.

    If the vehicle is in someone else's name then make sure you have the proper release from them. (Bai Mop Amnat) and make sure it is properly filled out and has the notary stamps.

    If the vehicle is in your name, or the name of another person travelling with you, then you won't need to worry about that.

    You will need Lao insurance, you can get that on the Lao side of the border, it is available by the week, month or year. Don't try to get by without out it, you'll pay far more in fines than the insurance costs....the Thai plates will get you checked out at pretty much every checkpoint on the way. (the voice of experience speaking here!)

  14. I can't think of a better way to ruin lives than making casinos legal, one of our Lao friends back home lost his job, his wife, his house and then finally took his own life, all because he couldn't beat his gambling addiction. It may have been his own fault, but the fact that there are Indian casinos all over the place and advertisements everywhere didn't help.

    There are so many problems surrounding casinos, they are in the middle of all kinds of crime, one of my friends who works in helping the victims of human trafficking told me that human traffickers use them as hubs also.

  15. After six years in CM, definitely more traffic along Lamphun Road. Better to use a car off-peak, or around CM use a scooter for trips in the city area.

    My main complaint with Thai drivers is their indecision - they'll creep out into traffic and clog everything up when the situation calls for quick movement.

    Traffic along the ring roads and out of town is generally still quite reasonable. A defensive driving mindset is mandatory once on the mountain roads.

    I am certain that Thais are never told how to merge into the traffic properly. As you said, they creep into traffic or stick the front half of their vehicle into the lane until no other vehicle can pass. Then they will slowly creep into the lane, and after hitting the non existent minimal acceleration button wait until there is a 10 car build up behind them before blasting off like the Delorean in Back to the Future.

    Dont get me started on round- a- bouts, they have never heard of the give way to the right law.

    Nah mate: you've got it all wrong. You always give way to the biggest. facepalm.gif

    Or most expensive!!!

  16. Looks like Mr "Goh" is about to make a break for it on that rather nice bike. whilst the rest of 'em, the cops, the fat farang, the mia farang are too busy smirking, pointing and congratulating themselves. I doubt any of them would be able to catch him. However just hanging around his mother's house for a few hours would inevitably see him turning up to kin khao and have her sak pha.

    Well somebody caught him, and they are the only people in the picture...Sherlock.

    By the way...your comments about the people don't show yourself in a good light, would you have the guts to talk that way about these people face to face? It's interesting that the only thing you said anything good about is the bicycle.

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