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Posts posted by Lee4Life

  1. Isn't what everyone referring to as the hard shoulder in fact the bike lane?

    It really is good to get some input on this topic from experienced riders here. Pattayapom, I have noticed roadside signs that would seem to suggest that you are correct on this issue, but I cannot read Thai and as we flew past them quickly I wasn't able to ask my wife or driver what they meant. I shall make a point of doing so as soon as I can and report my findings on this thread.

    More like the "bike, water buffalo, cow, bicycle,cart-pushing pedestrian lane", but yes...your assumption is technically correct. I am not sure if this is really true or not, but I have been told that if you are riding a bike and are involved in an accident in any lane other than the shoulder you are considered to be at fault. Maybe someone else can prove or disprove this?

  2. Confused that you ride a bike on the hard shoulder and not on the first lane which is meant for slower traffic, if at all slower traffic does exist within thailand.

    Sorry for the pun but glad to hear you came out of it relatively unscathed.

    You stand a good chance of being run down on a small bike if you make a practice of using the first lane here. I ride a big bike and am usually doing around 100kph or more on open multi-lane roads, I use the first lane a lot instead of the shoulder to avoid smaller slower bikes, pedestrians or such. I have had a few close calls with cars and trucks who's drivers make it obvious that they think I should not be using that lane, but should be on the shoulder. It is not uncommon for them to come alongside and run me over onto the shoulder. If it is night time they will come up from behind and start flashing their headlights at me to get over and let them pass...even though all other lanes are empty.

    I have learned to deal with it by staying as alert as possible to those people and often adjusting my speed down and pulling onto the shoulder.

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  3. Who is more qualified for asylum in the US? A Pakistani Christian or YL?

    I must have missed something, what does this have to do with the U.S.?

    The US has been all ears to YL. In this case, they see nothing, hear nothing, and says nothing. And their dollar bill states "In God I trust".

    And YL is a Pakistani Christian? I'm confused as to how you can link the US and YL to this article,I thought this article was about Pakistani Christians in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  4. What an odd way of thinking...that increasing the price of a product and providing monetary support to the producers will increase competitiveness. Are there any cases elsewhere in the world where this has proven true?

    The likely result will be that increasing the price will lower sales, and giving monetary aid to the producers will remove their motivation to become more competitive.

  5. I don't have a problem with the beam word, but what is a "chair"? Do you mean permanent support posts (pillars) under the beams perhaps? Up here in Isan it is not common to use concrete or cement beams in carports or garages, but instead steel beams welded to the rebar that protrudes from the tops of the pillars or posts. In either case the deciding factor on when more support is required will be the weight of the structure being supported, in your case the roof I would suppose.

  6. If he could wait 3 days before going to hospital, and if the only help he needed at the time was to get up off the ground, why was he hospitalised for 2 months? Something in the back of my minds says that he may have suffered another set of injuries after the mugging and that the mugging wasn't all that violent. Another done-over-by-a-ladyboy story?

    Sad that the bystanders waited until after the thugs had gone before they helped. I can't comprehend it.

    He probably thought he would get better, then realized that wasn't going to happen without professional medical help. This guy is no stranger to pain. What in the article leads you to believe ladyboys were involved? I didn't read that anywhere.

    As far as the bystanders not helping while the assault was going on, I can believe it. My wife and her niece were run down by a pickup last year, despite being on a busy city street none of the vendors or other motorists were able to give a description of the truck and nobody chased after it to get the license number. People did come and drag them out of the roadway so nobody else would run over them. Maybe someone else can shed some light on why people here seem more likely to help "after the fact"?

  7. That's typical of Jews.

    They Don't like to pay only collect.

    If your Jewish and I have offended you, blame your brothers.

    People are quick to judge us Brits in anyway possible, we don't take offence though, neither should you.

    Your second sentence could be said about business owners all over the world, not just Jews. As far as you being a Brit, I don't hold that against you. In fact I won't go so far as to judge the British (or anyone else) collectively like you do Jews, but on an individual basis.

    If I have offended you then please blame some other bigot or racist.

    • Like 1
  8. Oh...by the way, a tire that has worn abnormally (cupped) can make exactly the same noises as a bad wheel bearing. I worked at Ford Dealers for 9 years and then owned my own shops for another 18. We followed up on a lot of other shops mistakes, If we heard what sounded like wheel bearing noise but couldn't verify a bad wheel bearing, we would change the tires to a different position and see if the noise changed also.

    Hope things work out!

  9. The clicking noise is likely either a loose inner tie rod end on the steering rack or a bad constant velocity joint in one of the half-shafts (axles). It does seem like early failure, has the car ever been in an accident? Are you the only driver? Every car I've owned here has had front-end problems, even the Toyota.

  10. And now the whinging Farangs on here are harping on about aspects of the Monkhood and how tainted it is, and yet the Catholic Church is so so squeaky clean what with all its corrupt kiddie fiddling priests who have gone unpunished!!

    I have an idea, why not leave the Buhddist authorities to sort out the bad monks, as that's worked really well getting rid of disgusting paedo priests all over the globe eh?

    I'll harp on about the Catholics as well if it makes you happy.

    No such thing as a victimless religion.

    Or victimless Bigots

  11. I have had this happen a couple of times while riding my bicycle, it has been when approaching from the rear and saying "sawadee krap" before ever passing them, so it is not a case where they meant to be impolite to the foreigner. Both times the women were younger than I. I did wonder why it happened, but didn't feel insulted at all.

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