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Posts posted by Lee4Life

  1. I think there will be lots of people from the "old school of thought" that won't want the education system changed very much, although it needs a lot of big changes. Maybe having someone who doesn't follow the most conventional thinking to head a committee about education reform is a good thing. I can imagine that the suggestion of teaching Thai students critical thinking and analytic skill will seem crazy to traditional Thais, and making them aware that Thailand is not the center of the universe will ruffle some feather as well.

    So....is "the old school of thought" not being a cult member....or not believing in aliens or ufo's? I think you could have worded your statement a little better...or do you really want to convey the message that anyone who does not believe in the healing powers of pyramids or believe in aliens and ufo's is "old fashioned"?

    Critical thinking and analytic skills are just fine, but at the same time I find it hard to believe that someone who is in a Pyramid Cult and believes that he can communicate with aliens has those skills.

    • Like 1
  2. Someone sitting on your bike, happened to me before, just smile at them, they move off, and you get on with your life

    While I agree, the circumstances are unknown....this may have been a very expensive motorbike, or a reoccurring problem. Smiling at teenagers drinking alcohol doesn't always have the same effect as smiling at people in a Tesco parking lot.

    • Like 2
  3. "Mrs Sukalaya said electricity was leaked to the machine for several days"


    Ahum? Mother becomes electrical expert.


    Edit: and b4 you jump on the band wagon.. poor reporting..... and yes... poor, unlucky child.




      Interesting that you defend your post even while posting it, since when does it take an electrical expert to know of people who have been shocked? 

    • Like 2
  4.    It will be interesting to see how, or if, this affects the Vietnamese crossing the border at Nongkhai.


       There are lots of Vietnamese living and working in the Vientiane area of Laos, many of them are doing border runs across the friendship bridge to Thailand and back into Laos. Many days the border buses are full of them. A few weeks ago I was in line behind a young Vietnamese woman and overheard the Thai Immigration Officer asking her why she was entering Thailand. She did not seem to understand Thai and he asked her several times. She finally uttered a single word, " Jang", which means "stamp". The officer shook his head but stamped her passport and let her through.

  5. My American buddy lived in Japan for a few years, he bought a Harley there and then when he moved home had it shipped back to the U.S. where it was held by authorities who because it "may not meet emissions requirements". He ended up getting the bike, but at considerable expense.


     I owned a Towing business in the U.S., and in the course of business I ran into quite a few foreigners who bought used vehicles when they arrived in the States and then after driving them all over America sold them before going home.



    Forgive me if I happen to offend ...
    but shouldn't teachers have the said documents or be in the process of obtaining them....in order to legally teach.
    IMHO. If you are neither of the above but teach.....get your paperwork sorted ASAP.
    Consider the Inspector's words as a 'shot across the bow' and ample warning.
    It shows he is aware of such practices


           You are correct in what you say, but there is another side of the story. I have had several friends who were teachers, who wished to do everything "by the book" and have the correct visa and work permits, yet the Thai schools that they taught at consistently bungled them up as far as their visas went. The schools promised visas and work permits but then did not follow through and hold up their end of the deal, or they were helpful and assisted the foreign teacher in obtaining the correct visas and wp's at first but when It came time to renew they drug their feet, the teachers were then forced to chose....do they just quit and leave or do they try to stay on and teach while using incorrect visas. (sometimes the school directors actually encourage them to "just go ahead and get a tourist visa while we work on getting the correct documents for you".

             They become caught between the students and the laws in a way. Some of these teachers really love their jobs and their students and feel forced to do what they do as far as their visas go. (and no...I am not a teacher, I haven't been blessed with that ability!)



    ..."drug their feet" ...? 



    Sorry...the term "drug your feet" describes someone who is or has performed a duty or task, but did so slowly or grudgingly. But if you research the use of the word "drug" as used in the past tense of "drag", you will find that it is not correct English and is used in the Dialect of those who live in the Southern U.S., The correct form of the word should actually have been "dragged". I stand corrected.



  7. This for me is a big test for the NCPO.

    By all accounts really the price should rise, but it has not done so due to it being political suicide with voters.

    I suppose if the NCPO are really willing to increase the price to the appropriate level, then it will go a some way to convincing me that they are not up to any politically motivated 'funny business'. i.e they will do the best for the country as a whole, as they don't have the same election concerns as parties do.

    To be fair this is a bit of a catch 22 for them, damn if they do damned if they don't.

    I agree, "Catch 22" situation. On first reading my mind immediately went to wondering if this too is a program to be condemned as populist (programs can go too far as we have seen) but... In doing what is best for the country, I would venture to submit that providing for the wellbeing of the majority of the populace is the prime reason for government...but then I lean more toward Locke than Hobbes.

    I am not saying that you are incorrect...but what are you basing your assumptions on? Why should the prices rise?

  8. It would be good to see some comparisons, such as average household debt versus average household income...for Thailand and also other countries. If the average income has increased the same amount percentage-wise as the debt, then there really isn't much to be alarmed about. And what about the farmers who had to borrow to survive when they weren't paid for their rice? Is that a factor in the increase?

    Not really enough info.

    • Like 1
  9. So what is the definition of "passenger van" ?

    Where I am from a passenger van means any van that is designed or outfitted to carry passengers, whereas a "cargo van" is designed to carry goods or materials.

    My guess is that the new law effects only vans that hire out to carry passengers, and not vans designed to carry passengers which are actually used as personal vehicles, but the wording in this article is not very clear (fancy that!)

  10. NOTE TO USA: great job with your condemnation of Thailand over recent months . . . you've succeeded in pushing them even further into the arms of China, the polar opposite of what you actually want. Thumbs up on that one.

    Really? Everything is the USA's fault? Why is it that you don't mention the EU? or Australia? didn't they also cut aid money and issue statements? Or are you just someone else with an axe to grind as far as America is concerned?

    • Like 1
  11. Sad news.

    Can someone makes sense of this article what actually happened? Wouldn't the stand be earthed?

    Electrical cables are not all designed to be used in the weather, if you use the standard house electrical cable outside in the rain it will become soaked and electricity will discharge through the water into the surrounding area because the cable does not have adequate waterproofing or weather proofing.

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