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Posts posted by Lee4Life

  1. The entire world is being dragged around by its nose because of the nexus of prudish American culture, radical American feminists, and the American religious right. For Americans trafficking is about sex. Trafficking is routinely confused with willing prostitution. Labor is secondary. Thailand is on the right track with better regulation of the fishing industry and other labor trafficking issues. Trafficking is about population increases and lack of unskilled jobs. Countries have to stand up to American's understanding of trafficking only as a criminal justice issue or they will find themselves on the wrong side of history as the villains, not the good guys. Trafficking is a migration issue and must be dealt with in that way.

    Really? The article says that it is a European Trafficking watch organization that has the Thai Government Official upset, and you are going to go on about the American Government?

    The term "human trafficking" refers to humans being sold by someone...not to humans selling themselves.

  2. Funnily enough there is an article In an English Language Daily Business section about a shortage of labour that needs to filled by "Migrant Labour" in the future For the electronics industry 430,000 , Food and beverage 1.3 million and 850,000 in the textile industry. At the present time they are 125-000 short of what is needed. So reducing Human trafficking isn't going to be an easy thing to do when the demand for manpower is so high

    Is most human trafficking here really to fill jobs in textile and beverage factories?

  3. What authority does a KFC worker have to arrest people?

    KFC Freeze mother f,ker and put down the chicken. Back off KFC or the chicken gets it.

    You feeling lucky punk?

    What if the mother company is telling the truth and it was not their employees who were harassing and "arresting" the vendors? Sounds more like the work of the chicken mafia to me! "you squawk...and you gets what's comin to you, clucker!"

    • Like 1
  4. I find it extremely hard to believe that any company would begin scaling back profitable services "temporarily" on the assumption that there will be a sales downturn or slump in the future. Other large corporations wait until there is tangible proof. Auto manufacturers do not slow production down unless sales decline, hotels do not close their doors because of "foreseen declines" in tourism, and so on...

    • Like 2
  5. This is crap a fantasy, but to think that Americans are honest and dont have ulterior motives is crap too.

    America is not that trustworthy plenty of proof for that. They look out for themselves and bully and push others around.

    They are better as Russia and China but certainly not angels without ulterior motives in what they do.

    You could be a little more careful in choosing your words. I am an American and consider myself honest and without ulterior motives. Did you really wish to insult all Americans? Or did you mean to just insult the Government of America?

    • Like 2
  6. To be truthful the very act of meeting with the Red Shirt leadership smacks of American subterfuge in another sovereign states affairs, the American involvement in installing their brand of ''democracy'' around the world has been somewhat spectacular in its results with enormous death tolls immense collateral damage and an upsurge in terrorism in general.

    The C.I.A. track record over the years exposes the fact that the powers that be in that organisation are intent on destroying any country or anyone who disagrees with their aims.

    The involvement of the C.I.A.In the Indo China region alone since the 1950's has indeed been a disaster for those nations that the C.I.A leprous hands touched.Let alone the rest of the world

    Perhaps if those Americans intent on bringing ''democracy'' as they view it to other sovereign states actually looked inward at their own nation they may well find that their own house is in need of massive repairs before starting on other sovereign states issues.

    Beware the industrial military complex

    The CIA didn't advertise it's meetings as far as I can recall.

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Thank you Prayuth for giving high speed railway to Thailand.

    You are truly the father of modern Thailand modernization.

    Pssstt, it isn't high speed, it was the former government that proposed high speed rail.

    I thought the only rail projects the Chinese were interested in were high speed, both in Laos and Thailand. Gets kind of confusing I guess, with all of the different news reports over the years.

    It makes life easy for them if they have a through route form China , but they would still build the Thai one. Don't forget these strategies cover decades.

    Whats the issue with Laos construction ?

    The issue with the Laos construction is that the Chinese Government backed out of the initial agreement to build the railway, reportedly because they discovered it was not going to be financially feasible to build a railway through Laos as seventy percent of the railway will be tunnels and bridges. The Lao Gov. has now applied for funding through Chinese sources and say they are going to build the railway themselves. If you google this project you will see that the cost estimates are at 7.2 Billion U.S.

    I don't really doubt that it could be done, and don't have the expertise to say whether or not it will be a financial success, I just wonder how it would affect the Thai Project if the Lao project isn't completed?

  8. Any bus or one of the vans that run between provinces would not go directly to the bridge. They would go to the bus station in Nong Khai.

    The cost probably be less than 100 baht for them.

    I see the vans at the bridge all the time, they are parked near the 7/11 where there is a sidewalk sign telling their rates and times. I asked one of the drivers and he said they run at thirty minute intervals. They look like the same vans that stop by the bus stop in front of the NongKhai Tesco to me, and that I also see at the Bus Station...same big letters on the side that say "Udon/NongKhai". They are 50 baht.

    Couldn't edit my post.... I just came back from the border. The vans there are 50 baht each and leave every hour from 8 am to 8 pm. They run between the Friendship Bridge and the downtown Udon Bus station.

  9. udon and nong kai have cross border buses but last time i asked they would NOT let you get on at all unless you have a pre-issued laos visa.

    best 1. catch the LATE MORNING train plus walk to the bridge,

    2. catch the local bus udon to lotus in nong kahi (about 40 baht from the udon central bus station) then walk from there. make sure you get off at lotus in nongkai not at the nongkai bus station. this bus is quite frequent say hourly from early in the morning. go ask the day before.

    note: tuk-tuks in this region are notorious scam artist avoid as best you can.

    on the other side catch the big green bus to vientien

    coming back you can catch the cross border buses from morning market vientien.

    there are threads on here with all the info already.

    It would be good to clarify your statement, by saying " cross border buses" you are talking about the "International Buses" not the shuttle buses that cross the bridge. You are correct, they don't like to accept passengers who do not have visas because they would have to wait for extended periods at the border for those people to get their visas.

    The shuttle buses pick you up just past immigration on each side of the bridge and only cross the bridge before turning around and coming back. There are International Buses which travel from Vientiane to NongKhai, Vientiane to Udon and now Vientiane to Nakhon Ratchasima. These buses are all Lao, but there is also a Thai International Bus between NongKhai and Vientiane. You can tell the difference between the Thai and Lao International by the wording on their sides, the Thai buses say "NongKhai/Vientiane" and the Lao Buses say "Vientiane/NongKhai". The doors are also on opposite sides.

    • Like 2
  10. Sell it in Thailand for about 3x what an equivalent used model sells for in the USA. Then buy a better vehicle in the USA and pocket the difference.

    Or take your chances with shipping and customs and the EPA, trying to get a non-smogged car into the USA and safety inspected and brought up to standard. ($$$)

    I know which way I'd go...

    It would be cost prohibitive not to mention non conforming.

    My buddy lived in Japan for a couple of years, while there he bought a used Harley. He had it shipped back to the U.S. when he moved back there and U.S. Customs held it for eighteen months while they demanded proof that it met U.S. emissions standards. They also demanded thousands of dollars in storage fees. He did end up getting the bike released and not having to pay the storage after hiring a Lawyer, but I would be willing to bet he wouldn't try it again.

  11. Thank you Prayuth for giving high speed railway to Thailand.

    You are truly the father of modern Thailand modernization.

    Pssstt, it isn't high speed, it was the former government that proposed high speed rail.

    I thought the only rail projects the Chinese were interested in were high speed, both in Laos and Thailand. Gets kind of confusing I guess, with all of the different news reports over the years.

  12. Any bus or one of the vans that run between provinces would not go directly to the bridge. They would go to the bus station in Nong Khai.

    The cost probably be less than 100 baht for them.

    I see the vans at the bridge all the time, they are parked near the 7/11 where there is a sidewalk sign telling their rates and times. I asked one of the drivers and he said they run at thirty minute intervals. They look like the same vans that stop by the bus stop in front of the NongKhai Tesco to me, and that I also see at the Bus Station...same big letters on the side that say "Udon/NongKhai". They are 50 baht.

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