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  1. We all do sooner or later. Life is like that.
  2. It's not so lethal to most, and not easy to contract. The figure commonly quoted of up to 10% mortality is misleading as most cases in Africa do not come to light, and there is widespread squalor and malnutrition. In a relatively prosperous country like Thailand spread would likely be very limited.
  3. Maybe, it will just amount to a declaration on your yearly visa application. Just tick 'no' and the matter is over. Not worth the worry. In any case we're talking about a few thousand baht in the worst case scenario- or perhaps there are a lot of millionaires on this forum.
  4. Tea seems to be a very healthy drink (as is coffee). Perhaps not bubble tea/coffee though.
  5. Nothing is harmless I suppose if we take it to micro mort levels. Do you know how toxic cooking is for instance, or sitting on new furniture, or many foods for that matter, even the air you breathe? Vaping is about that level. I do agree that it doesn't need to happen in shared areas, because many people like yourself find it disagreeable/ disgusting. I do a fair bit of research about health matters. My only concern is about being hooked on something- generally never a good idea, unless it's sport. I work out, exercise every day, and am remarkably fit for my age. If I had significant concerns about vaping I wouldn't do it. I gave up booze because I realized it was so unhealthy.
  6. Mate! You could start a fight in an empty room. To repeat, I said second hand vape is harmless, and that vaping is relatively harmless (compared to smoking). Sorry, to hear about your health, by the way.
  7. Well, I have to go by reputable science. If the NHS, BHF, MHRA, etc, all state the same thing, and my own personal experience seems to point that way too, then it would be a bit silly to believe otherwise, wouldn't it? I certainly don't think it's healthy, no addiction can be really. There are and will be consequences imo. But I'm convinced there's a difference between cigarettes and e-cigarettes. Crucially I don't think vapes cause cancer anywhere near on the scale of cigarettes, mostly because they don't produce tar. Most anti vapers conflate smoking with vaping,,, and that's that I suppose. In all honesty, I don't think I'm advocating vaping (let alone smoking) to any young people or non smokers. But it is a boon for smokers who can't quit as it is proven very much safer- put it this way the alternative is guaranteed bad health sooner or later.
  8. I don't like using links in the way you do. I really don't want to get in to this sort of argument anyway. Certainly in the UK, the NHS and MHRSA, as well as Cancer UK, endorse vaping as being much safer than conventional cigarettes. Both short term and medium term safety have been achieved, and it is not considered that long term will be any different. So I really don't need to cross words about other evidence, which is often less than good, and full of false assumptions, prejudice, and down right false hoods. On a personal note, do you honestly understand what nicotine vaping is? Have you ever smoked? Have you ever vaped? Frankly, I would rather believe mainstream websites and prestigious institutes. Perhaps we just come from different countries with different beliefs about vaping. Let's leave it at that, yeah!
  9. https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/quit-smoking/vaping-to-quit-smoking/vaping-myths-and-the-facts/ I prefer mainstream!
  10. research by University College London (UCL), published in JAMA Network Open Nicotine (which in any case is not particularly harmful in small amounts) was 1/7th that of cigarettes, while other potential toxicants were regarded as very low risk or negligible. Note: these are real life studies (on small bodies at that) rather than junk science.
  11. Or caffeine for that matter! Not to mention alcohol of course.
  12. Second hand vape is not harmful- proven fact now. And for that matter, first hand vape is relatively harmless too.
  13. Actually, it started a long time before that with under-investment in key infrastucture, training, etc, which worsened under the previous government. That is the main reason. Add to that placing the financial burden of Covid 19 on the individual and failure to stimulate the economy, and that mostly explains the situation today. Thailand is a less attractive place to produce goods, export them, or indeed sell within Thailand. We must place all this within the context of a global downturn of course.
  14. Well think of it as a huge ship: if you switch off the engines it actually won't slow down for a while. Only some time later does it reach standstill.
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