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Posts posted by lamphun

  1. P.S. lamphun, just put the penultimate post down to free speech.

    Torito means well - view his other posts.

    We're not all native English speakers on this board and for some folks it may come across a little too direct.

    He's not too keen on other's free speech though. Also his english is good enough for insulting others.

    Garp made a reasnable comment on moderation. Forum rules not withstanding. Personal attacks as above derail any possibility of light discussion.

  2. You are a gentleman qwertz, and I am not a caballero...

    This Garp appears to be the kind of genious that know it all, and expects that averyone accept his insulting comments. He probably beleives that life began when he arrived to this world......lucky him that there are not mods against as**holes in this forum, otherwise he would be out already.... :o

    If anyone is interested the above is a classic example of a "Troll" post. Calculated to cause offense. Mods might want to check this poster out.

  3. According to Chiang Mai Immigration it's a fixed time period as suggested above. I now have a stamp in my passport which says something like "10th of May 2007 start of second six months". I wasn't in Thailand on the 10th of May.

    Crazy application of the rules. Perhaps they'll be relaxed in a coiple of years but this is Thailand, they won't be changed.

  4. IMHO, you have two viable options, leave or pay her off. Chances are that she has never had much money and to have a hundred thousand baht in her hand would be far more than she has ever seen at one time. Many will suggest that you see a lawyer to fight her. That will be expensive if she refuses to leave and you may or may not win. In any case it's going to be expensive with no guaranteed resolution. A pay off will most likely end up being the best, cheapest and most amicable way. Make sure she signs off whatever rights she may or may not have. After she is gone, change the locks.

    A pay off isn't any good if she comes back asking for more after she's blown the cash. A lawyer at least would get you some form of final settlement.

  5. If you have nothing to fear then why be concerned?

    This is just about the most naive statement I have heard in a long time. You're talking about Thailand? Are you wearing a blindfold?

    No I don`t wear blindfolds. Yes I am talking about Thailand and good luck to the Authorities in their endeavour to catch the criminal element.

    People who are legal have nothing to fear.

    1000/ % agree with you ! thai decide for themselfe and it's time to clean this city ....

    Got to agree with Phil Connors, that statement is very naive.

  6. There is another issue here. Generally the Thai immigration police at Mai Sai on the burmese border have stopped people with incorrect documentation or insufficient funds from leaving through that post and given them a few days to get out via some other safe route or have warned them that they'll let it pass once but not again. The reason for this I presume, is that they don't want the bad publicity of tourists being stranded in burma on a one day pass. Going into Laos (Nong Khai) or Cambodia you don't get this courtesy and therefore can always get a surprise on the way back. However the Laotian border from Chiang Khong is in the middle of nowhere and because of this it would be better if Thai immigration barred people from leaving rather than from re-entry.

  7. There are a lot of marginal people here, who are being squeezed by the enforcement of immigration laws that were always on the books, who are going to have to rethink their continued residence in Thailand.

    The majority of wasters, that I've encountered here over the years, never used to do visa runs. They just came on a tourist or non "O" then overstayed for years because they were too wasted to nip over the border. The Chiangmai ripper being a classic example.

  8. It's a bit difficult to comment on this without knowing the background. The newspaper article doesn't give his visa status or how long he'd been in the country. He appears to have gone to Laos without any money. A requirement for re-entry is 10,000baht in your pocket.

    It would be nice to know the full circumstances.

  9. We currently have five dogs, down from nine a year or so ago. All are rescue dogs. The latest two to join us are Fila Braziliero, the Brazilian Mastiff, purchased by the previous owner for something like 150,000 for the pair as puppies. They got too big and the owners couldn't cope. They were going to shoot them until I stepped in and gave them a home.

    We had a Husky, now rehoused, as were two Rottweillers. I only take large to Giant breeds, but could give homes to one or two more, (only large,) dogs in an emergency.

    (I do not take small "rescue" dogs because the giant breeds are invariably difficult to look after and not many people can cope. It is best to specialise.)

    Perhaps if you take on a supply of "small" dogs it might help with the onorous food bills for your Giant breeds. :o

    Point of note, thai vets are not very enthusiastic about putting dogs to sleep.

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