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Posts posted by lamphun

  1. Good news for "Dog Lovers" from The Bangkok Post


    Police catch man off to sell dog meat


    Chiang Rai _ The trade in dog meat appears to be thriving in Chiang Rai during the Songkran festival period.

    Muang district police yesterday caught a man driving a pickup truck loaded with dogs and charged him with illegal trading of animals.

    The police were alerted to the man's activities by the continuous whines of dogs in the back of the truck.

    When the police asked the driver Chai Kaisi, 49, whether he had a permit to transport animals, he said he was carrying 13 dogs to a buyer in the province's Thoeng district who had offered 24 baht for a kilogramme of dog meat.

    He told the police that the dog meat order had been placed for the traditional Thai New Year break.

    Man's best friend is increasingly ending up on the dinner table because consumers believe eating it will keep them warm and sexually active. Many stray dogs are captured and slaughtered by traders.

    In Thailand, the dog meat trade is in a legal grey area. While the slaughter of dogs is not banned _ in fact, operators need not seek a licence to do so because dogs are not covered under the Control on Animal Slaughtering and Meat Distribution Act _ they may run foul of legislation forbidding cruelty to animals. But in practice this is difficult to enforce.

    Dog Trader Arrested

  2. This is another disgusting affair of internet shit stirrers trying to destroy the life of somebody just because the internet has given them the possibility to.

    I agree but I'm more concerned as to how someone so obviously stupid could reach such a high position in the British diplomatic service. "Head of the Political Section". This seems to indicate that the old school boys are still running the organisation.

  3. Devalue the girl further? She's a prostitute, she has no value.

    Amazing how much a few sentences can tell so much about the op. I think if we are judging value, you should start with a mirror, I certainly see nought. :o

    I'm with brit! :D

    You're both looking in a mirror..how strange.

    What's this thread about ?

  4. astral:

    as i had mentioned earlier, for a frequent traveler to thailand and someone traveling within asia, this is a nightmare.

    it forces one into 30 day trip to thailand (not 35 or 45 or 60)

    it will disadvantage all land travel throughout the region

    it forces one into expensive tickets procured not from point a or b but country c

    it may force some to purchase tickets they do not need nor will not use

    it takes ticket sales out of thai hands completely

    if this is how thailand encouraages tourism - they are surely mad.

    Excellent post.

    As for those who claim the present confusion will sort out the trash from the worthy, my experience is that most of the trash seem to be here on long term visas.

  5. Satgeow Province Restaurants New Menu.

    Bulldog burgers 95b

    Deep fried Doberman 120b per kilo

    Sizzling Shiztu 185b (whole)

    Golden retriever nuggets 125b (for 10)

    Labradoor lasagne 195b

    Bang Kaew bangers + mash 150b

    Rottweiler ribs 320b (choice of sauces)

    Bullmastiff stew 175b

    Pit bull pasta bake 250b

    Soi Dog sirloin 130b (400 g's)

    Ridgeback rattatui 195b

    All of the above served with chips, mash or roast potatoes and veg of your choice.

    All prices + 7% tax and 10% robbing bastard service charge.

    Enjoy your mutt.

    I suspect your prices are way too high. More likely BBQ street mongrel, 5 baht a stick.

    Solving the protein deficiency in Sa'gaeow and the Pattaya stray dog problem in one efficient swoop. Will this be extended to other resorts with similar problems, Hua Hin for instance.

  6. Let us know how you get on.

    This interpretation of the rules is 180 degrees opposite of the reasoning for enforcing these rules in the first place. This was to prevent long term stayers doing continuous borders runs on Visa Free Entry.

    The only victims of this odd interpretation would be genuine tourists. Border runners will have all they're days worked out, get the full 90 days then go for a tourist visa.

    Tourists stand the chance of being turned away even if they've only spent 1 or 2 days in the last six months in the country.

  7. I guess I had the temerity to suggest that she can't sing. Oh dear.... :o

    As you don't know me, I find your claims to have superior musical tastes to be somewhat ridiculous. Don't bust a gut when people have a different point of view.

  8. Odd kind of a question to be asking. How does she perform concerts when she can't carry a tune. Her mother on the other hand is a very good singer.

    No wonder I preferred Lampang to Lamphun....

    Nothing odd about it at all... :D

    Well you're no music lover either :o

  9. It seems like the electricity bill has been taken care of - at least it has been removed from its box ... Well, all jokings and irrelevant side effected issues - such as where to get decent pizza ovens and Marmite - aside ... The whole True Blue Story (assumed TV-posts have any resemblance with reality) most of all looks like a farlang adventurer's worst nightmare come true (blue). Below is what I see as a possible real-life realistic reply to the title of this thread: "True Blue, What REALLY happened?"

    First off all: I REALLY don't know what happened - To me True Blue never was anything but a pest that spammed me with their eye level canopy whenever I walked by - I've never even been inside (due to the personal pest their canopy constituted).

    However, here's my guess on what might have happened: Some farlang guy, married to a Thai, bought himself the business called True Blue. He got himself a yearly extendable visa of the married-to-a-Thai kind (who knows, - he might even have bothered to get a work permit). The business was doing reasonably well - at least well enough to call for a refurnishing and well enough to hire a Thai manager.

    Everything was perfectly lined up for a perfect, lifelong, dreamfullfilling life in Thailand .... All basic requirements puth forth by immigration office (and maybe even labour dep.) were perfectly arranged to be met ... Then the wife was killed in a car accident --- and the farlang's perfectly set'ed up lifesituation was reduced to zip ... And he himself - devastated by his loss of loved one - was an easy victim of predators ...

    Think you must have banged your head a bit hard on that canopy mate. How long have you been in Chiang Mai ? Two weeks ?

  10. I find it fascinating too, that the free flowing underpass is carrying ring road traffic to and from the canal road, probably less than 5% of the volume of the Hang Dong road traffic, which has to suffer long traffic light delays and consequent long queues.

    You forget that this is an essential underpass to permit the major flow of traffic to the night safari. :o

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