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Posts posted by lamphun

  1. Releasing them back into their territories !!!

    We are talking about the streets here not the African savannah. While I understand the good intentions behind this I do at the same time have missgivings about your idea of dropping off wild dogs near peoples houses, neutered or not. Wouldn't it be more humane and socially responsible to put them down ?

    :D Ya, and kill all the lawyers, too.

    You been on the pop JG ? :o

  2. Releasing them back into their territories !!!

    We are talking about the streets here not the African savannah. While I understand the good intentions behind this I do at the same time have missgivings about your idea of dropping off wild dogs near peoples houses, neutered or not. Wouldn't it be more humane and socially responsible to put them down ?

  3. I'd better rush off an pay my UBC bill.

    Did anybody see the three girls who were dancing at Thapae Gate on Saturday ? Just next to the foam machine. They definately should have been arrested. No photograph available sorry as my glasses steamed up.

  4. I'm going to have to disagree with you there. Basically what you're saying is you don't want to handle the problem (in this case soi dogs). Somebody always has to pick up the garbage to keep the world nice for you.

    As for killing things that disrupt our personal harmoney you'll be upset to learn that I had the termite exterminators spray my house last month. :o

  5. Ya! Let's exterminate the soi dogs and cats together with the smelly farang slobs. Make designer soap, lamp shade covers and peasant stews all in one go.

    A reference to your recipe for Borscht no doubt. I'm rather surprised by the people on here that seem to be recommending eating dog. :o

  6. The posts that I would personally prefer to see buried are the vitriolic rants and "how to do away with them as unpleasantly as possible" posts. As with virtually every thread on soi dogs on TV, that is what the majority seem to be.

    Like the kind, compassionate view of Mr Gently, above ^^ :o

    If you don't want to see or hear opinions that don't match your own .....



  7. Well I kind of agree, my introduction to Bangkok a long time back included hearing about an englishman who'd died of rabies.

    As for the culinary aspect I don't understand how anyone could eat one of their own dogs and I certainly would never knowingly eat a soi dog just because of the likelyhood of food poisoning or worse.

  8. Good news for "Dog Lovers" from The Bangkok Post


    Police catch man off to sell dog meat


    Chiang Rai _ The trade in dog meat appears to be thriving in Chiang Rai during the Songkran festival period.

    Muang district police yesterday caught a man driving a pickup truck loaded with dogs and charged him with illegal trading of animals.

    The police were alerted to the man's activities by the continuous whines of dogs in the back of the truck.

    When the police asked the driver Chai Kaisi, 49, whether he had a permit to transport animals, he said he was carrying 13 dogs to a buyer in the province's Thoeng district who had offered 24 baht for a kilogramme of dog meat.

    He told the police that the dog meat order had been placed for the traditional Thai New Year break.

    Man's best friend is increasingly ending up on the dinner table because consumers believe eating it will keep them warm and sexually active. Many stray dogs are captured and slaughtered by traders.

    In Thailand, the dog meat trade is in a legal grey area. While the slaughter of dogs is not banned _ in fact, operators need not seek a licence to do so because dogs are not covered under the Control on Animal Slaughtering and Meat Distribution Act _ they may run foul of legislation forbidding cruelty to animals. But in practice this is difficult to enforce.

    Dog Trader Arrested

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