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Everything posted by OJAS

  1. It has always been a mystery to me as to why people on here get into a huff about what they perceive as being totally ignored by Immigration. If their annual marriage extensions are at the end of the day successfully granted without the need for any verbal input on their part, then what really is the problem? You were, I think, extremely lucky in being able to deal with a member of that endangered species called "a Thai immigration officer with more than a passing grasp of the English language"!
  2. What is the telephone number referred to in the DM article? According to the GOV.UK website, the International Pension Centre's contact number is +44 (0) 191 218 7777: https://www.gov.uk/international-pension-centre I attempted to claim a temporary increase by snail mail last year, but ended up having to call the International Pension Centre anyway before their timeframe for lodging this claim expired.
  3. His teacher's pension is covered by the UK/Thailand Double Taxation Agreement. That leaves the State Pension which isn't - but, if the Thai Revenue Dept were seriously to think that taxation of our perpetually frozen State Pension payments would make a significant contribution towards easing Thailand's national debt, they really are living in cloud cuckoo land, I think!
  4. The recent change in your annual extension of stay reason from marriage to retirement does not have any bearing on the paperwork needed for your next 90-day report in person - i.e. notification slip stating the next reporting due date and completed TM47 form in addition to your passport, as presumably hitherto.
  5. Only one thing in your case as I see it - HMRC's Statutory Residence Test: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/rdr3-statutory-residence-test-srt/guidance-note-for-statutory-residence-test-srt-rdr3 But as already said that won't in itself affect your entitlement to the personal allowance.
  6. IMHO Harry should be made to stand in some remote corner with his head bowed in shame, instead of given a seat in the 10th row.
  7. A question which could, I think, be equally posed for most major cities on this great planet of ours (if we are talking about public service, as distinct fron tourist, vehicles) - save for Singapore and KL as you have stated + Hong Kong and, of course, London.
  8. It's certainly true that a snail mail report needs to be received by no later than 15 days before the due date in the case of Chaengwattana. But a snail report I sent to my local office (Rayong - which I gather is also now yours!) a couple of years ago was duly processed despite it not being received there until 11 days before the due date. I have always been under the impression that acceptable time frame for the receipt of snail reports at local offices is 7-15 days before the due date. But requirements can (and do), of course, vary between individual offices in practice!
  9. The speed at which I frequently witness minivans thundering their way along Highway 3 near to where I live in Rayong Province indicates to me that a one-way trip between Pattaya and the Cambodian border taking only 3 hours is perfectly feasible!
  10. And had the comments been negative you can bet your bottom dollar that the craft brewer wouldn't have taken them lying down, with the result that the individual could have found himself serving extra time in the Bangkok Hilton for the criminal offence in LOS of defamation!
  11. For Joe Biden read Rishi Sunak in the UK's case. British diplomats evacuated (presumably with the principal aim of not disrupting their training routines for the FCDO Thumb-Twiddling Competition too much), while 4,400 non-diplomatic Brits have basically been hung out to dry. Looks to me like a rerun of the Kabul fiasco.
  12. ..which they will studiously ignore if my unsuccessful attempt to use the snail mail method for seeking a temporary uplift in my frozen pension during a trip to the UK last year is anything to go by.
  13. Is the SF30 a special Hua Hin version of the TM30?
  14. And no doubt so as to encourage the maximum amount of wisdom on polling day the sale of alcohol nationwide will be prohibited for all and sundry (including non-participating foreigners, of course) from 6pm the day before, as has been the case for previous elections. After all, we can't run the risk of having individual voters commit VUI, can we? Whereas having prospective candidates terrorise their local neighbourhoods with over-amplified campaign caterwauling emanating from multi-megawatt sound systems mounted on slow-moving cruising pickups (as has, unfortunately, already started to happen in my neck of the woods) is, on the other hand, cheerfully and gleefully tolerated - nay encouraged - by the alcohol prohibitionists.
  15. As did not quite a few people in the UK, it would appear! https://www.theguardian.com/society/live/2023/apr/23/emergency-alert-test-uk-phone-alarms-sound-live-updates
  16. Well, her weak-willed whimp of a hubby is most certainly not standing side by side with her on the issue of attending the Coronation at least. There may well be adverse consequences for him at her hands on account of this wilful act of defiance on his part!
  17. https://www.gov.uk/alerts In case those of us with live giffgaff or other roaming UK SIM cards need to brace ourselves for loud siren-like sounds coming from our mobiles at 9pm next Sunday.
  18. No Bangkok Bank branch can provide 12-month statements on the spot. They all require a week or so to obtain these from HQ. Sufficiently clear for your purposes, is it?
  19. You certainly have a unique way of expressing your gratitude to those who are simply doing their best to provide assistance to you, don't you?
  20. So 90 days after you had submitted your latest online report rather than 90 days after Rayong had seen fit to approve it, then. A poor show IMHO.
  21. In stark contrast to the rundown eyesore of an office building which we Brits are these days forced to visit not once but twice at passport renewal time.
  22. Out of curiosity what is the due date for your next 90-day report?
  23. If I were you I would seriously consider doing this sooner rather than later. I applied to renew my passport last October even though it was not due to expire until next September - and am now mighty glad that I did so since the well-publicised delays in issuing replacement passports of recent times are now being further compounded by industrial action currently being taken by HMPO staff in the UK.
  24. You can definitely file a return online from Thailand using the standard package without the need for a VPN, as I did myself yesterday! However as @topt has intimated it will not be possible to avoid forking out for the services of a commercial software supplier if you consider it necessary to include the SA109 supplementary pages in your online return, whether or not filed using a VPN.
  25. And the relevant link in case anyone is interested is: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1148675/SA100_tax_return_English_2023.pdf
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