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Everything posted by OJAS

  1. The OP appears to be suggesting that the 65k monthly income method for retirement extensions is no longer deemed acceptable by Jomtien. But @doctormann's recent experience contradicts this assertion!
  2. Unfortunately your UK bank might prove insistent on your providing them with some sort of local TIN, though. One way in which you might be able to fob them off, however, without having to make a special trip to your local RD office (which, in turn, could set alarm bells ringing at their end, as you say) would simply be to provide your UK bank with the 13-digit "ID card number" on your latest COVID vaccination certificate (60xxxxxxxxxxx in my case). I distinctly recall it being stated somewhere on here some time ago that the TIN for a Thai national is the same as their ID card number.
  3. It would appear from this thread that the TM6 form is still required for border bounces. So presumably prospective border bouncers who last entered Thailand by air since the TM6 requirement was scrapped for incoming air travellers a year ago will need to provide freshly-completed TM6 forms both before exiting Thailand and again upon re-entry?
  4. Did you have to include a hand-drawn map showing the way from the immigration office to your humble abode with your latest retirement extension application?
  5. Well you and your acolytes on here certainly appear to hold Thai people in sneeringly patronising contempt with a "Me Mr High & Mighty Ultra-Perfect Westerner" attitude, don't you? Maybe you all need to give serious consideration to relocating from Thailand if you really do despise the locals so much - perhaps after penning scathing reviews of various Thai establishments as your respective swansongs?
  6. Many of whom are, I strongly suspect, fully paid up members of the Thai bashing brigade on here.
  7. Maybe you were trying to call them when they were closed??
  8. With regard to your other thread on the Visas forum, why not tell him that you'll only give him a payslip if he'll give you a completed TM30?????
  9. Yes, it is clear to me from this thread that you and other expats based in Bangkok are having to run the risk of dealing with a potentially rogue office on TM30-related issues - albeit that this roguery appears to come and go in fits and starts (rather like sunspot cycles, I suppose).
  10. Either that, or the plain fact could be that, when it comes to issues relating to the TM30 form, Chaengwattana are a ROGUE OFFICE PAR EXCELLENCE.
  11. Trouble with cash is that you more often than not need that particular scourge of the banking world worldwide (and not just in Thailand) known as the ATM machine to lay your hands on any of the stuff!
  12. Whereas banks back in your home country are, on the other hand, models of 1,000,000% perfection, right?
  13. I strongly suspect that the face-saving tactics which most of us have experienced in Thailand would probably pale into insignificance when compared to the outrageous and blinkered "in-denial" approach adopted by PO hierarchy for ages in that particular instance until the truth finally came out of the woodwork.
  14. Yep, I bet that there are zilllions of Bangkok Bank customers just itching to scan QR codes with the app between these times!
  15. Probably not a good idea to hold 3 accounts with 1 bank IMHO in view of the DPA scheme 1m limit to which I have just referred.
  16. I wholeheartedly endorse the view that it is best to open a second account with no internet access or card linked to it in order to house the 800,000 THB minimum balance needed for retirement extension purposes. In your case, though, I would strongly advise you against opening a second account with Bangkok Bank since the Deposit Protection Agency's guarantee scheme limit of 1,000,000 THB covers ALL accounts which you might hold with that particular bank.
  17. To view the official requirements for Australian OA visa applications as set out on the website of the Royal Thai Embassy in Canberra, do the following:- (1) Click on https://canberra.thaiembassy.org/visa-categories (2) Scroll down and click on RETIREMENT VISA CATEGORIES (3) Select second option (Retirement Visa valid for 1 year) These indicate that there have not, in fact, been any recent changes to the financial requirements - contrary to what Integrity Legal may be alleging in the context of that wondrous (and purely fictitious-sounding) organisation called "The Thai Australian Consulate"!
  18. Whereas a Thai who, in your eyes, has the nerve to work illegally in your home country should, of course, have the book thrown at them without mercy or fear, right?
  19. So does this mean that I need a work permit to give food and water to our rabbit and hose down her litter tray, as I do each day?
  20. And probably way more accurate to boot!
  21. Hats off to the OP's home country for letting him have a new passport within 60 days!???? Would never have happened had he been a Brit☹️
  22. As I recall, CW were certainly gleefully fining people left, right and centre (including, I believe, @lopburi3) for the non-submission of completed TM30's when they abruptly inflicted this requirement on their punters with zero advance notice a few years ago, after ages of not bothering about it. So they definitely have a rogue track record IMHO when it comes to the TM30 form.
  23. Would that still be possible if you were being pushed in a wheelchair which you had booked at the airport (as opposed to walking), though? How amenable would the BKK wheelchair pushers be to doing this?
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