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Posts posted by AnnyLing

  1. Now waiting for Naams rebuttal.

    Let us all hope it includes an explanation as to how his bilingu....trilingua....multilingual gardener affects the price on BMW in Thailand, rather than a listing of his wifes academic qualifications and automobile ownership (considering he is passing out certificates for having no clue to those who actually provide some real information).

    I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it though.

    Is there a valid reason why the language skills of Naams gardener of his wifes academic qualifications are bothering you ?

  2. Thanks for the enlightenment forethat. Do I get it right that you hate Naam because he drives a twelve piston BMW which consumes a lot of fuel and you drive an SUV ? Or is it that you dont like his dogs ? Personally I find them rather cute.

    Ok ok ok, let me guess....you're naturally blonde?

    I am. But I dye my pubic hair purple. Hubby likes it like that. Now waiting for Naams rebuttal. Bangkok is boring on a sunny weekend.

  3. Thanks for the enlightenment forethat. Do I get it right that you hate Naam because he drives a twelve piston BMW which consumes a lot of fuel and you drive an SUV ? Or is it that you dont like his dogs ? Personally I find them rather cute.

  4. I get this from the ANZ bank in NZ and a finance company I use Marac which has a web site, the NZ Govt guarantees this company so it is safe and pays up to and sometimes over 8% on term deposits.


    MARAC has a junk rating of BB+ and the NZ government does not guarantee any investment held with MARAC!

    MARAC credit rating upgraded by Standard & Poor

    Thursday, 12 August 2010, 10:51 am

    Press Release: MARAC Finance

    MARAC credit rating outlook upgraded by Standard & Poor’s

    Pyne Gould Corporation Limited (PGC) is pleased to announce that its subsidiary MARAC Finance Limited (MARAC) has had its credit rating affirmed by international rating agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) as BB+, and its outlook improved to “stable” from “negative”.


  5. Secondly, anyone who had transferred their funds from overseas accounts, into THB around two years ago would be looking at a handsome profit today


    Thirdly, anyone who bought Thai Baht against most foreign currencies and kept those Baht offshore would be looking at the same profit. The big difference is that he can switch these Thai Baht into any other currency in less time than it takes buying a bowl of noodle soup from a street vendor if he so pleases. Try that in Thailand and weep !

  6. To Chiang Mai,

    there is no doubt that most forex brought to Thailand during the last few years yielded a handsome profit. However, moving funds out of Thailand degrades a Farang to the status of a beggar who is at the mercy of banks, stupid regulations and restrictions.

    It is therefore a prudent move not to bring in any funds if the need might arise to move the funds out again.

    By the way, I wouldnt trust any *high quality investment companies in Thailand* with an amount that exceeds the price of an excellent dinner for two and a good bottle of wine.

  7. 1. Australia does not offer anything.

    2. Relatively high interest rates are offered for AU-Dollar deposits and AU-Dollar bonds.

    3. Investing in AU-Dollar does neither require an Australian Bank Account nor an Australian Bank.

    4. All big banks offer investment possibilities in AU-Dollar worldwide.

    5. All offshore AU-Dollar investments are tax free.

    6. Inspite of big fluctuations AU-Dollar has held up nicely against Thai Baht during the last years.

    7. Australias debt is miniscule compared to the debt of other industrialised countries.

    8. People who have no idea should not give advice.

  8. How does that compute, then, as Exporters in Thailand are screaming that the strong baht is hindering their exporting?

    Well I believe everyone screams life is unfair. But in June Thai exports I believe were up 47% year on year so it doesnt seem they are suffering unduly.

    In reality the baht hasnt been that volatile or appreciated that much. It hasnt moved a lot from its highs 3 or 4 years ago against either the US$ or on a trade weighted basis. The BoT is largely constrained from intervening because of their large short position.

    Exactly four years ago one Dollar bought 37.50 Baht. Today one Dollar buys 31.50. That is not "a lot" ?

  9. Don't you just love the experts who have "in-depth knowledge" but fail to predict a price in case they are wrong.

    I predicted 54, it got to 52, many were saying we would never see 50 again .............

    September is usually the best month of the year for UKP/Baht .... I'm still waiting for 54

    But will wimp out in the middle of September if it doesn't make my prediction.

    Back to 49ish today !

  10. :thumbsup: are we back on track

    have they finished the pissing contest


    QE will start again

    the more you print the less the dollars worth

    when zimbabwa did it they were printing trillion dollar bills and the only thing that saved them was that there was an underground US dollar market - read that there was something of value in their market - US dollars have nothing - nothing of value to give it value - housing employment down taxes up - the only value is m____ - go on say it - metals and yellow ones and silver ones

    china is buying more Japan bonds now than US bonds

    India and China both getting increasing class of people that can buy gold, silver and surprise surprise diamonds

    China encouraging its people to buy gold

    what does this mean?

    ...It means you want the Gold thread?

    Personally have no inclination to address any of the above fallacies. :ph34r:

    Why should you ? Black Jacks avatar speaks volumes.

  11. So please enlighten us.........what are your views regarding the

    Chinese real estate market ? :)

    My viewa do not count but perhaps the facts of this study does.

    You must be joking right ? The source of the data are the Chinese real estate developers themsleves and

    the report has been prepared by a bankster :lol:

    And you talk about " forging the information to suits ones views " ha ha ha :rolleyes:

    And I wonder how much leveraged risk with exposure to the chinese real estate market Standard Chartered Bank holds on their books ? :whistling:

    I did not expect any other answer from you but would like to draw your attention to the fact that i provided a link and did not forge any contents as Ronz did. Besides, I could not care less whether your assumption *Standard Bank leveraged risk* is correct or not. What matters to me is that you, and a bunch of others, have been dead wrong spreading your paranoid ideas and forecasts during the last two years.

  12. Last year the owner of the villa I am in came over for a visit. He has an account with this bank. He went into the branch to set up internet banking so he can transfer money for repairs and upkeep. Whilst doing this the manager asked to see him. Thinking he wanted to try and sell him something he went to his office. The manager then asked if the owner could lend him 10 million baht for a month or two as they were having a small cash flow problem. Only in Thailand would the bank ask you for a loan :unsure:

    What was the name of the Bar where this story was told ? And were there any aliens who ordered strange drinks ?

    Actually I know the people concerned and 10 million would not be a lot to this guy, the house alone is up for sale at about 30 mill and he planned to build more, so not everything is "bar talk"

    You might live in a bar not everyone else does.

    It is a well known fact that yaba causes hallucinations.

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