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Posts posted by AnnyLing

  1. That old saying "When in trouble, when in doubt. Run in circles screem and shout"

    That fits Bingo perfectly, constantly in a panic. He spends all his time looking for problems so he can say I told you so. He keeps insisting that everyone cares about the SET and looses money when it drops. Ignores everyones corrections and comments and keeps looking for problems and saying I told you so, you bunch of losers.

    It seems like a pathetic life you live Bingo. It wouldn't surprise me if you sleep under the bed to be safe. Well keep hunting eventually you will be right about something. Bound to be something bad as that is all you seem to care about. We all sympathise with you for selling your condo at the wrong time (or was that your GF/BF condo?) then moving your money from LOS to the states in time for the sub-prime move. And watch your $ value drop.

    How about predicting something before it happens. Would you go short or long on the SET now? And for how long?

    All of you, including me, are wasting time giving this Bingobongo too much attention. The boorish language he uses when presenting his "facts" should be reason enough to ignore him.

  2. I just saw the Iraqi Oil Minister on CNN. He claimed that increasing production will not lower prices as there is already an oversupply of crude on the market, some of which is going in to national reserves. He also claimed that the high prices are the result of speculation in the futures market; speculation which he said is hurting both consumers and producers.

    I disagree with this 100%. OPEC are producing flat out. They lie about their capacity. They all cheat and produce as much as possible.The Saudi's lie about their level of production.

    They say they are producing 9 million barrels a day. It's probably closer to 5. When they say they are going to increase 200,000 BPD they are lying. They don't have spare capacity.

    1 fire offshore Norway. A pipeline bombed in Nigeria. Any incident like this will cause the price of crude oil futures to spike. Then factor in that 2 madmen control a lot of production. Iran's Achmad...wtfever of Iran & Hugo Chavez of Venezuela.

    *****These 2 <deleted> always lobby OPEC to cut production & stick it to the west.*****

    While sellingg gasoline to their citizens at 25 cents a gallon to maintain their grip on power.

    Does that mean if a businessman tries to sell his product for the best price he is an asshol_e?

  3. I firmly believe that the present high price of oil is the result of OPEC and major oil companies withholding oil from the market, all the excuses we here are simply to distract us from this fact.

    I believe the earth is flat. Anybody trying to tell me that this is not the case simply wants to distract me from this fact.

  4. Does anyone know or be kind enough to inform us what name Citibank goes under in Thailand and what their current exchange rate U.S. Dollars to Baht.



  5. Who are more clever, the Irish or Pollocks? :o

    I find it interesting that when I posted mild Jewish humor on another thread, provided by a Jewish friend of mine, my post was immediately removed - but "Irish" and "Pollock" humor/bigotry seems to be acceptable on ThaiVisa..

    How about if that particular 'Pollock' or Mick happens to be a Jew?

    Am I off to the bin again?

    If you use capital letters and correct interpunction racial or ethnic slurs seem to be allowed.

  6. When we lived in Georgia, close to the Floridian border, my former husband used to watch UFOs galore. They always flew across our roof after he finished his eleventh bottle of beer.

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