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Posts posted by AnnyLing

  1. AnnyLing if you are referring to ronz28, in what way do you think he has he " lost a case " ?

    Like many others on this thread he simply posted information from another source

    for readers to consider ?

    He did not just post information from another source but twisted and even forged the information thus giving it a complete different meaning which suits his and probably your views. When i take my car to the workshop and the mechanic tests the engine for any problems i do not call my husband and report with excitement *engine failure expected!*

    So please enlighten us.........what are your views regarding the

    Chinese real estate market ? :)

    My viewa do not count but perhaps the facts of this study does.


  2. AnnyLing if you are referring to ronz28, in what way do you think he has he " lost a case " ?

    Like many others on this thread he simply posted information from another source

    for readers to consider ?

    He did not just post information from another source but twisted and even forged the information thus giving it a complete different meaning which suits his and probably your views. When i take my car to the workshop and the mechanic tests the engine for any problems i do not call my husband and report with excitement *engine failure expected!*

  3. Why would a Farang who intends to control a Thai company use a Thai Director ?

    Because companies formed with a farang director attract more scrutiny from the relevant Thai authorities than when forming a company without a farang director (eg. source of capital).

    Besides, any director can be replaced at any time by a vote of the majority Thai shareholders so being a director, even a sole director, doesn't provide an effective means of control.

    Voting does not help much if a director has cleaned out the bank accounts and is on the run. Only a few days ago somebody complained in this forum that a co-director disappeared with the company seal and the checkbook.

  4. So along you come and deposit say 1,000,000 Baht. This money is then, contrary to popular opinion, no longer "yours", but it belongs to the bank. You are merely just another creditor. The bank pays you say 1% for the use of your money. So you receive 10,000 Baht after twelve months. However the banking system (gets a bit complicated, but the end result is the same) is then able to lend out 10,000,000 Baht at say 6%, making 600,000 Baht each year.

    And the ridiculos myth goes on.

  5. And I also wonder where does Thailand stand on nuclear proliferation concerns about Israel

    which the 35-nation IAEA board can also refer to the U.N. Security Council —

    ( as it did with Iran in 2006 after Tehran resumed uranium enrichment, a potential pathway to nuclear weapons.)

    Lets see if there is fairness on this issue ? :whistling:


    Think twice ! There is no reason why Iran could enjoy the same privileges as does Israel. Or did i miss something and the Iranians are now the chosen people ?

  6. but at the same time with physical gold in short supply could the price of physical gold and therefore gold miners shoot up ?

    Physical gold is surely in short supply. That is why the price shot up from 1,265 to presently 1,177 Dollars an ounce. One should also take into consideration that the Dollar weakened against virtually every currency. We goldbugs are therefore getting ritchier with every day that passes. My husband says i am wrong. Could he be right ?

    What I meant better explained here

    Monday, August 2, 2010

    Relativity: What is Physical Gold REALLY Worth?


    I googled for a definition of "really worth" as well as "real worth". No result.

  7. Physical gold is surely in short supply. That is why the price shot up from 1,265 to presently 1,177 Dollars an ounce. One should also take into consideration that the Dollar weakened against virtually every currency. We goldbugs are therefore getting ritchier with every day that passes. My husband says i am wrong. Could he be right ?


    If your hands are that weak then you are surely in the wrong place & so I agree with your husband ;)

    Please explain why you think my hands are weak.

  8. but at the same time with physical gold in short supply could the price of physical gold and therefore gold miners shoot up ?

    Physical gold is surely in short supply. That is why the price shot up from 1,265 to presently 1,177 Dollars an ounce. One should also take into consideration that the Dollar weakened against virtually every currency. We goldbugs are therefore getting ritchier with every day that passes. My husband says i am wrong. Could he be right ?

  9. Either that, or Thailand can no longer afford to prop up the Baht.

    On the contrary, there is no "propping" up of the THB, for over a year the BoT has been subduing the THB by buying forex reserves. And according to this


    there is going to be even more upward pressure on the THB. The BoT also raised the interest rates this month, which will also tend to push up the THB.

    Why spoil a nice dream with ugly facts ?

  10. Last year the owner of the villa I am in came over for a visit. He has an account with this bank. He went into the branch to set up internet banking so he can transfer money for repairs and upkeep. Whilst doing this the manager asked to see him. Thinking he wanted to try and sell him something he went to his office. The manager then asked if the owner could lend him 10 million baht for a month or two as they were having a small cash flow problem. Only in Thailand would the bank ask you for a loan :unsure:

    What was the name of the Bar where this story was told ? And were there any aliens who ordered strange drinks ?

    • Like 1
  11. The best way for buying and selling gold in Thailand is using  gbullion.com.

    And why exactly is this the best way? Have you ever taken physical delivery in Thailand from them?

    who would transfer his dough to an unkown private company in Dubai? :huh: but then... one is born every minute  :lol:

    But big famouse bank in Dbai hold this gold and co-operate with this unknown company

    Sure ! Big famouse bank him too big and famouse to reveal name his. And unknown company who cooperate with big famouse bank to proud to name big famouse bank.

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