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Posts posted by AnnyLing

  1. This happens even in the states at some places.

    Every time I decide to eat at one of them fast food style places they hand me a cup at the size of a bucket and I can fill it up as many times as I want to. I can drink a couple of gallons of coke if I want to.

    I reckon it would be cheaper in Thailand if I employed a bilingual gardener, but they dont come around to often...

    To answer the OP question, yes I think you went a bit to far. Not that I dont agree or understand your frustration, but your face was certainly not anywhere to be found.

    My $0.02

    Your problem is that you cant afford a bilingual gardener.

  2. I built a house last year. It cost me £60,000 whereas if I built it 6 months before it would have cost £42,000

    What can you do? Life goes on... I dithered....som nam na...

    I'm still happy. Spend more time at home. I found gardening....

    On the flip side, you can't buy a parking space for £60,000 in London.. and it's cold...and beer is nearly £4 a pint.. and ....and ...and...

    You're absolutely right, that's much cheaper in Thailand. Not to mention the risk and cost of having your car towed. The taxi to Park Lane alone is 500 Baht. I like the part where you're pointing out that it is cold, thank you for that!

    And, in case you didn't notice, I didn't give you any <deleted> about the linguistic capabilities of my janitor, any x-girlfriends academic capabilities. And I definitely didn't pester you with any irrelevant details about possible university degrees (something I will refuse to do since pulling of a stunt like that would make me look like a complete wanke_r).

    Do you claim you are not a wanke_r because your Esarn girlfriend is uneducated ?

  3. can't make up my mind whether to laugh or to cry :o

    Me neither but i have the same problem everytime i see where u live naam! (maybe u should change it then people might take you serious :D )

    whether my dog shits once or twice a day is of much more importance and interest to me than people taking me serious or not. and i don't understand your cryptic suggestion that i should change where i live.

    do you think there's something wrong with my house? if yes, what should i change to be taken serious? perhaps colour of roof tiles? :D

    I wasnt talking about the house you bought your wife. I'm talking about the area you bought your wifes house in! Pattaya?? we all know they ended up there! Im sorry but i cant take farang serious who end up in pattaya. I guess your the only financial expert married to a ex......ahh forget it. lol


  4. In a french publication he should better publish " le carrefour sont des voleurs " it would get more attration in france.

    And although he is a guest in that country he don't have to take it to get ripped off.

    Thanks for that. Correct terminology from a real expert.

    A real expert would not use singular and plural referring to the same subject :o

  5. Not true. You also apply for a TT &T or CS Loxinfo with a TOT line ....

    I am pretty sure that you cannot use TT&T's internet services on a TOT phone line. You need to install their phone line.

    Yes you can.

    I pay TT&T for the internet package and TOT 100 Baht a month for the phone line.

    No you cannot. Your internet service is Maxnet from TT&T which leases the phone line from TOT. That is the reason why you pay to TOT the 107 Baht.

  6. But of all the people I know here that rent, I haven't met one yet (honestly) who is renting because of concern over the ownership laws, they all rent because they can't afford to buy.

    When it comes to Condo's, which you can own, the one's who do not buy (I believe because they can not) blame it on 'their' notion that the prices will drop to 500Baht/Sq.M. a week next Tuesday.

    Finally somebody spelled it out!

  7. Let us be precise and use IDR Government Yields of yesterday.

    Series Due Date Rates

    VR0031 25 July 2020 8.1465

    VR0030 25 December 2019 8.3368

    VR0029 25 August 2019 8.3849

    VR0028 25 August 2018 8.3849

    VR0027 25 July 2018 8.1465

    VR0026 25 January 2018 8.1465

    VR0025 25 September 2017 8.3368

    VR0024 25 February 2017 8.3849

    VR0023 25 October 2016 8.1465

    VR0022 25 March 2016 8.3368

    VR0021 25 November 2015 8.3849

    VR0020 25 April 2015 8.1465

    VR0019 25 December 2014 8.3368

    FR0020 15 December 2013 14.2750

    FR0019 15 June 2013 14.2500

    FR0023 15 December 2012 11.0000

    VR0018 25 October 2012 8.1465

    FR0018 15 July 2012 13.1750

    FR0022 15 September 2011 12.0000

    FR0016 15 August 2011 13.4500

    VR0017 25 June 2011 8.3368

    FR0015 15 February 2011 13.4000

    FR0017 15 January 2011 13.1500

    FR0021 15 December 2010 14.5000

    FR0014 15 November 2010 15.5750

    FR0024 15 October 2010 12.0000

    FR0013 15 September 2010 15.4250

    FR0012 15 May 2010 12.6250

    FR0011 15 May 2010 13.5500

    FR0010 15 March 2010 13.1500

    VR0016 25 July 2009 8.1465

    FR0002 15 June 2009 14.0000

    VR0015 25 December 2008 8.3368

  8. Jesus got it right, but not this version, which was changed from his original teachings. They also changed his name from Ymmanuel long after his death in Kashmir, well aged. This version is meant for control. His version would have set you free. Read The Talmud Ymmanuel published by B Meier for the original notes from Ymmanuel. Budha is almost right. you come back the same character as you were in last life, maybe in a different sex body, BUT if you progress spiritually in the next incarnation, then there is no need for further incarnations. Your spirit then becomes one with spirit. Each life in a body is only to allow the sprit to evolve and develop, to learn and to experience. IMHO.

    Is there no law or forum rules that prevent morons from posting??? Oh yes... please ban me for flaming. I deserve it. Nobody is allowed to call idiots idiots. True or false?

  9. Adding DE to a sand filter will not work.

    It works quite well in our case. We add 2-3 pounds of D.E. every three months to the sand and backwash after a day or two. When opening the filter the discolouration of the D.E. shows clearly that a lot of impurities which passed the sand have been filtered out. The amount of additional D.E. depends on the size of the filter and pump capacity. A small filter might take only one pound. CAUTION! Adding too much D.E. might exceed the maximum pressure the filter can take.

  10. Would it not be possible for the US, EU and China to form a purchasing cartel and state that from now on, they pay $20 a barrell for oil and even pass laws blocking futures contracts for more than that amount? What would the consequences be?

    The consequences would be that any politician coming up with a similar suggestion would soon be visited by friendly men in in white suits who would present him with a white jacket that has very long sleeves and decorative ribbons.

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