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Posts posted by fredKroket

  1. Smart move as there is no western style family pub anywhere in Pattaya and there is a huge market here for the expat and inbound tourist family market.

    Our own business at the Ave is set up purely towards this market and it is a niche with high disposable income that most don't even consider in this town.

    Most pubs in Australia cater very well for the individual and family markets without any issues.

    As a father with young kids the way I see it is there's a couple of thousand other drinking venues in this town but nothing that caters for the family and if we can go somewhere and the kids are happily entertained then we will happily stay longer and spend more.

    Great idea, I for one would certainly go there. It's one of the reasons I enjoy the Hilton for Sunday brunch, they have a kids club there and the parents can enjoy themselves whilst someone keeps the kids entertained. I just wish that the Kinarree had a creche too...

    • Like 1
  2. Mr Suwat said the ministry goal for tourism revenue was set to reach Bt2 trillion in 2015

    These numbers seem to just roll off the tongues of these ministers, 15 million visitors so far this year? Someone forgot to tell the restaurant and bars, because all I hear is that it has been a quiet year! They may have had 15 million 'pass through' the airport transit lounges.

    Chiangmai officials said that tourism was down something like 8% (cant recall exact figure) but it WAS down.

    No doubt when Oct 2015 arrives Mr Suwat (if he is still in office) will say loud and clear, "we have had 1.5 Trillion visitors so far this year and are well on target to achieve the 2 Trillion I predicted three years ago" cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Did it occur to you that the types of visitor now visiting Thailand don't even enter a bar or western style restaurant, they may not even go into a Thai restaurant. The reason I say this is because a few years ago in Pattaya there were just a handful of Indian restaurants, now there is one wherever you look, the same goes for Phuket. Indian and middle eastern visitors aren't really known for their barfly activities, so the bars could also be suffering through the switch in demographics.

    Looking around Pattaya you can see large areas of bars being replaced by shops and hotels, I would hazard a guess that this will be the shape of things to come and the bars will be pushed out to other locations. You should also take into account the amount of package tourists coming in from places like China and other Asian countries, the only time you see these visitors is when they're getting on or off their coaches. They generally have all inclusive packages at their hotels, so no need to eat in a restaurant and again they're not ones for hanging around beer bars. Last year more visitors from Vietnam arrived in Pattaya than from the UK, surprising isn't it?

    Russians also aren't known to be adventurous and tend to stick to Russian restaurants, you very rarely see a Russian in a beer bar usually because he's with his wife or standing outside 7-11 with a bottle of Chang!

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  3. Well, this topic made the evening news cycle in the US. Grandson of Red Bull founder arrested for hit and run, killing local police officer. They even covered the fact that the BiB attempted to cover up the incident. Not good.



    There has there been a spike in Ferrari related crashes in Asia lately, topped by today's incident in Thailand. There was the recent incident in Singapore which has caused a backlash against wealthy foreigners there. The accident was caused by a wealthy Chinese investor in Singapore that ran a red light, hitting a taxi broadside and killing 3 people. It appears that those with wealth feel they are entitled to drive as they wish with little to no repercussions. That is until they kill innocent bystanders.


    The entire thing was caught on video.


  4. It says in the log book for the security at the home that he left at 5.12 am so we can guess he was not on his way home from a club, unless he had already been home and then left again, this has not been made clear. It is possible he was not drunk, it is possible he was drunk, it is possible other substances just as it is possible there were no substances. nobody knows

    Reading between the lines are we? This is what it actually said "A CSI team also reported seeing a logbook recorded by the family's personal security guards, which read: "Boss [nickname of Worrayuth] leaves home at 0512 am." Don't you think for a minute that the security guards actually belonged to the accused's family? In which case it's quite plausible that he left his own home at 0512am, possibly to catch an early morning flight for a business meeting or such like, wouldn't you agree? whistling.gif

    It seems you are missing the 'nobody knows' tone in my post, and of course the log book would depend on other on entries made after 5.12 and made before he returned home.

    Indeed nobody knows, yet so many people are keen to cast the first stone without any accurate evidence of what happened. My point being who know's if he's been drinking alcohol? In most countries people are innocent until proven guilty, yet the expat community already have him down as a drug using, drink driver. Accidents happen, that's a fact of life, forget who he is or what he was driving an accident occurred with no evidence of alcohol being involved, the visitor log showed he left his home at 0512am, to some people who work or have business that's nothing new. To many of the expats on this forum with little to do except start a witch hunt, in particular type of expat who complains there are to many 'dry' days in Thailand or complain that the new taxes on alcohol are impacting their pensions and are simply jealous of a young man with such a high performance car. Leaving the scene of the crime and dragging the policeman along is totally inexcusable (Particularly if he knew he was underneath the vehicle), but my guess would be any Thai would try and shirk this responsibility and evade the situation given half a chance, particularly at this time of the morning when not so many witnesses would be around.

  5. I don't condone hit and run or trying to implicate someone else to take the rap in the slightest, he may be rich and his family may be powerful, but where in any of the reports does it say he was drunk? Before any of you people start baying for blood, why not think before making comments. Motorcycle pulls out of a side soi without looking as they often do, a moment of neglect by the driver - and BANG! Driver panics being the son of a high profile businessman, makes a bad judgement and goes to see dad for advice. Impossible to see if there is anyone trapped under the car whilst driving it, but he should've stopped regardless. Thais don't like to face the music, face their responsibilities, or lose face at any cost - No one is going to change that. Believe me I think the actions of Boss after the incident are inexcusable, but without clear evidence of what caused the accident conclusions shouldn't be jumped to.

    rubbish ...car seen at the crime doing the business...number taken or followed... car very damaged.... unless the policeman committed suicide...driver guilty of all of you tried to defend above...probably high on '' redbull n vodka" an excellent drink if u are not Driving and like to get out of your tree...

    I'm not disputing he didn't hit the motorbike, that's pretty obvious Sherlock. What I am disputing is if he was drunk or not and even you say 'probably', meaning you've automatically jumped to conclusions. I am also not trying to defend any of his actions, in fact they make me sick top the stomach.

    It says in the log book for the security at the home that he left at 5.12 am so we can guess he was not on his way home from a club, unless he had already been home and then left again, this has not been made clear. It is possible he was not drunk, it is possible he was drunk, it is possible other substances just as it is possible there were no substances. nobody knows

    Reading between the lines are we? This is what it actually said "A CSI team also reported seeing a logbook recorded by the family's personal security guards, which read: "Boss [nickname of Worrayuth] leaves home at 0512 am." Don't you think for a minute that the security guards actually belonged to the accused's family? In which case it's quite plausible that he left his own home at 0512am, possibly to catch an early morning flight for a business meeting or such like, wouldn't you agree? whistling.gif

  6. I don't condone hit and run or trying to implicate someone else to take the rap in the slightest, he may be rich and his family may be powerful, but where in any of the reports does it say he was drunk? Before any of you people start baying for blood, why not think before making comments. Motorcycle pulls out of a side soi without looking as they often do, a moment of neglect by the driver - and BANG! Driver panics being the son of a high profile businessman, makes a bad judgement and goes to see dad for advice. Impossible to see if there is anyone trapped under the car whilst driving it, but he should've stopped regardless. Thais don't like to face the music, face their responsibilities, or lose face at any cost - No one is going to change that. Believe me I think the actions of Boss after the incident are inexcusable, but without clear evidence of what caused the accident conclusions shouldn't be jumped to.

    rubbish ...car seen at the crime doing the business...number taken or followed... car very damaged.... unless the policeman committed suicide...driver guilty of all of you tried to defend above...probably high on '' redbull n vodka" an excellent drink if u are not Driving and like to get out of your tree...

    I'm not disputing he didn't hit the motorbike, that's pretty obvious Sherlock. What I am disputing is if he was drunk or not and even you say 'probably', meaning you've automatically jumped to conclusions. I am also not trying to defend any of his actions, in fact they make me sick top the stomach.

  7. I don't condone hit and run or trying to implicate someone else to take the rap in the slightest, he may be rich and his family may be powerful, but where in any of the reports does it say he was drunk? Before any of you people start baying for blood, why not think before making comments. Motorcycle pulls out of a side soi without looking as they often do, a moment of neglect by the driver - and BANG! Driver panics being the son of a high profile businessman, makes a bad judgement and goes to see dad for advice. Impossible to see if there is anyone trapped under the car whilst driving it, but he should've stopped regardless. Thais don't like to face the music, face their responsibilities, or lose face at any cost - No one is going to change that. Believe me I think the actions of Boss after the incident are inexcusable, but without clear evidence of what caused the accident conclusions shouldn't be jumped to.

    • Like 1
  8. There is a clear difference between invasion and colonization. The Japs invaded but didn't colonize, unless Fuji restaurants amongst many others are what remains of their legacy?

    So long as foreigners are not allowed to buy land in Thailand it will not be colonized, but perhaps more westernized, which isn't a good thing. The introduction of motorway speed cameras and higher taxes on alcohol and tobacco, means the powers that be are following western government practices and can spot an opportunity to make some cash out of the rapidly growing Thai middle classes and expats.

  9. I notice they say about land being held in a nominee company, but there is no mention about condos being owned the same way? It's not like a condo owner is going to set up a paddy field in his front room is it?

    With condo's no problem.It's the land they're talking about.

    Foreigners can buy and own condo's for 100% legally, even on a tourist Visa.

    As long as the percentage of the whole condominium (building or complex) ownership is not exceeding 49% owned by foreigner.

    Foreigners also buy condos in company name when the foreign ownership is exhausted.

  10. Its a valid comment, regardless of what the outlet sells, if you are going to spend time on the premises then you should purchase an appropriate amount of their goods or services... Common sense really

    Thais tend to do it another way as I've experienced in various upmarket hotels for Sunday brunch. They attack the buffet like a plague of locusts, take all the lobster, caviar and other expensive items (Even if they don't like the taste) and then disperse as quickly as they arrived.

  11. They're only "victims" of their own greed and stupidity.

    Anyone who gives brass to some anonymous bloke who just calls you out of the blue deserves little sympathy...

    My thoughts... Exactly!

    How did these people manage to accumulate enough money to be tricked so easily?

    Many dumb people get money, example 1 .Thai family owned land next to the beach a 100 years ago, now its called Pattaya and the descendants just sold it to Mr developer lets say 8 years ago.

    Just timing and luck, but the land owners could be as thick as sh!te.

    Uk Lottery winner ( Yob) wins 8 million all is gone in the next few years, opportunity of a lifetime blown out he window

    Usually it was the black sheep of the family to get the beach front land inherited, the rest of the family had the good farming land, go figure who's laughing now!?

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