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Posts posted by fredKroket

  1. i am part of a "group" from the northern part of england called KENDAL

    me and my followers ( erm friends) also love traditional music. our instruments are however made from the famous "kendal mint cake"

    we have instruments such as the "minty piccolo" and the "jews harp cake" (no rasist jibes please, its a real instrument)

    we are currently touring some of the lesser known bars in samui and although our traditions are not the same, we would love to bridge the cultural gap by shoving our minty flava in to the mix.

    i think we can make the early flight up in the morning if its cool with you guys.

    if anyone can pick us up that would be great.

    including myself our posse will be 8 strong.

    you will smell us!

    That truly is a breath of fresh air, just to know that there are like minded folk currently in Samui. Perhaps we could ask for sponsorship to send you and your merry band of men from Samui to Pattaya, as flights are rather expensive these days. We are performing on a weekly basis so there is Murray Mint, Murray Mint no need to hurry mint. We shall endeavour to raise some cash with a whip round this evening and on Sunday, hopefully by Monday we shall have some exciting news and you'll be here as fast as you can say Tic Tac! Once we have sufficient funds to meet your travel needs, I shall send our old friend 'Mr Soft' to collect you with his minibus from U-Tapao. :o

  2. Fred, just try and stop me. Infact, we could have the Pattaya Music Marathon from Friday till Sunday. The JP Bar will never be the same again.

    Permission to bring a friend. He still has his cymbals from his Hare Krishna days.

    That really will be a marathon of truly mammouth proportions! Count me in.

    As I said before everyone with an instrument is welcome, though I have to eductae you on the correct Thai terminology for cymbals, they're called 'ching' oddly enough...


  3. ****BREAKING NEWS****

    The legendary Bongo performer Hank Gary Myles from Memphis, Tennessee has confirmed his attendance on Sunday afternoon, where he'll be performing the heart wrenching "Leaving on a jet plane" in A Minor. This event will really be a sell out so get your tickets from Pattaya Beer Garden, Any bar on Soi 6, Carrefour, Tropical Berts, Jamesons, Tesco Lotus or Kinaree Gentlemans Club - Remember....Book Early


  4. Sounds like Pattaya is really shaping up to be a 'city of culture' afterall. Well done chaps.

    As an ex-bongo player myself, here's something as a token of my appreciation;

    Hi Somaz, I can tell you're a man of culture and we would very much like to welcome you to join us for some musical antics on either Friday evening or Sunday afternoon. Can I take it that you'll be attending?

  5. Dear fredKroket

    The quote from the Nation newspaper: "I'm not worried that some foreigners are suing the city in the Administrative Court because we are just an agent to mediate this problem. "If the foreigners succeed it will be a precedent for others and maybe developers will think before getting into problems like this,"

    Both Tammi and stopVT7 don't seem to understand the word "If" "

    The word "if" despite the possibility or fact that thing will change! The Administrative Court is the court to make the change which will enforce Issue 9 regulation which will protect the Thai beach! :o

    Counting Chickens before they hatch again. Do you mean the Administrative Court or the Supreme Administrative Court?

    No mention of protecting the beaches in the newspaper article, not even in Richard's quote. I only see four mentions of blocking unobstructed sea views.

  6. For those people who offered a constructive response, regardless of whether they approved or not, thanks for that. To the others I say, "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone." I suspect that are a lot of hypcrites in and around Pattaya. Fair enough. But to The Philosopher I say, I wouldn't dream of having an English wife as I find western women wholly unattractive. I expected some people to disappaprove and feel they had to reply to this thread by moralizing and voicing their feelings, and perhaps with just cause, but your response was by far the most immature.

    I have absolutely no problem with either you or your mate fooling around, that's what Pattaya is for! I was trying to make light of the situation and finish off a previous post with some humour. :o

  7. Wiresok,

    I tried to answer your questions or "flaws" using arguments from stopVT7's own lawyers but you are unconvinced. That's Ok because nobody has to convince you but more importantly the stopVT7 arguments did not convince the Courts either. I see nothing in the stopVt7 case to overturn Issue 9 and the way it has been interpreted for about the last 30 years.

    In an earlier post (#1226) you said you were a VT5 owner. Frankly, your position on VT7 seems a little "strange" considering there are some posters (Tammi) that advocate demolishing VT5 if stopVT7 wins his case. I personally feel the Avalon Resort and VT5 were nice additions to Dongtarn Beach and would not refer to your unit as you do as a "low cost rental".

    --The Nation 2007-03-27

    Haines alleged View Talay 7 was illegal because it is more than 14 metres in height and within 200 metres of the sea. Buildings of this height are prohibited within 200 metres of the shore by planning law, he said. Pattaya Mayor Niran Wattana-sartsathorn said the city correctly issued building permission. "I'm not worried that some foreigners are suing the city in the Administrative Court because we are just an agent to mediate this problem. "If the foreigners succeed it will be a precedent for others and maybe developers will think before getting into problems like this,"

    I advocate that interested parties take VT5 to court now. And the ex-mayor's comments above seem to suggest that VT7 (and VT5) are outside the Law.

    Both Tammi and stopVT7 don't seem to understand the word "If"

  8. Jessy - your mate sounds like a right card, coming all the way to Thailand for a couple of days just to get his nuts. Class.

    Anyway, it's shaping up to look like an expensive weekend;

    Flight - 60,000 THB

    Hotel - 3,000 THB

    International phone calls - 20,000 THB

    'Companionship' - 10,000 THB

    Lube - 345.57 THB

    Terrible behaviour mind you.

    The look on his wifes face when she gets a dose of the clap..................Price less :o

  9. If only all this 'energy' could be better utilised - I could just imagine a "Pattaya Retired Action Team" being formed. Could probably use the 4 first letters to form its tag line as well and then wield huge commercial pressure on the whole city for any wrongdoings. Could probably get Carrefour to kit out some shopping trolleys to serve as enforcement vehicles as they cruise the resort looking for wrong doings. Could start at Homeworks, head down to the VT7 complex, progress onto the road into Pattaya (Tapraya or however its spelt and the perenial roadworks, which no doubt they will solve) before turning into the Shell Gas station, then ensuring the drains are not blocked on Pattaya Tai. After lunch and a quick hygiene inspection at some unsuspecting food stall, head down 3rd road to ensure nobody is shot, pop into Carrefour to make sure the tomatoes are red and not too soft. Then direct traffic around the Dolphin roundabout with a lollipop and white coat before heading to the new mental hospital which will surely come as a result of such a group being formed. With a bit of luck, they will be locked up by 6pm and at weekends and not permitted internet access which would be a considerable relief to the rest of the population and maybe jump start the economy when people feel the streets are safe again........

    P.R.A.T. - The best post I have read on Thai Visa by far!!! True, very true - LMAO :o:D:D:D:D:(

  10. just don't bring that stuff on Friday nights to the Pattaya Beer Garden...that's when the TV Friday Night Out crew indulgences in philosophical discourses and does not wish to get disturbed by loud noise.

    We'll be seeing you on Friday evening then! Bring ear plugs if you want to keep the racket down. :o

  11. If anyone is interested we'll be having a mid-week music session at the Buffalo Bar on 3rd Road tomorrow evening at 8pm. All are welcome to bring along their instruments, but preferably classical Thai as we aim to start a farang mini orchestra. Bring a friend or take one when you leave.

  12. If anyone is interested we'll be having a mid-week music session at the Buffalo Bar on 3rd Road tomorrow evening at 8pm. All are welcome to bring along their instruments, but preferably classical Thai as we aim to start a farang mini orchestra. Bring a friend or take one when you leave.

  13. maybe a little off topic, but one wonders how many of the units in VT7 are actually going to be sold now. With all the present woes in the market, it just might be that stopvt7 could win his case and VT7 would lose twice. Once in court and once due to lack of sales.

    Not really off topic, a valid point. However if you take a look at VT5 & VT6 it don't seem like many in there sold either. VT is big company with lots of money and power, they build there condos unlike other companies who have to sometimes sell large percentage before they start. They probably know that if they build it even if they not sell all, the price of the building go up in value anyway.

    My English is not so great, but please stopVT7 with the money you take from the co-owners buy a dictionary. This website should only take post in English, but your posting is very difficult to understand because you spell so many things wrong. I think you mean you FEEL confident, not FELL confident. Sorry I am a massager of this to you :o

    VT5C and VT6 are basically all sold. There are still many units available in VT5D since it was recently completed and not beachfront property. VT7 sales are typical for this stage of construction. Sales pick up as a project nears completion. I am told that the 115 sqm units (the Y section of the building) are readily available on all floors. All corner units were sold within a week of the sales release date. By "all sold" I am referring to VT sales only as there is a "glut" of resales on the market because of many factors including the economic slump.

    VT6 only 39% sold, go and look at the floor plans and ask. I apologise I see you say resales, but why doesn't VT class them as sold rather than unsold?

  14. Is the 51% thing you mentioned thai law? so all condos built in thailand must alot 51% of the units to thai people? How does this work?

    actually it is the other way round, only 49% can be sold and registered in the name of non Thais, you can buy through the back door with a dummy company with the required dummy Thai partners. but really there is normally only one dummy involved in these transactions and he/she is not Thai, an estate agent or a lawyer.

    When I was buying my condo I visited many estate agents, many were expats, all the expat estate agents wanted to show me property that I could not buy in my own name, I went to one which was 100% Thai through them I purchased property in my own name, no problem.

    I read many threads where people buy in the name of a company, they have to produce accounts every year, presume they have to pay their dummy partners a dividend every year in a company that make no profit and the government keeps changing the rules to block this type of ownership.


    Isn't this the same way most farang buy houses too? Unless they are even more stupid and put it in their wives or girlfriend name? There are no dividends to pay because the company is not trading and because not trading only a minimal amount of administration charge each year because no tax on company. The government actually make it simpler becasue now they only need three director of holding company, not like before you need 7 or 8. The goverment before try to make it difficult because of Thaksin and his 'clever' company structures, but now new goverment make easier the same way many farang by house in Thailand for decades.

    What I was trying to say was, do you not have to pay these "Dummy" directors a retainer, plus Agents and lawyer probably getting a cut.

    If the government really welcomed non Thais to purchase houses, condos and land in their own name they would scrap the the 49% rule?


    not always "Dummy" directors, can be a friend, a wife, or girlfriend but because the share structure is less for the farang he can own 49% of the higher value shares, which worth more than 51% of lower priced shares.

    If the house worth 10 mio the 49% of the shares could value 9.9 mio and the 51% value 100,000. Sure the lawyer set up a company which cost maybe 25K baht, after that he get nothing. An agent may get a big commission if he can sell a property in company or Thai name, because Foreign name always sell quick. If you buy condo in Thai name you can get big discounts and when you sell there no tax to pay because land office not involve, just transfer ownership of company.

    They scrap the 49% rule before so why not again? I think in soon future we see a 50+50 year lease come in to compete other country around here. I would buy condo like this, think what condo look like in 100 year! Look what Jomtien Complex look like now!!! :o

  15. I guess many people here are on a shoe string with retire visas and be careful every baht. But really if you complain about a soft drink being being 2 dollars, you're in the wrong place. How much would glass of coke cost you in Europe, UK or USA? This also depends on where you drink it, but I'm sure it would cost much more than 75 baht anywhere. I guess even can of soft drink from shop would be nearly that price in western country. If you take time to complain about something small like this, you must have too much time and not enough money.

  16. Is the 51% thing you mentioned thai law? so all condos built in thailand must alot 51% of the units to thai people? How does this work?

    actually it is the other way round, only 49% can be sold and registered in the name of non Thais, you can buy through the back door with a dummy company with the required dummy Thai partners. but really there is normally only one dummy involved in these transactions and he/she is not Thai, an estate agent or a lawyer.

    When I was buying my condo I visited many estate agents, many were expats, all the expat estate agents wanted to show me property that I could not buy in my own name, I went to one which was 100% Thai through them I purchased property in my own name, no problem.

    I read many threads where people buy in the name of a company, they have to produce accounts every year, presume they have to pay their dummy partners a dividend every year in a company that make no profit and the government keeps changing the rules to block this type of ownership.


    Isn't this the same way most farang buy houses too? Unless they are even more stupid and put it in their wives or girlfriend name? There are no dividends to pay because the company is not trading and because not trading only a minimal amount of administration charge each year because no tax on company. The government actually make it simpler becasue now they only need three director of holding company, not like before you need 7 or 8. The goverment before try to make it difficult because of Thaksin and his 'clever' company structures, but now new goverment make easier the same way many farang by house in Thailand for decades.

  17. As it happens, I was in Bongo World on Third Road last Saturday and was amazed at the variety of drummage in there. If I tell you where it is, can I come along next week?

    Yes, please tell us! anyone can come along to our music sessions in Pattaya Beer garden

  18. maybe a little off topic, but one wonders how many of the units in VT7 are actually going to be sold now. With all the present woes in the market, it just might be that stopvt7 could win his case and VT7 would lose twice. Once in court and once due to lack of sales.

    Not really off topic, a valid point. However if you take a look at VT5 & VT6 it don't seem like many in there sold either. VT is big company with lots of money and power, they build there condos unlike other companies who have to sometimes sell large percentage before they start. They probably know that if they build it even if they not sell all, the price of the building go up in value anyway.

    My English is not so great, but please stopVT7 with the money you take from the co-owners buy a dictionary. This website should only take post in English, but your posting is very difficult to understand because you spell so many things wrong. I think you mean you FEEL confident, not FELL confident. Sorry I am a massager of this to you :o

  19. After making contact with cudaproject I paid Suriya Music a visit on Sukhumvit road, where I excitedly saw a Khlong Yao, which is a long Thai drum and gives a distinctive deep sound. I was so pleased with my find that I decided to purchase said instrument and am now the proud owner of a Khlong Yao :P

    I'll certainly be at the Pattaya Beer Garden on Sunday afternoon, banging away one way or the other :o:P:(:D:D:D:D:burp::D

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