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Posts posted by EvilDrSomkid

  1. I love geckos, took-gaes and jing-joks. Funny and interesting looking critters. Love the sound they make.

    Dont know if they help a lot with mozzies and creepy-crawlies, but that is what they eat.

    On Koh Phangan you usually have a gecko sitting under the ceiling of the bungalows somewhere. I dont care about the poo. Got a mozzie net and its mostly in the bathroom anyway.

    I saw a gecko getting squeezed by a green constrictor snake, too. Showed the pics to the locals. They were quite impressed.

    Shame that people want to kill them. What harm can they do?

  2. Just saw some docu on Thai TV on how many of those PAD protesters brought their kids to this airport siege over the weekend???

    Are they out of their mind or what? Thois kids should be taken away from those parents to never being returned again. Who in their straight mind would ever endanger their own kids like that??? And then when Police or Army moves in we will have to look atall those litle corpses and say shame on the Police or what??? Just a bit of tear gas would do serious damage to any kid. They brought some kids out there younger then 5 or 6 years old as it was some sort of family outing like going to Pattaya Park water park???

    Shame on you I can understand youhave something against somethig or want to make a point but never ever put any kids in danger.



    Not meaning to be intolerant but apparently your anger has damaged your brain. You seem to be in what is known as "fugue" mode by psychologists. That is a mode where you are so angry you will stike out at anyone or anything, even hurt yourself without thinking. The classic example is someone getting so angry he breaks his fist by smashing a wall.

    I have seen the pictures and videos of the PAD at the airport. Some of course are thugs, especially the security people. But the large majority are just ordinary Thai working people. Perhaps you are not familiar with that type of people but I recognise them well. I have a family of them I support.

    As to why they broght their children, the answer is thay have nowhere else to keep them. They don't have a nanny or maid to leave the children with. They are poor people (yes, some are not, I can see that) and their family is their life. They can't leave their young children at home. So the children go with them.

    In any conflict the first thing that goes away is the truth, the next is good judgement. I do not have any particular love for either side, in case you want to know.


    What, no maid, no nanny? :D I thought the PAD were against ignorant poor people, who don't know how to vote.

    How can they allow such riff raff to tarnish the noble cause of the PAD?

    Enought BS. Yes, you make a good point. They çannot leave the brats with grandma, cause she's there, too.

    They do let them ride motosais when 9 years old, much safer.

    I would say that if they cannot leave the kids with anyone, it would be their duty to stay the <deleted> home and take care of the kids and keep them out of harms way. Instead of sitting on your ass all day shaking a handclapper, with the occasional grenade or bomb going off. Yeah, sounds like good parenting. Mommy believes in something honey, that's why you got to be here when the big bad meanies arrive to kick our asses out.

    But <deleted> do I know? TIT, I am just a farang baa.

    BTW, tig28, thanks for reminding me about NTN. Had a good giggle again.

  3. I just cannot believe the endless naïve effrontery and arrogance of the People Against Democracy.

    THEY will allow flights to resume? THEY will screen people going into the airport? Oh yeah, sure, you can fly now. Are they really that ignorant that they think all is tickyboo now?

    People in this country have no concept of what Safety or Security is. "I'm with the PAD, I know what is good or not."

    What qualifications or juristicion do these f**kin moron thugs have? Its like letting pedophiles run the daycare center. KHWAAI!

    These handclappin idiots have cost my missus' business over a million! I have chosen to live in this wonderful country with my Princess. I think Thailand is a great place to live, but I sometimes wonder if these people realize that no (western) country will take this place seriously anymore.

    Chaimai, please explain to my farang 'you don understand thai culture ' mind what longterm benefit this farce will have for thai people? No more foreign investment? No more tourists defiling the proud and ever virtuous Thai maidens? Thai ways of doing things will change? :o

    Please tell me...

  4. Keep in mind that cement is ususally quite porous compared to concrete. If any paint on cement, it will soak in, so you will still see discoloration after surface paint removal. Concrete is much more dense so does not absorb nearly as much. That is why they use this in garages and petrol stations.

    Sandblasting might work, but I don't think the neighbourhood would appreciate it :o

  5. When the missus came home she was running around all excited! She said there is a smiley in the sky...

    I saw this too last night from my balcony. Suay mak mak! Very rare sight...

    The moon had a reddish haze. It was bit creepy. a bloody smile and a wink :o If I was superstitious, I would see it as a bad omen.

    Venus has been clear in the sky the last few days. Could not see the moons of Jupiter.

  6. Hi ubon,

    I just received the one year extension. It runs to 10/10/2009. The thing is I am employed by a Dutch company, who placed me at a Thai company to monitor. The Thai company pays my allowances as salary, then backcharge to my company. I am formally an employee here. Once the job is done, however, I will be (kicked)out. Whether my Dutch company will extend my assignment to some other job is very uncertain.

    I do not want to leave the country despite all the craziness going on (never a dull day). I got a (future) wife, who has her own company, and all my personal gear is here. She only makes 25k a month so the 40k rule is difficult. I read something here that as long as you pay tax on 40k it should be OK. Is that true?

    My thirak is losing contracts due to this current craziness, though. Her clients just cancelled a job that would pay 6 figures. Quite upset, she is.

    I will have a bunch of cash soon from selling my apartment in NL, so money no worries for a while. I do want to work, I really enjoy my work, of course, but it will take a while to find a company who is willing to pay me 100k p/m :o

    TIA on any help/advice.

    Yes it can be done by paying tax. In most cases that have been reported they simply went to the tax office and declared an income for the year and the tax office did the calculations. In these reports the wife did the income declaration.

    If you get married before your job is over you can go to immigration and use your current income as proof. Even if you are near the end of your employment you could still use your past income to get the extension that way you wouldn't have to worry about proving income for another year. Just use your recent tax reciepts to show the previous 3 months.

    ubon, thank you very much for this useful information.

    I guess this applies to ukman too.

  7. I could apply for a non-immi O visa based on marriage to Thai national, but that I need to do outside the country.

    Married to a Thai you could apply for a for a one year extension.

    You need to show 40,000 baht income per month. Which if you are working can be proved with tax payment reciepts. You can get the extension on the B visa you now have. You might want to do this before you loose your job. If still working you can keep your work permit with a marriage based extension.

    Also your B visa will remain valid if you don't do the extension.

    KL and Penang issue multiple entry O's.

    Hi ubon,

    I just received the one year extension. It runs to 10/10/2009. The thing is I am employed by a Dutch company, who placed me at a Thai company to monitor. The Thai company pays my allowances as salary, then backcharge to my company. I am formally an employee here. Once the job is done, however, I will be (kicked)out. Whether my Dutch company will extend my assignment to some other job is very uncertain.

    I do not want to leave the country despite all the craziness going on (never a dull day). I got a (future) wife, who has her own company, and all my personal gear is here. She only makes 25k a month so the 40k rule is difficult. I read something here that as long as you pay tax on 40k it should be OK. Is that true?

    My thirak is losing contracts due to this current craziness, though. Her clients just cancelled a job that would pay 6 figures. Quite upset, she is.

    I will have a bunch of cash soon from selling my apartment in NL, so money no worries for a while. I do want to work, I really enjoy my work, of course, but it will take a while to find a company who is willing to pay me 100k p/m :o

    TIA on any help/advice.

  8. Also curious what the answer is.

    I will potentially be in a very similar situation soon. I also have a WP and multi-non-immi B visa.

    I read something about having to leave the country the same day the contract/employment finishes.

    I could apply for a non-immi O visa based on marriage to Thai national, but that I need to do outside the country. What would be the best neighbouring country to do this from? Malaysia, Singapore?

    Sorry for partially hi-jacking your thread ukman.

    In anycase, my commiserations.

  9. On my estate children play at dusk on the same road that cars speed down.

    The cars 'speed' yet it's the children that are the problem?

    I really don't like this idea that cars (i.e. drivers) have the superior right of way and people should stay out of it. Streets in the UK are deserted and the children kept indoors to become couch potatoes because of the tyranny of traffic. When I first moved to Birmingham (UK) it was horrible because the planners had given priority to vehicles (drivers) and pedestrians were relegated to subways and footbridges (rather like central BKK), both of which are impositions on the pedestrian because they require extra effort to climb stair/ramps. This has now changed in Brum with more pedestrianization schemes and surface crossings.

    The problem is not that Thais maintain their pre-traffic-era child control, but will probably, like the West, fail to train and control drivers until the situation becomes oppressive.

    Having said that, given that there is a pro-car situation, have you ever seen a parent step into the road before their child (in a pushchair/pram)? It's always the child who gets shoved into traffic first :o

    OK, how about this one smartass?

    I regularly drive between BKK & Sri Racha. Several times I have seen women cross Highway 7 with BABIES on their arms running for dear life. This is crossing a 4 to 5 lane highway where there is a double concrete barrier in the middle. Cars drive 120kph+. Does that sound like careful to you or caring for their children? Is this anti pedestrian? No, its total BS and these people are seriously stupid. It left me fuming for an hour that you have such muk ngai and pramaat people.

    Whatever the cultural background, this is ridiculous behaviour. Thais will acknowledge this.

    And yes, there are bridges for people to crossover, they even have crossover bridges for motosais. This is an imposition on pedestrians? Get real.

    Like some one else said, I see people ride their motosais all the time with 2, 3 or 4 small kids on. Mom/Dad wears helmet (actually a worthless piece of plastic) the kids do not.

    I see people on the roads, letting their kids run around inside the car or sit in the middle of the back seat hanging onto the front seats. What will happen if driver has to slam on the brakes? That's right, dead or mutilated kid.

    This should not become a thai-bashing thread, because plently of other people/cultures in the world do the same.

  10. Hi, I Need the number of a disco lighting shop in Bangkok, there are a few in Chinatown but I have lost their numbers along with a mobile (Doh!) Thanks in anticipation to anyone who can help.

    If you could be more specific with the type of lighting you need I can give you the contact info for the two best lighting companies in BKK.

    Do you wish to buy or rent?

  11. Following the trend, yes, crying is next; after that, more of his "feminine side" and then, heaven forbid, a "gay" Bond??!!!

    May I not live to see that day!!

    A effeminate gay Bond, :o Now that would be hilarious...

    "Oooh, don't hit my face you bully!" hahahaha

  12. because she did not understand it me thinks :o

    Its because she is an intelligent person who wishes go understand all that happens in the movie. She speaks and understand english quite well, thank you. She wants to read the english subtiltles because she is not familiar with all the slang and expressions. And it is one of the best movies ever made. I have seen it many times and still love it.

    I know you were trying to be funny and probably did not want to be hurtful. A bit too predictable too.

  13. There was no closure on this one. That means there will be a sequel.

    This whole Greene Planet thing was not worrked out at all. It was a bit too obvious too soon what the most valuable commodity in the world was.

    I tried to turn off my brain while watching this. Could not do it.

    My princess and I went to see this last Saturday night as an alternative to Tropic Thunder, because that one started too late.

    I thought Daniel Craig fine as a 007. Did not see Casino Royale. It's useless to want old Seano back. Brosnan was also very suitable as a Bond.

    That Peter Greene guy looked like he was continually on mushrooms with those hugely dilated pupils.

    Watched 'The Godfather' on DVD (got the full box set) at home Sunday. She loved it. She actually said about 1/3 of the way through, 'I need to see this a second time'.

    So true...

  14. can recommendation of which suv to choose,currently driving a honda city zx and would like to upgrade to a bigger car.

    Instead of getting a useless so-called 'SportsUtilityVehicle', why dont you just buy a bigger sedan? Camry or Accord? Plonk some mgoodlooking rims on it and your car looks cool you're good to go. SUVs give people a false sense of security and as a consequence pay less attention to the road. Handling is not exactly optimal with a top heavy vehicle.

    OK, hypocritical mode off: Get a normal car. I can understand you want something other that the tiny city zx. Feel threatened by pick-ups trucks and SUVs?

  15. Is it so hard for people to move aside for those who wish to overtake? Is it reasonable for someone to block the way for others? Many times I notice women sit in the fast lane and mosy along at 110, when there is a whole line of cars behind them. They refuse to move.

    There is no lane discipline here just like on freeways in the US . :D

    Read the book:-) It is legal in Thailand to pass on both sides so "When in Rome......."

    Trust me, I do pass on both sides. When in Thai do as the Thai do. I am integrating quite well, if I may say so. :o

    Whether it is technically legal here, I am not sure.

    I know that in the USA it is legal to pass on both sides. If you have an 8 lane highway, does not make sense to limit this.

    In the EU it is a big nono to overtake on the right. The fine in NL is €280 I believe. Never got caught... :D

  16. I saw a C-class benz on Suttisarn Rd the other day.

    You see on the back of the lid: KOMPRESSOR usually.

    This one said: KOMPERSSOR. :o:D


    Or what about the shiny new new billboard ad in my hotel lift: Please come to our restaurant for some LAUNCH! :D

    Even my GF laughed at that one.

  17. Cambodian offshore oil deposits may exceed expectations

    However Tara said Cambodia's oil boom was only just beginning and the government was already looking at exploring significant potential onshore reserves in a range of provinces including central provinces of Kampong Chhnang and Pursat, as well as Kampong Thom and the Thai border provinces of Battambang and Preah Vihear.

    'Including Total and a European company there are already five or six international companies negotiating with the Cambodian government on this potential,' he said.

    Tara said the Cambodian government was taking a long-term view to oil investment regarding its potential to boost the national economy but lacked the finances to develop its oil and gas reserves without foreign investment.

    'Cambodia is poor. Finding oil provides huge potential for the national economy. We intend to use this revenue for the purposes of our national interest,' he said.

    World Bank estimates had previously put Cambodia's total offshore oil potential at up to 2 billion barrels, the extraction of which the United Nations Development Program has said could potentially double the nation's annual GDP and significantly reduce the country's current dependence on foreign aid.

    -- Source: http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/ene...ed_expectations

    Who are they trying to fool? Not huge potential for the national eceonomy, but for Hun Sen and his family. Regular Cambodians will continue to be poor. Just look at other developing nations with oil. There is NO improvement in the poor people's situation. Nigeria?

    The eventual oil boom in Cambodia will benefit the rich and party brass, exclusively.

    National interest, my ass. YOUR interest.

  18. I wonder if he had a bad accident in the past and suffered head injuries.

    I wonder why the cops don't remove this hazard? There is nothing in it for them...

    After all this is a high speed divided highway with cyclone fences either side to keep dogs & pushcarts out. Really, where? :o I see dead dogs all the time. I usually don't go south of SriRacha exit, though.

    He'll get splattered & take some innocents with him. That was also the point I tried to make. dammit

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