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Posts posted by EvilDrSomkid

  1. EvilDrSomkid:

    For instance, I use my indicator. When you're supposed to! I look in my rearview mirrors, too.

    I don't drive pissed or weave erratically, either.

    Wrong, wrong and wrong!

    A/ Using your blinker will confuse Thai's. Which will lead to accidents. Sorry, ingrained habit. I will try to improve. My GF actually asked me: "what does indicator mean?" after I bitched about this again?

    B/ The unwritten law is those behind you have to lookout for those in front. Looking in the mirrors mean you not concentrating on front. AHA! That is why they drive so close to each other! In order to see them better.

    C/ If your the only one not pissed and your driving rationally you will make the Thai's nervous and they will panic! And that's why it will be your fault when the accident occurs!

    You start acting like farang in Western country and you will be in much trouble. Start? No, I am integrating just fine...I am letting go of my silly western notions. I am more courteous in traffic here than in EU. Now, if only I could learn how to BS people all the time. ie. Today public holiday! Koh Samed closed!

    Can't figure out why the BIB have not stopped me yet. I blow past ...eeerrrm... pass them all the time. Left AND right.

    I feel like I am missing out. :o

  2. Dr, please enlighten me. Who is going to cause the most damage:

    1. An eccentric walking along and minding his own business on Highway 7, or

    2. A self-confessed don't give a fukc madman, who drives at 150 - 160 - 180, and believes they have ownership of the outside lane? :D

    My dear Jack,

    You should read my posts with more salt, pepper, prik pon or naam prik, which ever you prefer.

    I did not imply that Mr. Highway 7 wishes to cause damage. But I do worry what might happen one day if somebody swerves too far to the right. I am sure you have seen the locals weave quite a bit.

    Driving 150 to 180 on the elevated Expressway between BN and CB is not mad. This is only possible if there is room. I known this.

    Then again there are many people who consider anybody driving faster than themselves to be crazy.

    Is it so hard for people to move aside for those who wish to overtake? Is it reasonable for someone to block the way for others? Many times I notice women sit in the fast lane and mosy along at 110, when there is a whole line of cars behind them. They refuse to move.

    Maybe it has something to do with face...I probably do not understand Thai culture, like BSJ implies. :o

    But lets not digress, the OP concerned the 'eccentric gentleman' of Highway 7 and if anybody else had seen him or knew his story.

    Just one of the many things that amaze me everyday in this wonderful country.

    Never a dull moment. :D

  3. Almost every time I drive from BKK to SriRacha in the morning (around 7:20AM), I see a crazy character walking along the yellow line next to the fast lane on the number 7 highway. Very concentrated on the yellow line, walking slowly.

    Cars are zooming past at 130+, but this guy is taking a stroll! :D Against the flow of traffic. Not that it matters which direction he walks, but if he just steps one step to his right he is ketchup... First time I saw him, scared the crap out me. He did not look lost, well maybe in his mind, but there on purpose.

    He is very brown, has a beard and is looks like a homeless guy. Anybody else see him or know his story?

    Practicing mindfullness or something?

    Who is the crazy man? :o

    Usually I like to sit on 150-160 on the elevated Bang Na - Chonburi. Hit 180 this morning. All for nought...

    If you see a black Altis approaching at speed on this road in your rearview mirror JUST GET THE F*** OUT of the right lane.

    I know I drive like a madman, but I dont care.

    It a question of degree here :D

    Besides, compared to the rest of the madmen behind the wheel here, I'm a saint :D

    For instance, I use my indicator. When you're supposed to! I look in my rearview mirrors, too.

    I don't drive pissed or weave erratically, either.

  4. Hello,

    Would anybody be interested in sharing a container from Thailand to UK? We would be sending it probably middle of December/beginning of January.

    Let me know if anybody is interested.

    Let me give you some pressing advice on that:

    DON'T DO IT! It is can so easily turn into your worst nightmare.

    Besides someone possibly slipping in "certain substances" it is almost impossible to expain to Customs anywhere: that's not mine, but that is!

    How do you know whether you can trust the other partie(s)?

    Its kind of like, could you please take this teddybear/gift with you to the UK for my friend's kid?

    Don't do it, its not worth the savings. A 20footer will cost you about US$2300 for shipping. mIf you cannot afford that, you cannot afford the hassles at the other end.

    Every shipping/relocation company will tell you the same.

  5. And if you think Thailand is bad, you come over here in Viet Nam. We've had seven, yes seven, fatalities on site that were reported (God alone knows how many were just shipped out in a dumster full of soil). We've had the deputy prime minister criticising us for our push on safety and accused us of turning Vietnamese workers into wimps.

    This has little to do with immediacy, "take it today for it may not be there tomorrow". This is to do with lack of education, nobody had taught the welder about the risk of arc eye, and plain old economics. If this welder demands his boss supply the mask/goggles his boss will just fire him and get in someone who'll do the job without. Safety is an issue you only hear politicians spout on about after a disaster and, sadly, this is also partially true in the west.

    I have hear about that actually. My group is also active on the DQ refinery complex. Accidents all the time.

    The shop I work at in Sri Racha, ALL the welders and grinders use PPE. Especially the welding helmets. I have told the foremen to get the boys to wear hard hats several times. Work safety is a bit of a joke at times. Just like on the roads here.

    I did ask management here several tiomes whe nwas the last fatal accident. Never, was the reply. Last LTI, never had them.

    Only thing that happenes a lot is crap in the eyes.

    But I have seen those rough shops where they weld up fences and gates. Proper jigs and safety precausions? My dtuut!


  6. He lives next to the motorway in a hut made from broken billboards and junk, a bit like 'Stig of the Dump', however the real nutters are usually in the fast lane doing about 200kph.

    200 on the 7? I'm impressed. :o

    If I go over 140 on the 7, I am bouncing all over the place. dam_n concrete rads

    Have you ever spoken to this guy? Stig of the Dump, thats pretty good. :D

    Never seen the 'paraffin lamp' that Dr Evil is talking about but probably less harmful than a few of the holidaying ferangs: Yes, he does look harmless. Unless you hit him when driving 130+. I dont think the windshield will keep him out.

  7. Almost every time I drive from BKK to SriRacha in the morning (around 7:20AM), I see a crazy character walking along the yellow line next to the fast lane on the number 7 highway. Very concentrated on the yellow line, walking slowly.

    Cars are zooming past at 130+, but this guy is taking a stroll! :o Against the flow of traffic. Not that it matters which direction he walks, but if he just steps one step to his right he is ketchup... First time I saw him, scared the crap out me. He did not look lost, well maybe in his mind, but there on purpose.

    He is very brown, has a beard and is looks like a homeless guy. Anybody else see him or know his story?

    Practicing mindfullness or something?

  8. I have a 2007 Ford Focus. It gets between 9 and 14 kilometers per liter using E20 fuel. The 14 is non stop highway driving.

    Hello ^^

    Have you heard about the consumption for the TDCI version??

    the 2006 e90 330i I drive gets between 4 and 16 km/l. ^^

    Well... more usual to run it around 8 km/l. in Bkk and 11 km/l. outside

    My only problem is... no way to find regular 95... so I put Gasohol even if Bmw advised me not to do so. :o

    You can find benzine 95 at Shell stations on Ratchadapisek. Not much more that benzine 91.

  9. I cannot stand watching FN. I cannot articulate what it is that pisses me off so much about this channel. I am Norwegian.

    Fair and Balanced? My dtuut! That old fart B. O'R is a severe test of panyaa...

    During the week I stay at this hotel in SriRacha. In the beginning the staff in the restaurant would ALWAYS switch to FN whenever they saw me even glance at the TV.

    I repeatedly politely asked them not to do that. Everytime a little more forcefully. Mai ao khap. Then, when that did not work, I just grabbed the remote and switched it to anything but FN.

    They got the message now...

    I have a hard time practicing mindfulness. Mee jai rawn. I ask my thirak to tell me about Dhamma all the time.

  10. Usually I like to sit on 150-160 on the elevated Bang Na - Chonburi. Hit 180 this morning. All for nought...

    If you see a black Altis approaching at speed on this road in your rearview mirror JUST GET THE F*** OUT of the right lane.

    I know I drive like a madman, but I dont care. Most Thais have no clue how to drive anyway. The huge double deckers drift all over the place, the vans drivers are dicks, the high-sos in their MBs or SUVs dont move out of principle and pick ups have no business driving 120+.

    They dont use turn signals when they need to and dont look in their mirrors.

    I get annoyed at all those morons who have to STAND on their brakes before any bend in a road where you can easily maintain the same speed. Or just touch their brakes for NO apparent reason.

    I see stuff here all the time that I keep asking myself: Why would you DO that? Pointless, of course.

    On the other hand:

    I love driving here compared to the Netherlands. It such a free feeling. I have passed cops at 140 and they did not do anything :o

    Last time I was able to hit 200+ (on the dial) was Germany and Holland in my Audi V6.

    Hope to purchase an Audi S6 soon. 200+ on the elevated Bang Na - Chonburi will be no problem.

    And the Jörg Haider accident stinks from here and back. How did the local cops know 12 hours after the accident he hit 142kmh? How? I have seen no evidence. They did say he wore his seatbelt. However, that does nothing at those speeds if you hit a concrete pole.

    I do not believe in any mysterious dealings in this matter, but its a little fishy.

  11. In your opinion:

    Do farangs shower less often that Thais and other Asians?

    Or is that just a "racist" Thai/Asian belief about farangs?

    Fact or fallacy? :D

    And... does it matter at all? :o

    Some westerners do only shower one time day or less. It does matter. Westerners do sweat copious amounts, I know I do, and some smell quite bad because of this. Luckily I do not. My thirak confirms this.

    Many times labourers and farm people in Europe smell of rank already at 7AM.

    I used to live in The Netherlands and noticed that although most people shpower in the morning, they keep wearing the same unwashed and old-sweat clothes.

    I shower at least two times a day here. I want to.

    And, it does matter.

    Racist belief? Dunno. Never heard any Thais mention it, but many stereotypes are based on something.

    Have a whiff of Arabs, Pakistanis or Indians who don t shower. Ooo boy... :D

  12. I am looking at buying a new car and I am undecided between the Corolla or a Mazda 3.

    The Corolla seems to be better than the Vios.

    Any thoughts


    I got a 2002 Altis 1.8 vvt-i (red i) as a rental. Goes like stink. Fuel consumption on 91 benzin is approx: 440-550km on 36-40 liters.

    Cruising at 140-150 is no problem. :o

    The handling and brakes are quite good too. I would get the sport package if this means a lower and stiffer ride.

  13. I hope you picked up GH's touch of sarcasm :o

    I hope so, it was as subtle as a sledge hammer,

    Totally off topic, but your Avatar avi gif is the funniest one I have EVER seen. <deleted> me, my back still hurts from laughing. :D:D Couldn't stop...

    Re. sin sod, the OP should have included a little more info regarding the situation. Status of her family, her age, his age, married before or not, kids, education, looks (yes, that is what we came here for) etc.

    I have my doubts about paying sin sod, but I know that my fianceé's parents will not ask for it. They are just happy that their (eldest) daugther has found a man that loves her and that she loves him. I will GIVE sin sod if she wishes it. You dont PAY sin sod. You don't buy her, you show your appreciation for her parents' efforts in raising a charming woman. And for them to gain face, of course. Usually you get some or all back.

    Her dad is a retired cop and her mom a teacher. They cannot afford a big wedding party. They NEVER ask for money.

    I have offered to help, but she adamantly refuses. She says, it is up to my sisters and I to help our parents. Her dad is a cool guy and respected in his town. We went shooting once. Lots of fun. Her mom is very sweet and has a beautiful smile.

    I even managed to get my parents to come here and ask for permission for us to marry next year. That really made them happy. Her parents and mine. Wonderful evening at the Crystal Grill. Good food there, BTW.

    And I am not some old c... eeehm guy with a 20something Isaan(bar)girl from the sticks. We are both in our thirties. 2 years difference.

    So if some people bothered to learn what sin sod really is for, we would not get this crap all the time. Of course, there is one born every minute and every hour there is a fresh flight from Farangland.

    If you get yourself a bargirl you pay ZERO(sin sod that is)! You already pay for the rest, right? I make special price for you, extra expensive, OK mai?

  14. What exactly do you plan to import?

    -Various silicone hoses,

    -Brakes upgrade,


    -HO coil kit

    -Various sensors


    Other than the brake upgrade the hoses, sensors and MSD ignition, etc.

    Don't you have someone that can buy for you and ship to you?

    Just declare it to be like $50.

    The brake discs about $100

    If Brembo...

    Taxes wouldn't be more than 30%. The airfreight would cost more.

    However if not in a hurry you can ship them by sea but you will pay for other various charges like THC, document fees, etc.

    You never declare the whole retail value.

    I am not american so I do not know anybody in the US.

    The site I want to order from is www.034motorsport.com

    All kinds of yummy Audi parts there, especially for the 5 cylinder.

    The brakes are not Brembo but Porsche. Probably second hand, but refurbished.

    How do I declare the value? Do I not need to show some receipts/documents from FedEx or similar?

    I doubt the boys in the US will forge the papers for me.

    If I can just show up at the Thai Customs (is that where I pick the stuff up?) and tell them its worth $250 (to make it sound realistic) and then add some "dont check the actual value or open the boxes fee", would that work? :o

  15. I just bought my parts through ebay and sent them to my address. Sometimes I get charged like 30% sometimes I don't. Depends on the value declared.

    What value is that? The price you paid on ebay or whatever customs feels like is the price?

    Have discovered what amount is the threshold?

    If you could be more specific, I would really appreciate it.

  16. Hi guys,

    I have been trying to find out what the taxes are on importing car parts to Thailand, but I cannot find any useful info here. I do not want to import a car to Thailand.

    Everybody says dont do it, but import car parts because that is cheaper/lower risk.

    So, what are the rates on engine parts, chassis parts? I have a WP and visa.

    I am planning on buying a '96 Audi S6 automatic (I cannot find a manual) and buying aftermarket parts online from the USA to install this on car. I have found a good place for the work to be done through audiclubthailand.com.

    Went for a visit and explained my plan of action. He can do it.

    Parts on the list:

    -Various silicone hoses,

    -Brakes upgrade,


    -HO coil kit

    -Various sensors


    Has anybody done this? I was informed by the Audi guy that OEM parts are imported and then marked up 200% by the dealers!

    So, what are the taxes on this?

    Thanks in advance.

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