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Posts posted by Utley

  1. Chai Nat is about as laid back as it gets; no night life to speak of. There is a Tesco Lotus that has recently been remodeled and now includes a Pizza Factory restaurant and a Swanson's Ice Cream outlet (whoopi). The city's central attraction is a bird park with a large outdoor aviary - that should tell you all you need to know. Foreigners are few and far between and generally treated as a curiosity.

  2. Guam has just legalized marijuana making it a very attractive alternative to Thailand as a place for expats to live. Has anyone ever considered living in Guam rather than Thailand? Anyone have any experience there? As a country with established constitutional rights and legalized cannabis, it looks awfully attractive at first glance.

    • Like 2
  3. Martial law is the least of their problems. Let's be honest... if you take away the sex trade a vast majority of the expats would pack up and leave... yes it's a sad fact that Thais covet nothing but money and the expats covet easy sex.

    Change... oh how you all talk about wanting things to change and yet few if any won't leave; you'd rather have something to piss and moan about on your bar stools. Who's worse Thais or Expats? The Thais believe that this is Thailand and is the greatest nation on earth and cannot be affected by outside influence. The expats talk about all the social ills and yet remain happy to stay and fuel the issues with their money.

    I wonder what it would take for the expat community to finally grow a pair and do what is needed... leave.

    We grew a pair and left. That's why we're here. What's the difference between sitting on a bar stool in your home country and bitching, and doing it in Thailand?

    Besides that, expats are usually here to work. Why would I leave my family and my business if the sex trade was removed?

    Is that why you're here? For the sex trade?

    "Is that why you're here? For the sex trade?" - Absolutely (but don't tell my wife).

    There are 2 rules of successful marketing:

    Rule 1: Give the customers what they want; if you own a shoe store - sells shoes that the customers want; if you run a country and want to attract tourists - give the tourists what they want.

    Rule 2: If you want to give the customers what you think they should have rather than what they want - see Rule 1.

  4. It doesn't matter who you were referring to. It matters who would "take advantage" of it.

    "Who you were referring to" would be more properly stated as "to whom you were referring". Prepositions shouldn't be used to end either phrases or sentences. Your mother and 9th grade english teacher would not be proud. wai2.gif

    I wouldn't normally comment about posts of this nature, but.

    (hint, you fill in the words after the but yourself, a 9th Grade English teacher {notice the capital letters} should be able to explain that to you)

    I can't stand grammar Nazis (used to be one, then I grew up) especially ones who then go on to make basic mistakes.

    Now, back on topic please.

    The country being under Martial Law will have some effect on tourist numbers, but it is far from the main reason.

    The president will address Congress.
    Chairman of the Board William Bly will preside at the conference.
    The chairman of the board, William Bly, will preside.
    The senators from Iowa and Ohio are expected to attend.
    Also expected to attend are Senators Buzz James and Eddie Twain.
    The governors, lieutenant governors, and attorneys general called for a special task force.
    Governor Fortinbrass, Lieutenant Governor Poppins, and Attorney General Dalloway will attend.
    • Like 1
  5. Do you really want to increase tourism? Then legalize prostitution and allow public nudity - duh.

    Do you really want to see fat farangs walking around nude? Good way to scare off everyone, not just the tourists.

    Do you really think I was referring to fat farangs?

    It doesn't matter who you were referring to. It matters who would "take advantage" of it.

    "Who you were referring to" would be more properly stated as "to whom you were referring". Prepositions shouldn't be used to end either phrases or sentences. Your mother and 9th grade english teacher would not be proud. wai2.gif

  6. Are you seriously asking this question in a country that is under martial law? "Badges? - We don't need no stinkin badges!"

    Hmmm, you equate police extortion with military martial law. However, you are right on one count, military "don't need no stinkin' badges."

    Civil rights and jurisprudence don't exist in Thailand today which allows the police to run amuck now more than ever.

    • Like 1
  7. Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

    They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

    What is illegal in Thailand and they should put it in their thick heads, is that they shouldn't use any drugs or smokes while here.

    Is this so hard to understand?

    "They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world" - NOT

    Any post by dear old Costas should be taken with the pinch of salt (I'm sure) he intends. He has a wonderful sense of humour (I think)

    "He has a wonderful sense of humour" - That would explain a lot.

  8. Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

    They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

    What is illegal in Thailand and they should put it in their thick heads, is that they shouldn't use any drugs or smokes while here.

    Is this so hard to understand?

    "They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world" - NOT

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