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Posts posted by popmybubble

  1. Maybe the length of the thread has prevented women from responding to my earlier question so I feel obligated to ask it again.

    If you knew your husband or significant other didn’t like tattoos would you discuss getting one with him before you did it.

    And if you didn’t discuss it with him, knowing he didn’t like them and got one anyway what would that mean?

    A. He is not as important as a pimple on a gnats bottom in the scheme of things so why would I ask the wanke_r anything.

    B. It is my body and I don’t care if he likes what I do with or not because after all he is a man and don’t know horse poop about anything anyway.

    C. I realize he pays all the bills and goes to work every day and I stay home and watch TV so I have more time on my hands to think of things to do that upset him.

    D. I know he doesn’t like tattoos. So I am going to get one to see how much he loves me.

    I'm a woman and I did reply- you must have missed it :)

  2. I've got a couple of tattoos (got them prior to being in my current relationship) and I'm always thinking about getting more, I just can't afford to right now. My current bf (thai) doesn't like tattoos very much. He doesn't mind that I have some (nothing he can do about it!) and knows that I want more. I would definitely speak to him about what I was planning when the time comes and ask his opinion which would probably be "up to you". I don't think I would just go and get one without mentioning it because I'd like him to know.

    If I had enough money I would probably have my whole left arm covered in tattoos (I have a tattoo which takes up about half of the inside of my forearm), but that's more to do with the fact that I have a lot of scarring (due to self-harm in the past) and it's a bit of a toss up but I think tattoos would be judged less harshly than a load of scars. I try to cover up when in LOS despite the heat as I'm not 100% comfortable being 'on show' even though my bf says he doesn't care.

  3. I'm going to be in Thailand for about 5 and a half months & I know I'll go crazy without any decent tunes to listen to in my apartment. Updating my ipod and was hoping for some suggestions cos I'm getting a tad bit bored of listening to my faves...I'm into pretty much any kind of music so what song/s can you not live without? lol (or have to listen to regularly) :)

  4. I'm flying to Chiang Mai from Newcastle on Emirates and Bangkok Airways. Can anyone tell me if luggage is transferred straight through or do I need to check it in again at Bangkok? I know Thai Air transfer luggage.


  5. You just landed, right?
    i'm not up on politics- can anyone explain simply why the majority of posters are anti-thaksin & what makes him so much worse than other people in power? don't governments tend to be as bad as each other?

    You should do a search of the forum. The country has entered what may now be a civil war. Yet another discussion (there are hundreds) on the good versus bad things Thaksin did as a PM, and later as convicted fugitive, is really out of place here and now (on this thread anyway)!

    ok thanks

  6. I'm not sure why this happens. I've only experienced it with my bf and he seems to think it's rude for someone to interrupt but doesn't want to be impolite to the interrupter.

    Most annoying is if I've rang him and we're having a conversation on the phone and I can hear someone talk to him (hate when people can see you're ON THE PHONE and attempt conversation- same anywhere) and then he just starts talking back- no wait a sec or anything. If that happens and it's longer than like a minute I would hang up. Afterwards he'll usually say something like I don't know why they try to talk to me when I'm on the phone.

  7. Nothing has ever been said, other than the normal interest in why I've got so many.

    So why DO you have so many?

    and why do you NEED so many? Think i'd be a bit freaked out if I started going out with a bloke who had a room full of sex toys... hygiene and things for one :)

    Think i'd give it a miss personally, I'd be well red-faced if asked about it :D

  8. Cheers.

    Just been reading about this on Lloyds website and they don't do online money transfers :D I either have to go in branch (impossible as I'll be out of the country) or use 'PhoneBank' which will probably cost shitloads calling from Thailand. So in this case would it be better to use an online money transfer company or just pay the costs for the phonecall? Sarahsbloke mentioned HiFx, but I've never done anything like this before so don't know if it's a good idea.


  9. I think what I'll do is set up a bank account when I get to Chiang Mai (will try Kasikorn). Then transfer 25000b each month (will be there about 5 months) using SWIFT & withdraw weekly spends. Actually it's probably better if I transfer 125000b then I'll save on transfer fees each month.

    I'm not good with maths, so will assume that this works out better than paying fees for withdrawals from Lloyds every time and hopefully more secure in the case of losing bank card or something.

  10. Sorry Eek, its your imagination - tonic water hasn't contained quinine for decades.

    Doesn't matter - if it works for you, go with it!

    Quinine Hydrochloride is listed as a 'natural flavouring' on tonic water I've bought... is that not the same thing?

  11. That sounds like a plan, never thought about opening an account before. I remember the nightmare last time of contacting my bank to tell them I was going to Thailand and then they blocked my card anyway and I spent an insane amount of phone credit getting them to unblock it :)

    I don't suppose I'll need a lot to live on (fingers crossed) my bf estimated 9000b a month! I'm thinking more like 25000...

    Can SWIFT be used with online banking? So I would just transfer a specified amount whenever I need to for free?

  12. I wanted to ask those of you who go to Thailand for months at a time how you manage your cash? For example do you withdraw roughly how much you would spend in a week or withdraw cash as and when you need it? (if you are using a UK/overseas bank account)

    Just because my bank is LloydsTSB and I know they charge me for withdrawals abroad so I was thinking of trying to budget per week instead of as and when.

  13. I'm planning to go to Chiang Mai for about 5 and a half months later this year for the purpose of visiting my boyfriend. Which visa would be better to apply for?

    The multi-entry tourist visa is slightly cheaper but would involve 1 more border run than if I have a non-imm O. The O visa application says I need a sponsors letter. Is that basically just a letter from my bf inviting me to come and see him? Could this be in the form of an email or would it have to be handwritten?

    In future I'd like him to visit me in the UK- would having had an O visa look good when applying for his UK visa? (in regards to proof of relationship)

    Thanks for any help or advice.

  14. www.localphone.com.

    the best by far.

    Fully agree.....you have to set up an account (minimum is 3 pounds I think) then it's 0.5 pence per minute plus the cost of a local BT call. If you have free minutes on your UK mobile you can use those so the total cost is....0.5 pence. Trust me!

    I get unlimited landline calls on my mobile (o2 network) so yeah only costs me 0.5p a min.

  15. I'm telling you people - Localphone.

    try it - you wont be dissapointed.

    I used to pi55 about with those 0844 numbers until I discovered the gem that is localphone - no access numbers, no charging for no pick-up, no connection charge <deleted>.

    just register then give localphone the international number you want to call and they give you a local number for your area - save it in your contacts and hey presto.

    thailand is currently 0.5p per min.

    Agreed, would definitely recommend Localphone. Switched from Rebtel and it's so much better. They even had free calls for 24 hours on Valentine's Day.

  16. I've always felt kind of like I missed out on having a father daughter relationship as my dad has always worked away for months at a time. He's always paid for things if I needed them, and when I was a lot younger probably spoiled me. However I feel that I would have preferred a father I could chat to. Even now when he's home I rarely initiate conversation with him. Another bad thing is that I think I've inherited the (worst) traits of his personality (moody, aloof, short tempered, antisocial) which annoys me as my mother is quite the opposite and I would love to be more like her :)

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