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Posts posted by popmybubble

  1. One thing ladies must be aware of...too much beer is not flattering for the figure, as many guys on here can probably testify to!

    That's probably the main reason why I wouldn't usually go for beer... loads of calories! I'd tend to go for vodka mixed with either slimline tonic water or lime and soda. Or rose wine spritzers. Also beer tends to make me feel bloated and leave a nasty taste in my mouth.

    Although in Thailand I'd prefer to have a cocktail (yeah prob a few calories but tastes better imo & generally cheaper than what I'd pay in UK so it's a bit of a treat).

    As for making women look more masculine, I don't really pay any attention to what anyone's drinking so it probably wouldn't cross my mind and would have more to do with the overall 'look' of the person drinking it. I wouldn't NOT order a beer, worrying what others would think...

  2. I know that as a man... we have certain desires... not NEEDS when it comes to sex

    Yes and there are desires and then there are desires. What level of inconvenience a particular desire may cause an individual is dictated by his brain only and no two brains are wired alike. You managed to survive 5 months of sexual dissatisfaction which I applaud you for but I assure you I would have killed myself- does this perhaps make it a need after all, at least for me? Suicide does rather impinge on ones survival after all.

    Would you kill yourself if say, you were in the military and in a particular situation it was physically impossible for you to be with a woman? Or is it a case of, if it's there and I can't have it, it's not worth living?

  3. I kind of know what you mean, in regards to my bf anyway. However he doesn't really get a chance to bottle things up because it's pretty obvious if something's up, then I just bug him till he tells me. Whatever it is, no matter how small, I always think it's better just to get it over and done with and move on. He speaks good english though so maybe it's easier for us.

    There has been occasions however when he's been bothered about something and when he tells me what it is, I'm really surprised because it's been something ridiculous that you'd never expect someone to be upset about.

  4. Many of the Hill tribe people live right in Chaing mai. You can watch them for free. Although you'll have to ask which ones they are.

    Easily identified by the wooden-frog, which they constantly cause to click, I believe that this may be some mysterious mutual-recognition or intra-tribal-message signal ? :)

    It is a code, but it has more to do with hunting more than just recognition. You can witness this yourself near the Night Bazaar Starbucks. It begins the same every time. First the clicking is very slow and the tribe is split up carefully looking for prey. Then it becomes more rapid when one catches the scent. As each member of the hunting party tries to triangulate the prey they click their frogs more and more rapidly. with each pass they close in. Finally it is a frenzy of frog clicking as they surround their victim. They emerge from cover quickly holding the wooden frogs high, directly in the face of some hapless farang. Nature can be shockingly cruel.

    haha I love those frogs. Especially the small ones that are painted. Bit off topic but I bought a lush baby pink one for a friend when I was in Laos.

    My bf is Karen and doesn't seem to mind or think there's anything wrong with people visiting hill tribe villages, although he books tours and treks and used to be a trekking guide so maybe that's why.

  5. The only things I 'fear' are flying insects, the more big they are the more scary they are. Especially big black ones. :)

    But not rats, I love them! I've kept pet rats for a few years now and I can't see them as anything but cute :D I love geckos and lizards too, don't mind snakes or spiders much. Just winged beasties...

  6. Agreed. Definately read the book. I watched the film first and after reading the book I can't believe they changed so much of it.

    It is VERY difficult to stay true to a book when making it into a movie. It would take a movie 6 hours long to do so. Movies have to get the story done in about 2 hours.

    I know that man, I just mean like a couple of things that would have made no difference to the length of the film- like nationalities and relationships. I didn't expect it to be filmed exactly the same as book.

  7. This is always an issue on Maury Povich (US talk show host). Paternity tests where the 'father' has no doubts at all about being the baby's dad and thoroughly shocked to hear there could be another man. I would have thought the only way a dispute would arise is if the baby looked completely different to the father (no likeness at all/extremely different colour- then again stranger things have happened), you had reason to be suspicious (ie you knew there'd been other lovers) or your 'loving' partner confessed she had been unfaithful.

  8. I just finished reading 'The Beach' which I couldn't put down and thoroughly enjoyed, I watched the film last week (before I started the book) and I found the book a lot better (which usually seems to be the case). Are there any other fiction novels that you would recommend which are based in Thailand? I've read Private Dancer online which I also couldn't stop reading although it was canny short anyway. I'm not sure how else I would go about finding such fiction. Yes I know I can google such a thing but I'd rather buy books that are recommended and easy to find. And yes this has no doubt been done to death over the years. :)

  9. I wasn't particularly looking forward to seeing the tigers before I went there, and after I did I would never go back. They were far too subdued (yes I know it would be highly dangerous if they weren't), I don't know if it's cos they are made to lie with the full glare of the sun and barely any shade or sedated, but I felt very uncomfortable. Also I wasn't too happy about the way the guides grab your hand, practically dragging you to each tiger and pushing your hand onto the tiger itself.

  10. I don't know if he's been posted on here before, but I watched Shutter for the first time last week and I think Ananda Everingham is canny nice looking :)


    and yes Michael Hutchence was very sexy!

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