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Posts posted by popmybubble

  1. I'm in Chiang Mai at the end of February and was hoping to try some really tasty vegetarian meals (no meat or fish). Are there any particular dishes that anyone would recommend? I can eat fairly hot/spicy food but would prefer my mouth not to be on fire :o

  2. Not seen a Golliwog for years. Must be collectors items now - if you are even allowed to collect such 'offensive' items. Maybe expect a raid from the PC police for daring to own some?

    You can still buy them in shops in the UK, I used to want one.

  3. Are you the one with the dyed blonde hair? I think it's Silom Soi 4 or 5 :D

    haha, no I'm not in any of these photos :o

    is it common that you have to know what bar it is, as soon as you look through some pictures taken from some events? Or is there some special reason why you want to know where this particular pictures where taken :D

    I just wanted to know so I can put a name to it... I like to know the places I've been, that's all :D and it was fun.

  4. Glue traps are one of the most cruel ways to kill an animal, the RSPCA have a petition to get them banned in the UK because of the immense suffering they cause. You need to make sure there is no way rats can enter your premises and make sure you don't have any rubbish with food outside that they will be attracted to. Use humane traps and release the rats about 2 miles away if possible, otherwise they will be straight back.

    unbelievable..................they are disgusting rats, and it's not like the world doesn't have enough of them.

    Shouldn't you be more concerned with the children of Darfur? Orphans in Thailand?

    Geez to go PETA on people about rats, now I've heard it all............

    So because I disagree with harsh killing methods that makes me 'go PETA' ?

    This thread is about rats, not the children of Darfur or orphans in Thailand and I commented on it, so that must mean I'm ONLY concerned about rats? Right ok...

  5. Glue traps are one of the most cruel ways to kill an animal

    that's why i drown them as soon as i catch them. i made the mistake of not at first and totally regretted it. rats scream. :D

    Rats can swim, so I imagine being stuck to a glue trap and not being able to swim to the surface would be equally horrific. I keep pet rats and I know how intelligent and affectionate they can be and to think of the methods people use to kill them makes me feel sick. If you really must kill them, quickest and most painless way is probably a sharp blow.

    I have an idea, since you seem to love them so much why don't you volunteer to go to the OP's house and round em up and take them home.

    How old are you again? :o

  6. Glue traps are one of the most cruel ways to kill an animal

    that's why i drown them as soon as i catch them. i made the mistake of not at first and totally regretted it. rats scream. :o

    Rats can swim, so I imagine being stuck to a glue trap and not being able to swim to the surface would be equally horrific. I keep pet rats and I know how intelligent and affectionate they can be and to think of the methods people use to kill them makes me feel sick. If you really must kill them, quickest and most painless way is probably a sharp blow.

  7. Glue traps are one of the most cruel ways to kill an animal, the RSPCA have a petition to get them banned in the UK because of the immense suffering they cause. You need to make sure there is no way rats can enter your premises and make sure you don't have any rubbish with food outside that they will be attracted to. Use humane traps and release the rats about 2 miles away if possible, otherwise they will be straight back.

  8. And yes, couldn't you just have a separate menu showing photos with exhorbitant prices for the Thais?

    I agree there should be prices x times higher like the usual double pricing in Thailand.

    Maybe write the Farang price in Roman Numbers so the Thais can't read it.

    farang price ? like, just a price for people of caucasian appearance ?

    i've never met a thai who can't decipher the decimal digits 0-9.


    I thought he meant Roman Numerals like I, II, III, IV, V etc...

  9. I only knew you for a while

    I never saw your smile

    'Til it was time to go

    Time to go away

    (Time to go away)

    Sometimes it's hard to recognise

    Love comes as a surprise

    And it's too late

    It's just too late to stay

    Too late to stay

    We'll always be together

    However far it seems

    (Love never ends)

    We'll always be together

    Together in electric dreams

    Because the friendship that you gave

    Has taught me to be brave

    No matter where I go

    I'll never find a better prize

    (Find a better prize)

    Though you're miles and miles away

    I see you every day

    I don't have to try

    I just close my eyes

    I close my eyes

    We'll always be together

    However far it seems

    (Love never ends)

    We'll always be together

    Together in electric dreams

    We'll always be together

    However far it seems

    (Love never ends)

    We'll always be together

    Together in electric dreams

  10. ^

    Chav as in respect of what you are talking about is a fairly recent word. As for Chavy, he's far too old to be a Chav. :o

    I reckon it comes from one of these meanings. Maybe Chavy can verify, but I got a feeling it was a cockney work mate that started calling him it.

    "The origin of the word seems to have lots of possible sources. For many decades at Charterhouse, the public school boys used the word to refer to everyone who didn't go to public school.Now that British journalists have just recently discovered the word, all the papers seem to have an opinion as to its origin and are proudly announcing it as the word of the year. Hmm. One dumb hack wrote that it was a contraction of 'Chatham average', Chatham being a town in Kent, but this is certainly wrong. Another dubious source is an acronym derived from 'Council House Violent'. For decades, Chav was a traditional phrase used by Londoners 'she dropped a Chav' was used to mean 'gave birth'. In this context, 'Chavs' are simply 'kids' apparently deriving from 'Chavi' a Romany word meaning 'boy'. So we have an etymological contender that fits the bill... but used by caravan gippos." (Source: Everything2.com)

    It's CHARV !!!

    From Urban Dictionary: 3. Charv

    The correct spelling of chav. 'Chav' is the bastardised variation of charv, which is both in correct and stupid sounding. The word charv (short for charver, i mean come on, how can 'chav' be short for chaRver?! Some idiots on this website have defined the word 'chav' but have also made refrence to the word 'chaRver'. Don't they notice their stupid term isn't even a shortened version of the correct word?!) originated from the birth place of charv culture; Newcastle, UK. Charv culture then spread across the nation and the idiots in the south (ie, the media) started picking up on the North East's word but for some idiotic reason missed out the 'R'.

  11. I'm a cold heartbreaker

    Fit ta burn and I'll rip

    your heart in two

    An I'll leave you lyin' on the bed

    I'll be out the door before ya wake

    It's nuthin' new ta you

    'Cause I think we've seen that movie too

    'Cause you could be mine

    But you're way out of line

    With your bitch slap rappin'

    And your cocaine tongue

    You get nuthin' done

    I said you could be mine

    Now holidays come and then they go

    It's nothin' new today

    Collect another memory

    When I come home late at night

    Don't ask me where I've been

    Just count your stars

    I'm home again

    'Cause you could be mine

    But you're way out of line

    With your bitch slap rappin'

    And your cocaine tongue

    You get nuthin' done

    I said you could be mine

    You've gone sketchin' too many times

    Why don't ya give it a rest


    Must you find

    Another reason to cry

    While you're breakin' down my back n' I been rackin' out my brain

    It don't matter how we make it

    'Cause it always ends the same

    You can push it for more mileage

    But your flaps r' wearin' thin

    And I could sleep on it 'til mornin'

    But this nightmare never ends

    Don't forget to call my lawyers

    With ridiculous demands

    An you can take the pity so far

    But it's more than I can stand

    'Cause this couchtrip's gettin' older

    Tell me how long has it been

    'Cause 5 years is forever

    An you haven't grown up yet

    You could be mine

    But you're way out of line

    With your bitch slap rappin'

    And your cocaine tongue

    You get nuthin' done

    I said you could be mine

    You should be

    You could be mine

  12. I couldn't think where else to post this except here... I want to buy my thai friend a Liverpool shirt because it's his favourite team and I wasn't sure whether to get a name on the back. I was considering having his name put on the back but is that too cheesy/for kids? As a man do you think it's something you would appreciate? Or is plain better? :o

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