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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. I don't think it's possible to predict rain of this type, the late hot season / early dry season thunderstorms that affect a tiny area. It's anyone's guess where they're going to hit.

    Also, keep in mind that it also wouldn't be proper to put the big 'thunderstorms' graphic on a day that will be sunny all day, with a 30 minute downpoor at the end of the day. That sort of thing scares tourists away, too.

    This is what Thaivisa weather shows for today:


    Now go stand outside and ponder if the image looks like what you see above.. :)

  2. Is USA backing the red terrorists? Send this guy back home to US immediately. He was not officially invited, and should not go here to meet with the terrorists.

    Well, let's see.. Logically there are only two options:

    1. The USA has ended its long standing policy not to negotiate with terrorists.

    2. The USA does not consider the Red Shirt movement terrorists.

    Now, keeping in mind that Fox News is NOT having a field day as we speak, I'm inclined to lean towards option number 2.

    Personal suggestion: Write to Fox, they've spun crazier things than this around to show the US government loves terrorists. They'd probably appreciate some help from the resident Farang crazies on this forum! :)

  3. He simply usurped others..... deeds and if so the honor belongs to people like Prem and Anand, that is why he tries to frame them as the "amitiya" which supposedly suppresses the people - quite daring - isn't it?

    But also speaks volumes about the character of the people behind all this!

    As an onlooker I feel more and more disgusted!

    As an onlooker, you're looking at Ko Samui, Surat Thani. We know what you see, and it isn't Issan.

  4. When this is over the moronic farang red shirt supporters need to be rounded up, tarred and feathered then made to sing the nation anthem continually for 24 hours then flogged and deported.

    Don't worry Streetwise, if the Thai Government want to know who all these red terrorist sympathysers are on this forum then they will just demand the info from Thai visa, who will then provide said info. So if you are one of the trolls, beware as next time you leave/re-enter the country you may just not get back in. This Government are very hot on new internet technology and they WILL get around to tracking down those names of people who sympathise with terrorists. It is funny as we are warned of this as it is all stated in the info and rules about this site. If you choose to dis the Royals or the Government there is NO SUCH THING as ANONYMITY! Well the damage is already done for many of the likes of Che. As an aside Che you could try deleting all your posts, but as far as I know that wont work, even deleted posts are kept for 6 months. I hope the trolling will prove worth it.

    :):D :D

    You must be really proud of yourself right now. :D

    wow, I don't say this lightly, but what a moron. :D

    to be honest, I would not really want to live in a country where I couldn't speakmy mind and have an open debate anyway.

    The guy does have a point though. The assumption must be that this forum will readily hand over ip information. Always a good thing to keep in mind when posting. :D


    Funny and deperate post by a red hater.

    I for one, am not afraid.

    I have played golf with the generals and most of the military are red supporters. 75%

    Are you clueless?

  5. I just read the article and I think it's hyper condescending monkey-hurlage.

    How can you actually get crap like this out of a pen:

    But the Thai carpenter probably lives on family land rent-free, pays nothing to moderate the climate, produces his own vegetables, chickens, eggs and pork, and rides his own motor-cycle to his jobs. He's seen the American lifestyle on TV, and it's so far beyond the range of his experience, he doesn't feel deprived or envious.

    Clue: The carpenter feels deprived when he tells you he's deprived, and when he moves from making tables and chairs to sharpened bamboo stakes. ( And also note that this feeling of deprivation may be more politically than financially. Not sure what the article tries to tell us other than that the author doesn't like Thaksin and that Thailand as a whole is not as poor as Laos.. News at 11. )

    I still give it one star for not including the word 'sufficiency' anywhere, though. Thank you.

  6. For us non-Brits, what is it about a hung Parliament that would cause the pound to decline?

    Is it something to do with indecisiveness of the electorate, mechanics of passing legislation, uncertainty in direction, or something along those lines? Would the pound do better regardless of who won as long as one party was a clear winner, or would a certain party have been better?

    Wel erm.. Hung parliament, so when their penis size increases, there is less need to import women, meaning the currency goes down..

  7. It was alright for the times, but currently it wouldn't match up against just about any popular Western place. Memories do seem to improve with time though. :)

    Yes, it would, in fact it would match up against ANY popular Western place :D

    Were you here then?

    Of course.

    How about the hindquarters of a nice little NZ spring lamb? :D

    that could possibly tempt me, but i usually get my fill on my trips back

    This coming from Blinky, I think the suggestion was for the lamb to get her fill? :D

  8. It was alright for the times, but currently it wouldn't match up against just about any popular Western place. Memories do seem to improve with time though. :)

  9. what's a "buff"?

    a red shirt and their supporters :D but also Buffoon - where one may consider this an insult for all buffoons (a kind of monkey - not the brightest one on the block but very aggressive)

    Buffalo - but then buffalos are useful and smell better! hahahaha.......


    So.. I take it that the intention of the article was lost on you guys then. :D Some on this forum are now more radical than The Nation.. quite an achievement.

  10. There is an obvious IQ advantage of 10-20 points. Consider the average Thai IQ is 91, Hong Kong is 107. Mainland China is 100, Phillipines is 86, India is 81. Remove the 14,000,000 Chinese from the Thai number and you probably have an average IQ somewhere between the Phillipines 86 and Indias 81.

    Which may come at the expense of understanding statistics and averages. :D (Hint: an average of anything is not a guarantee, or in your words 'obvious advantage'. :D

    And secondly, you seem to assume that Chinese Thais would have the same IQ as mainland China (a number that's under heavy criticism as well). You'd have to show that this is higher / significantly different from other urban Thais.

    And thirdly, that 'Farangs in Thailand' have the same IQ as those earning a living at home, is a big assumption. I'm not buying that until a survey is done, but from what I read on this forum, it doesn't look good. :)

  11. Be happy that you're not in New Delhi.... or in Jaipur, or Riadh!

    Did you actually look up Riyadh? I did, yesterday, and temperatures int eh Middle East region are very similar to Chiang Mai, both daytime and nighttime temperatures. A little cooler actually. (www.weather.com)

    How long will this cycle last and how much hotter will it get??

    One prediction from the head metorologist from LOS says that we are entering an el nino cycle and could last for years and rainy season could be shortened and delayed until august!!!

    Phew, that's a relief. If the head meteorologist was predicting heavy rain all week then I'd be worried. He's as funny as the head earthquake guy, and the guy who said sea levels around Thailand wouldn't rise as we're so far from the poles. :)

    It was so hot, I had to drag my bed under the air-con last night.

    Oh oh.. Sounds like a David Letterman list coming up..

    - It's so hot that it makes me want to take off my skin and sit in my bones

    - It's so hot that I saw two trees fighting over a dog.

    - Birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.

    - Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying hard-boiled eggs.

    - It's so hot, I can roast marshmellows on my belly


  12. OP, what you wrote is incorrect. The travel advisory has been updated last week:

    The overall level of the advice has changed; we no longer advise against all but essential travel to the whole country. We advise against all travel to specific parts of Thailand. We advise against all but essential travel to other specific parts of Thailand, including Bangkok.

    Source: http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/travel-and-living...ceania/thailand

    Have fun. :)

  13. Anyway, if it keeps going this way then a holiday in Britain is definitely on the cards. Would love to go and enjoy the cheap beer, a Prem League match, and get re-acquainted with the color gray in all it's shades.

    Hope you have deep pockets, last time I checked EPL games with top teams in London (Chelsea, Arsenal etc.) are at least 50 GBP.

    Not just the top teams. I pay £50 or so to watch West Ham..

    At today's rate that's 2350 baht. Indeed not something I'd like to be paying bi-weekly, but as a one-off, I think I've spent more on some afternoons in Thailand.. (And good afternoons they were, but still. :) )

  14. This is a Jade Plant


    Mine doesn't look anything like this, and in fact is just dying. I tried twice.

    Being a succulent, it should like hot & dry conditions; I thought I killed my first one with too much water. However now in the hot season, my second one is dying as well.

    Does anyone have success with these?

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