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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. Hmmm.. raising the price of the Chiang Mai -> Phuket flight by over 60%... Just as Air Asia announced this flight, VERY cheap.. Possibly they've just given up on selling that flight and hope for some international bookings from people/agents who don't know any better.

    Drastic steps == utter desperation?

    Added to this, you can't fly to some VERY common destinations on TG.. Want to go to New York (East Coast USA)... sorry. :)

  2. I agree with Chuan Leek Pai... Abhisit compromised "rule of law."

    His five conditions are ambiguous and nonsense. Of course most would agree to these "motherhood and apple pie" statements... that is like saying "education needs to be available for everyone." Most would agree with this comment. But how you go about achieving it, who get the benefits, and who pays for it is the problem.

    Also, no way the leaders will agree to NOT have amnesty... NO WAY. They will parlay the "hey the yellow shirts did it and got off scot free!" card.

    Forget it... a guy like Nattawut go to jail without a fight... NO F'ing WAY!!!!!!

    Deal the way it is written is a NO GO.

    Umm, they already agreed to NOT have amnesty.. Something tells me you're not reading UDD announcements? :)

    And damned right Nattawut won't go to jail without a fight.. in court. Someone somewhere will have to come up with something better than a blanket allegation of 'inciting terrorism and underminging the monarchy', though. :D

    lols! There are so many "reports" and newspaper articles and updates on blogs, that by the time people post stuff on here, it is outdated! Now I hear the red shirts have condemned the peace proposal and what Abhisit to resign immediately!!!! Maybe it is best if at night the red shirts slipped out and the yellow shirts slipped in... just change places at Ratchaprasong!

    LOL.. Ok, that made me smile. :D Would save them from having to take down the barricades and clean up the mess.. they can just leave them in place. :D

    To be honest, judging from PAD's language, they're not too far away either!! Did you see the below article?


    Why, they sound almost as rabid as some forum members! :D (not you, of course.)

  3. I agree with Chuan Leek Pai... Abhisit compromised "rule of law."

    His five conditions are ambiguous and nonsense. Of course most would agree to these "motherhood and apple pie" statements... that is like saying "education needs to be available for everyone." Most would agree with this comment. But how you go about achieving it, who get the benefits, and who pays for it is the problem.

    Also, no way the leaders will agree to NOT have amnesty... NO WAY. They will parlay the "hey the yellow shirts did it and got off scot free!" card.

    Forget it... a guy like Nattawut go to jail without a fight... NO F'ing WAY!!!!!!

    Deal the way it is written is a NO GO.

    Umm, they already agreed to NOT have amnesty.. Something tells me you're not reading UDD announcements? :)

    And damned right Nattawut won't go to jail without a fight.. in court. Someone somewhere will have to come up with something better than a blanket allegation of 'inciting terrorism and underminging the monarchy', though. :D

  4. In my son's school (international), the sleeping time (after lunch) for KG1 is from 11:50 to 14:00 (2 h 10 m), take a few minutes off for preparation, etc.

    Lunch Time is 11:00 to 11:50.

    And, my son (3.5 years old) gets to bed at around 9:30-10:00pm every day and wakes up at 6:30am (8 h 30m to 9h of sleep at home) and gets on the van at 6:50 am.

    ^ WOW..! That doesn't sound ideal.. Especially the bit where he gets in the van at 6:50AM! That's like Bangkok-style craziness in getting kids to school.. And of course two hours sleep is very long, but perhaps understandable if he gets up at 6:30am.. Does he have breakfast in school?

    Personally, I don't really like the idea of any van / van driver, though I'm sure there are great ones around. Still there's an inherent added risk from doing a grand tour to pick up other kids. Fortunately the school is a 5 minute drive for me, so we typically leave the house at 8:30 on my way to work. (Or in her words, "Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy..", which has GOT to be the most Un-Thai phrase I ever heard, and from my own daughter no less. :)

  5. > They have the kids watch TV for 3 hours in the afternoon??? <deleted>?

    Right. On good schools (international or not) they have a scheduled plan to actually teach the kids a thing or two. (Actually they learn remarkably a lot, even at a very young age like 2 years old. I noticed an amazing jump in her development after sending her to school, not to mention social skills with other kids/people, etc.

  6. I can only hope that true pro-democracy factions within the Red Shirt movement will stay active in pushing their agenda, perhaps together with democracy minded people in PAD (I'm sure there are several). I've said before that among the pro democracy activitsts there's probably quite a bit of common ground. Chances of that actually happening though... not holding my breath.

  7. Place your bets (non monetary) on the following:

    "Dearly beloved, I'm happy to inform you that the rumours of my death are greatly exaggerated. I am however fighting <insert medical condition> with the help of my good friends and family. The government has graciously granted me amnesty due to health reasons. "

    (Heck yeah it's a long shot, but this being a rumour mongering topic, it's no worse than what has gone before this post. :) )

  8. I'm still wondering about why the reds are holding out for a definite date for dissolution of parliament and why the PM will not give them one? There must be something that makes this date important...

    Been a bit of a busy day for some today, but clearly for reasons over the heads of others.

    Because hectic negotiations on the details are taking place as we speak. :) There has been preciously little information from the UDD leadership the last couple days. They're clearly all very busy.

    Either way, someone in the government has given a date of the second half of September. That probably clarifies that point.

  9. How does this deal impact the chances Thaksin will come back and take power (either as dear leader or puppet master)?

    Unlikely in the short term. The UDD leadership has NOT requested that any CRIMINAL charges are to be dropped (and nor has Abhisit proposed that of course) Thaksin's legal troubles, whatever anyone thinks of those, are of a criminal nature as far as the Thai justice and political system is concerned.

    There HAS been a request to drop any political charges, including blanket allegations of advocating terrorism, lese majeste, overthrowing the government, and using the Royal institution for political purposes in general. This MAY (or may not) cover the 111 banned ex-TRT politicians and possibly political prisoners and dissidents, however would have NO effect on those fighting (or already convicted of) criminal charges, including Thaksin. (Also note that Abhisit has not yet responded to this request, and when push comes to shove, the UDD leadership may very well agree let political prisoners rot in jail as part of a deal they strike with Abhisit and the establishment. :D

    So no need to worry. :)

    (If you like something to worry about though (and I strongly suspect you do :D ) , consider perhaps the chances of Thaksin being granted amnesty due to a medical condition. :D

  10. Great, clocked up two pages of the usual crap, with a few exceptions.

    * Why would you want to ignore her family?? Would you appreciate it if she did the same to your family?

    When you get married, you gain a family. IF your fiance has less upstanding family members AND IF she can't handle those, then don't marry her. Only marry someone with some backbone, and for whom you and your kids come first.

  11. Awww.. poor Patpong traders!! Such lovely people. Rest assured, they'll be back ripping off tourists and selling fake goods when the next high season kicks in. :) (And quite possibly even this European summer)

    Now let's hear it for the poor Patpong bar owners!

  12. I think the issue may be that the women on this forum by and large appear so positive, happy and perfect. You never see one come out with a proper whine about Thailand, their partners or Thai men in general. That just creates friction. (Plus pretty much all female forum members are moderators, that just creates natural friction with a membership who by and large didn't come to Thailand to be nannied over. :D If there was a female forum member who'd appear just a little bit naughty in her posting then she'd be the forum's superstar. Say, a female IanForbes, pictures going walkabout with massage boys and all; I can scarcely imagine the riot. :D

    So, ladies, my recommendation would be to stop doing post after post claiming how great your Thai husbands are, how they're the greatest loving and caring partners, fathers, providers, and are hung like donkeys.

    Try a proper whine and soon you'll be accepted. :)

    if that doesn't work, try flattery. Like go on the Pattaya forum and tell the readership you think Pattaya expats wearing shorts and singlets are incredibly sexy, and be genuinely interested in their selection of amulets and choice of motorcycle. You know you can do it.

  13. > - Very little feeling of neighborhood-- friends tend to be dispersed, so you rely on a car

    In general I'd agree with that, but there are exceptions. I live in a moo ban with LOADS of kids. Many missionary families as well, those people BREED. :)

    > - Books are expensive

    Books you'd just have to get from Amazon or get people to ship in a box or two. There's no taxes on books, so pretty safe/smooth to send through customs.

    > - Almost no green space like public parks

    True compared to where I was born, but as far as Thailand goes Chiang Mai probably probably ranks near the top. Then I include the places up the mountain, the zoo, the area around the Night Safari (where they have deer walking around), and some resorts such as the Horizon resort & botanic garden and others. The 'actual' public parks of which there are two are indeed crap.

  14. Here's something else that's interesting; the UDD Facebook page was recently censored. Note that this only contains almost sugar-coated posts that are also very much intentioned for an international audience and international news media. Absolutly no hate whatsoever. Yet it was censored.

    meanwhile, very nice Facebook pages such as this one remain available: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=81313992104

    I think the government speaks with multiple tongues. Hard to trust them to be honest.

  15. Here is even an article called "Why 9 months?" from CAPO, the Thai government website:

    http://www.capothai.org/capothai/why-9-months , dated March 30, 2010.

    9 months house dissolution from April 1st would have meant House dissolution by January 2011 and new elections by March 2011. Not new elections by the end of the year as you're claiming.

    Can you stop calling me a lair now, please?

    An apology from JC would be nice as well. It was nothing but a flame, while you tried to have a reasoned discussion. (I don't agree with you on all points, but I recognize a reasoned point of view when I see one. )

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