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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. Wow, what a Bouquet of Bad Vibes for a post that does nothing wrong other than being different.

    Another way to put it for those people who have gotten a little more bitter or sour over the years would be: Would you like it if Thailand and your life in it have stayed the same as your first months/year here?

    Personally I never really went down the bitterness path, while acknowledging that my own lifestyle, priorities and outlook in life has changed WAY more than Thailand has. It's inevitable, and probably for the better, too.

  2. Another thing to note is that like Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and the rest of the North, it gets quite smokey in March.

    Perhaps the main drawback is the same one that applies to retiring in any of the other locations that are essentially tourist towns.

  3. The obsession may be more with middle class girls, with Chinese-Thai families just being more likely to be middle class?

    It does make some sense to find a partner with a somewhat similar level of education, age and financial means. (Though not dissing those marrying WAY above their station. :) )

  4. Wow, respect. 41 degrees and biking around Kham Thieng, which, temperature wise, is hel_l's waiting room. :)

    (But Gotlost is right, it is the best place. Takes some time to find the best shops though; the ones that appreciate repeat customers and offer close to wholesale prices also when buying just 10 or so pots at a time.)

  5. I live in a large house.. Either I hole up in one of the smaller rooms with the best airconditioner (the downstairs office room, which has a very nice Mitsubishi unit), OR I set the living room airconditioner to 28 or so and have the ceiling fan on. Then it's okay enough when staying near the cool floor. :)

    I normally don't run the living room aircon; we just put it there because we had one left over. It's not really designed to keep the whole area cool, but it makes a nice enough difference with the fan running as well.

    It's funny walking up the stairs; temperature goes up a full degree with every step. :D

    Also funny with temperatures higher than body temperatures is that normally cool surfaces feel warm to the touch... So even when touching metal, glass or granite, it feels warm.. Same for the 'cold' water coming out of the taps..

  6. and I lost two Frangipanis,

    That's impossible, you never lose Frangipanis, about the worst that can happen is gain MORE Frangipanis. :D (Whatever drops off you stick in the ground, and will proceed to grow into another Frangipani tree. :) )

  7. The Nation is an interesting newspaper.... sometimes it is "pro-Abhisit" sometimes it is "anti-Abhisit". Perhaps this is acceptable, I don't know.

    But often it is difficult to separate facts from opinion. In this case, it is opinion, but Nation articles have been written that blur facts with opinion...

    What is a reader to do?!

    Easy: Move to a better news source. :D

    They actually wrote this, quoted verbatim, in full:

    Reds leaders to meet again Sunday

    Red shirts leaders' meeting after double fatal attacks ended on Saturday without any resolution when they would end their rally. Nuttawut Saikua, a red shirt leader, told after the meeting that the core leaders would meet again on Sunday to work out on more concrete plan.

    (http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/Reds-leaders-to-meet-again-Sunday-30128862.html )

    Now, look how they struggle to get the reference to the violence in there in the same paragraph as the actual news fact, that the Red leaders will meet again today. It almost isn't even English anymore: " Red shirts leaders' meeting after double fatal attacks ended on Saturday without any resolution when they would end their rally. "

    :) This really is getting quite tedious.

  8. Unfortunately for all Thais, Thaksin does not care about peace. He cares about his money. His interests are served by derailing this plan, and that is why his army and police thugs are shooting and bombing people daily.

    Well, that didn't take long.. Post #4 and Thaksin's pale arse gets dragged into it. :) Anyway, Thaksin is dead, don't you read Thaivisa? :D

  9. I find that typically restaurants don't have issues with dogs provided he/she stays outside. More often than not some water or something else was served to the dog as well! :) But can't bring a dog inside though of course, also at home the dog isn't supposed to be indoors.

  10. Another scary thing is that I had to learn NOT to stop when seeing an accident, a very high possibility that suddenly you had caused the accident, just trying to help.


    (Don't let the bitter, Thai-hating Bar Stool Farlongs get to you.)

    When you're in a position to help, you help. I know I do. If there was a place where this was not possible then I wouldn't want to live in that place. Nuff said.

  11. Loads of details on that site, but no price. And a PDF with with the last page corrupted.

    The image I posted above has the prices also Winnie.

    No it doesn't.. (or I'm going blind or dyslexic).. I'll take Gotlost's word for it though that it's 300 baht. :)

  12. I think the UDD should accept the road map and leave by Monday. Not sure what else is there to gain, realistically. Surely they don't expect to turn all of Thailand's political challenges around in a single protest..

    Well said, that.

    I hope you're right. And I hope that any further protests are peaceful on all sides.

    Latest on the daily updates suggests the redshirts are beginning to renege on earlier statements.... The redshirts cannot be trusted...

    I don't think Mr Abhisit or the Yellow shirts can be trusted either.

    Well, like it or not, for this to get resolved, some trust building needs to take place, one step at a time. I'd like to think that Abhisit kind of made that first step by reaching out, drawing flak from the hawks on his own side.

  13. This is why it's taking some time. They need to reel in some of the hard core ones. A lady friend of mine has become really quite radicalized especially since the April 10 massacre. Those people need a couple days to focus on the future, and realize what the original goals were, and what has been achieved. And to consider that not much more can be gained, but a LOT can be lost, both to the stated Red goals and to Thailand as a whole.

  14. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/Red-s...y-30128814.html

    Red shirts protest to end Monday

    Red shirts protest will be disbanded on May 10 (Monday) after a religious rite for those who were killed during the April 10 violence is held.

    The May 10 marks one month anniversary of the clashes between the troops and red shirts protesters in which 25 were killed and 800 others were injured.


    The United front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) will still join the reconciliation road map of the prime minister even though the peace talk climate was disrupted by bomb attack at Lumpini Park, UDD co-leader Natthawut Saikua said on Saturday.

    Mr Natthawut condemned the bombers and called on the Centre for the Resolution of Emergency Situations (CRES) to stop threatening red-shirt protesters and try to arrest the bombers instead.

    <Ratchaprasong News>

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