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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. Little bit less would be nice.. Horizontal rain yesterday, and found out that some of my windows aren't entirely water-tight. :)

  2. From Alastair Leithead:

    # Moved on Rama4 behind protesters. High velocity rounds incoming. Some injured. Ambulance shot at. Burning tyre rolled, live rounds followed 22 minutes ago via TweetDeck

    # Two ambulances seen arriving and leaving with flashing lights from protest side. Still behind army on R4 still firing M16s. about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

    # @kjohn @RichardBarrow The protest area is very big - water/tyres seen moving around inside to barricades etc. about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

    # Filming M16 with live rounds being fired at people on Rama 4.Firing right now in direction of unarmed protesters lighting tyres & f/works. about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

    # At Rama 4 behind with mil. Very tense/quiet. Army spotting anyone moving and targeting them with M16/shotgun. Earlier incoming reported about 2 hours ago via TweetDeck



  3. Op, farangs are not considered 'elite'. In fact, we're not considered anything here and would not become a target even if there were a civil war, which there wouldn't be. Most Thais just want a peaceful life and haven't the energy to war with one another. Don't forget, all of this is happening because of a bunch of folks have been paid to show up on the street; a minority amid 60-odd million.

    Mighty strange, when I pay 500 baht to get anything done around the house I don't nearly get the same level of selfless commitment, to the point of the guy dodging live bullets to fix my water pump, all for 500 baht a day.

    I wonder what I am doing wrong. :)

  4. Thailand needs help with this crisis as soon as possible. The help needs to be in the form of a neutral mediator or consultant to help develop a true "roadmap toward solving the problem".

    The government already offered a generous and sincere solution and it was at first accepted, but then all kinds of other silly demands were demanded. The redshirts have made their own bed. It is too bad. ermm.gif

    Agreed. But now that this has happened and the situation dramatically worsened through the incompetence and stubbornness of some red leaders: Now what?

    "Shoot them all" seems to be the current answer. Not sure that it's the best one, seeing that everyone still has to live with each other in the country after this is over.

  5. It's strange how the international media always seem to leave out the 'Thaksin link' when they report on this. It's such an important piece in the puzzle that to me it even feels suspicious that they don't mention this, almost like he's greased a few palms in the west (oh it does happen!). Instead they talk about the 'rural poor' versus the 'elite', and associate the word democracy with the very people who ruin the very idea by happily selling their vote fot the price of a couple of beers!

    I think that the bbc/cnn and the rest of these 'non-biased' organisations should get to the real truth which is far more interesting than the story which they're currently reporting.

    Why don't they ask the red shirts how much they're getting paid? Ask them why they think Thaksin is so great and what he could do for the country should he return. Ask them how they think that Thaksin, as a convicted criminal, could possibly plan to be taken seriously by the international community, should he manage to bully his way back into office.

    Ask them why they are using women and children as a human shield.

    Ask them why they risk their lives for a greedy evil billionaire?

    Why can't the press get an interview with Thaksin? A few well placed questions will simply destroy him.

    Why don't the international media do their job rather than appearing to be the heroes in the danger zone, reporting alongside the red-shirt 'freedom fighters'?

    My point? It appears that Thaksin has more than just a few red-shirts in his back pocket!!!

    :) Excellent post!

    Couldn't agree more..

    Couldn't agree less. If you think that the likes of the BBC are biased in this, then I suggest you consider the possibility that the bias is within yourself.

    For a very long time now very few people on the red side has seemed particularly interested in Thaksin. (With a couple exceptions). They know they're on their own now.

    Secondly, to think that protesters risking life and limb to bring wounded people to safety under live fire are doing this for 550 baht a day is quite sick. Clearly they believe in a cause, rightly or wrongly.

    International news media realize this. Local "mainsteam" (LOL) news media just want to paint one side black. (==bias)

  6. Thailand is a buddhist country, we don't believe in god

    You can be a Buddhist and believe in God (or any selection of Gods, spirits, angels and fairies) just fine.

    Secondly, Buddhism is by no means the only religion in Thailand. Thai Christians and Muslims believe in God.

    But most importantly, ALL Thais appreciate a heart felt, impartial, positive and sincere wish or blessing when they get one. Thank you, 5ky! :)

  7. What's the point of joining a discussion forum if you're going to ignore anyone who doesn't agree with you? Kind of defeats the purpose right? If all you want to read is the same comments from the same side then just get a subscription to The Nation and be done with it?

    Like I said Winnie, I'm all for REASONED debate, but ranting palys no part in my definition of 'discussion'.

    You're not on my list because tho' I don't agree with most of what you say, it still remains intelligent and debatable most of the time. Long may it continue. Even you must admit that there is wholesale rant fest going on from most of the red apologists on this site, right?

    Sure. To be honest, this News topic moves so fast that nobody is really going to read anything in it anyway, other than the totally committed keyboard warriors on both sides. Most moderate points of view are immediately ignored, while continuing the flame fest against the more radical posts on both sides. It's a pretty fruitless discussion I think, with a very limited audience. :)

  8. The arrogance AND utter disregard for human rights by the ruling regime and law is made clear to us all

    by their shooting of women and children in the streets.

    It is made clear to us all by the now 19 or more coups.

    It is made clear now to Thai military by the ordered assassination of a Thai general.

    it is made clear to the world by the arrogance and hate of killing same General while he is being interviewed by the Wall Street Journal.

    It is made clear to Europe.

    It is made Clear to North America.

    It is made clear to Asia.

    It is made clear to the world.

    Thailand is now entering the same category as Myanmar in world ranking.

    It is run by an illegal regime which uses extreme military force against its own people.

    BUT now the real kicker.

    The Thai military is very very upset with the order from on high that gave way to the assassination of a Thai General.

    Look over at each other Thai military.

    That man next to you might shoot you in the back.

    Do you Thais still believe you are loved by the leaders?


    I'm all for listening to reasoned, rational support of the red side, but why is it all your red apologists just rant like crazed nazis? Really, I can't figure whether you're for real or just taking the piss.

    Anyway, join the list. You're on it already. :)

    What's the point of joining a discussion forum if you're going to ignore anyone who doesn't agree with you? Kind of defeats the purpose right? If all you want to read is the same comments from the same side then just get a subscription to The Nation and be done with it?

  9. Abhisit has become an ugly dictator.

    For a red supporter, your post was almost sounding rational and informed until the ridiculous 'dictator' bit on the end.

    Trollbait, I suspect. Or just another English-as-second-language ranter that should look up the definitions of words like 'dictator' before attempting to use them.

    In red lingo, "dictator" simply means not caving in to all their insane demands.

    I think it's just the result of seeing all the government apologists band the word dictator around when justifying the 2006 coup. Then you get the word back, and cry foul, ignoring the actual points made. I personally wouldn't call Abhisit a dictator, for starters, not too many people actually follow anything he might dictate. However you can't go around slandering the other side with all kinds of names, and then not expect to get some of those back on occasion. 'Terrorist' is another one of those words you may expect to get back. (Not by me of course, but don't start crying when you hear the word back to describe the actions of the military.)

  10. 7pm is an awkward time to arrive because the last Bell Travel bus (by far the best service) will have left, and the other one mentioned above doesn't leave until 8:50/9pm. There may still be buses form the Airport Bus Terminal, but I don't think it's worth the hassle.

    So with that, I think taxi is the best option. Will take slightly over an hour to get to Pattaya.

  11. Royal project (Doi Kham) store and Rim Ping have Jalapenos most of the time. Doi Kham is a bit cheaper.

    The rest you could grow yourself, though with current temperatures my plants are getting slaughtered. :)

    there's a company in Chiang Rai that grows them as well, soneone may provide the link, or Google will likely dig it up.

  12. Royal project (Doi Kham) store and Rim Ping have Jalapenos most of the time. Doi Kham is a bit cheaper.

    The rest you could grow yourself, though with current temperatures my plants are getting slaughtered. :)

    there's a company in Chiang Rai that grows them as well, soneone may provide the link, or Google will likely dig it up.

  13. my problem is that i have a gf who is actively involved in this mess in bkk ,she decided to come home last week thinking it was nearly over but now her and some friends are traveling down to bkk again .

    I have said my bit to her and i am not happy about it but i have lived with her 6 years an when she makes up her mind that's it .


    oh!! Then I have a request: On this forum just about anything the protesters do or don't do gets dismissed as it being just for the money handouts. Can you confirm first-hand if (and how much) money/compensation/expenses/whatever is being paid?

  14. t never ceases to amaze me that posters on Thai Visa (interestingly, usually red supporters) think that just because you are a farang, that you don't have an interest in a country that you live, that you have family etc, that you have businesses employing many Thais, that you pay taxes, that you call home and that you just generally like.

    Why do we need to be thai born to have an interest in the country?

    ^ Agreed. It shows we care.

    Could do with less of the hate & violence mongering though. (Some posters, not you.)

  15. BBC';s Allistair Leithead has interesting and frequent updates on his twitter page, and some good pictures too.



    Young nervous soldiers looking very scared firing live rounds. Took out street light. No indication of injuries if any from last gunfire.

    http://tweetphoto.com/22346672 More arrests near Lumpini. No real sense of why.

    Just to add on arrests. No real sign of what they were doing to be arrested. Lots of ordinary people in their shops mixed in with protesters

  16. A deal seems pretty inevitable though. I think it'd be great to see free elections again where Thaksin and Abhisit can lead their respective parties. If Abhisit wins then that's totally fine with me.

    So they just forget the little part of the Montenegrin's conviction and prison sentence?

    Yes. They are after all incredibly minor charges, and politically motivated at that. Thaksin may agree to not actually run himself however.

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