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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. > Isn't that where all the Burmese hookers hang out?

    No, that's Wiang Ping. (Left from there, then right at the traffic lights, just after Daeng Pratu car shop where they fix all those fancy electrical bits in your car for FAR less money than your dealer. (windows, mirrors, etc.))

    More intriguingly though, is Kamphaeng Ngam a new politically correct name for Kamphaeng Din? If you'd just say Kamphaeng Din then everyone would know where to find it. (Kamphaeng Din, the bit South of Sridonchai)

  2. I think the years of the TRT party were the beginnings of fairness for ALL, not just a particular group like foreigners.

    My theory is that it was just the name 'Thai Rak Thai' that set some complete idiot foreigners off thinking they were somehow excluded or something.. Utterly ridiculous, TRT was very good for everyone, including foreigners and especially foreign business. (or those wanting to start a business).

  3. I was going to make a lame joke revolving around just farting under water but chances are you'd just get grumpy at me so I thought better of it. :o

    I think you know the answer though, with swimming pool equipment being relatively rare in Thailand, and most swimming pools being in the tourist areas down south (who wouldn't typically need heaters) I think you're looking at importing something.

    One more thought: (sorry if this is lame again, just thinking out loud), what you CAN get is those solar water heaters that go on the roofs of fancy houses. Pump the pool water through a couple of those and it'll heat up for far less energy than a pool heater would consume. Of course that does mean that the water is still pretty cold in the morning, but afternoons should see a good improvement?

    Edit: Ah look at that, it even exists ready-made: http://www.h2ofun.co.uk/swimming_pool_solar_heating.asp But if you feel adventurous you could try to rig that from regular solar water heaters.

  4. The outer ring road just north of Hang Dong advertises that you can get to MHSon on the Samoeng Road also.

    That's not correct.

    There is indeed a sign, but it indicates to take the Chiang Mai - Hod Road (Hang Dong Road), which is indeed a perfectly good way to get to Mae Hong Son; (Turn right at Hod, then to Mae Sariang and then up to Mae Hong Son; there are big buses from the Arcade terminal that take this route).

    Now, it IS possible to get to Mae Hong Son from Samoeng but that's pretty hard-core. (Samoeng - Wat Chan - Pai is somewhat more doable, but still more effort than the regular roads). There are no highway signs advertising this.

    Another way is Over Doi Inthanon and then from Mae Chaem to Mae Hong Son.. Those are weird military roads though that aren't very well signposted.

    Getting back to the original question: Yes you can bypass Chiang Mai to Mae Hong Son. Then you'd do Bangkok - Tak - Mae Sod - Mae Sariang - Mae Hong Son. Check on Google maps how many kilometers that would be, chances are it's slightly less kilometers compared to going past Chiang Mai, though I'm not sure if it's also faster time-wise. Scenic for sure, though.

  5. In 1969 my father would rent me a horse on Pattaya beach for 5 baht an hour and I'd ride it all over, alone and across the street to our little bungalow 2 blocks from the beach - at he age of 8 .

    Imagine doing that now.

    Well, the only thing that's changed is the price and the type of rental. :o


    Yes inflation has got the better of it, its 300 baht an hour now to rent a whore,....OH sorry you said horse :D

    Jet skis. I meant: Jet Skis!

    Sheesh. :D

  6. Why oh why aren't families going to Hua Hin or some other place, not to mention some islands?

    Well, personally Hua Hin bores me to tears, and it's expensive at that. If I'd find myself in the Hua Hin area then I'd most certainly continue further south, starting at Prachuap town and beyond.

    Whatever Pattaya may be, it ain't typical for Thailand.

    And thank God for that. :o

    So there we are, that statement would be a fine conclusion for this topic: Pattaya: It ain't typical Thailand.

  7. In 1969 my father would rent me a horse on Pattaya beach for 5 baht an hour and I'd ride it all over, alone and across the street to our little bungalow 2 blocks from the beach - at he age of 8 .

    Imagine doing that now.

    Well, the only thing that's changed is the price and the type of rental. :o

  8. So why do you horny bastards got to thailand? Climate, food, bicycle paths, etc?

    If you not a paedophile or drug smuggler, whats the problem.

    If they happen to catch one , its great. I bet some doofus will be caught with kiddie porn in his suitcase.

    Right, they'd have that in their suitcase going TO Thailand..

    Also, this being 2008, it is severely unlikely anyone would need to physically hold on to any kid of images, audio and/or video, other than their tunes for the flight.

  9. If he truly is as decent a guy as some people say he is then he should call elections sooner rather than later and get is own mandate..

    That's assuming a lot though. (that he's both decent AND not a coward.)

    Also, perhaps he feels that with the roses and holding hands with Newin he's already got a man-date? :o

  10. Right Wing ?? Hah! This wasn't a welfare program that was set up to help the poor. These were loans extended to people who could not afforded to pay them back and when they came due they were forgiven. This is not a responsible way to run a government. But it is a great way to 'legally' bribe people.

    I agree with that. There we many other programs too though, in the areas of education, (road) construction, local product development, small business incentives, affordable healthcare and so on.

    But no matter what anyone's opinion is on those projects -for sure many had flaws- finally the poor were taken serious and given respect. That, in a democracy, earns you votes. The Democrat party never really bothered with doing anything for the rural poor and paid a severe price for it. They are now put back in power, so let's see if they have learnt from past mistakes. (I'm an optimist, too)

    I supposed as a self described left winger you supported Taksins 'war on drugs' where the Police (Thaksins Military) murdered hundreds of people. No trials just bullets to the head. Just one of his many 'left wing' policies

    I said I'm getting more and more left wing, not that I actually arrived there. It's relative to where I started out. :o Anyway I don't think my opinion on drugs matters much and would probably not be in line with forum rules anyway. Objectively there was indeed a huge problem with cheap meth everywhere, which got solved. I also think it was Thaksin's biggest flaw, but that's personal opinion. Most people (friend and foe) thought it was an excellent thing to do, especially because it was largely successful.

    You better look down. I think you are wearing your shoes on the wrong feet.

    I'll grant you that right-left isn't really a useful scale to debate Thai politics.

  11. For anyone who hasnt heard him: http://www.abhisit.org/EuromoneyHK5july2007.wma

    Sounds like a decent enough guy, just needs a decent PR team now (and i dont mean the brown yellow shirts)

    sounds very wishy washy, not at all like a potential dictator.

    Reading between the lines, that states "the Perfect Puppet". :o

    Interesting because most of the Thais that I know in Chiang Mai like Thaksin because of all the things he did to promote Chiang Mai.

    Of course. People who don't see the huge support he has among common folks must live a very sheltered life. There are relatively more Democrat leaning Thais in the *city* of Chiang Mai though; for the province of Chiang Mai (and the North generally), support for Dr. Thaksin is huge.

    Lordfoul wrote:

    The 'Circles' I move in mostly consist of Middle class Tax paying Thais

    So do I, but that does not make me blind for the plight of the less fortunate, who are still in the (electoral) majority in Thailand.

    who resent a man who took the tax money they paid in and used it as bribe money (no Payback loans) for his base.

    Typical. Rich Thais can be such selfish people; Keep the rich rich, and the poor poor. Keep the poor down.

    How about you?

    That's very nice. Please realize that this paragraph shows the same selfish arrogance that's so prevalent among *SOME* [new] middle/upper class Thais. It's not called for, and I am a part of many 'circles' of various social standing thankyouverymuchforasking.

    I do find myself getting more and more left-wing the longer I stay in Thailand. The Times (UK) quoted dr. Giles Ungpakorn with some very good comments, among which was calling the Democrats the 'cockroach party'. Google it. :D

  12. I went to the Royal Project fair today; it's largely the same stuff they sell at the regular Royal Project stores, (vegetables and all their other product, plus garden plants and the like), but MUCH bigger, and bigger choice and possibly a tad cheaper than usual.

    Bought a maple tree for 30 baht, and an interesting looking fern for 200. And lots of veggies.

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