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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. Is it possible to reserve seats on these buses a few days in advance?

    Yes. If you just 'reserve' (get someone to book it over the phone) then you need to show up x minutes/hours in advace to pick up the ticket. During these hectic times however I would advise you to actually BUY the ticket (i.e. go to the bus station, buy ticket for a couple days later), not just make a booking/reservation.

    You typically get to select your seat on a piece of paper when buying the ticket.

  2. Yeah, keep it real.. While I can see significant and continuing political squabbles, the fact of the matter is that it will affect foreigners in Thailand VERY little.

    Even if PAD get their way and Thailand drops all pretense of being a democracy, that STILL won't affect foreigners in Thailand very much.

  3. Everyone knows Thaksin bought the parliamentary votes to get his brother-in-law selected. 100% illegal.

    Excuse me? This isn't even *alleged* in any court case! Anyway, let's suffice that I personally don't 'know' this, so that makes your statement false.

    Why do some Bangkokians/Southerners have such a hard time understanding that what really gained the support of the rural poor was RESPECT and populist policies, NOT the buying of votes?

    If anything Thaksin MOVED AWAY from the old system where regional mafia power brokers just bought all the votes. There is less and less need for vote buying as people are now sincerely fired up politically.

    The PPP has also been declared illegal, and after the closing arguments are heard tomorrow, will be disbanded for being illegal. So one can't truthfully say the current government was 'legally elected'. :o

    Keep it real. The allegation center around the actions of a PPP politician in Chiang Rai. If you then call 'PPP = illegal and should be removed even though an electoral majority voted for them, then you're taking a stand.

  4. There is a Super VIP bus (3 seats across, 24 seats total) run by the Transport Company (B.K.S.) '999' service.

    Many regular VIP buses as well, e.g. Nakhon Chai Air (www.nca.co.th), Sombat Tour (www.sombattour.com), etc. (These two are pretty good).

  5. Wouldn't any mask that's good enough to filter our fine particles be also good enough to make it much harder to suck air through? That could be an issue when cycling up-hill.

    BTW, to pre-empt anyone from having a good air related whine: The air in Chiang Mai is among the best in Thailand. Saraburi and Chonburi being among the ones that are much worse. (See the PCD site.) (Yes I know this will change in March; for most of the year the air in Chiang Mai is really quite good. Of course around traffic and on a bike you will inhale exhaust fumes.)

  6. I checked some flight status websites and it seems many airlines are now flying through Chiang Mai; JAL, Gulf Air, ANA, China Airlines and more. Can anyone confirm this (from having been at the airport)?

    I think this is great news, frankly. I have friends departing and arriving so it's actually more convenient for them.

  7. I think you guys got it all wrong. How can a frustration be the topic that the people of a community choose to debate?? It's their choice, that's what the community *IS*. I have many frustrations about this forum but none related to the members, even the real idiots have a full right to be here and spout their crap ad vomitum and if it wasn't for those idiots I wouldn't have the opportunity to set records straight. ( I'm sure they feel the same about me. )

  8. There's no issue wearing red. I saw a bunch of Reds in a pick-up yesterday going somewhere, I gave them a big smile and fist.. 'Soo!!'.

    A lot of people (incl. women, regular quiet people) are saying very matter of factly that it the yellow mob ever attempts to come to chiang mai then 'they will die'. No anger, just very matter of factly.

  9. If this gets any worse even a BKK accent is going to set some people off, so I'm jolly glad I speak the local dialect.

    Possibly, but then don't forget it's not (just) a regional conflict first and foremost, it's also a class conflict. To put it mildly, not everyone in Bangkok supports PAD.

    I for one am happy to see currently nobody is wearing yellow anymore in Chiang Mai. Main test will be Monday I suppose. :o

  10. Apart form pointing out the utter hipocricy of Thaksin on talking about respecting Thai law we should pay attention to his warnings of bloodshed as we know for a fact that he has proven previous history in this area and so should be taken seriously.

    YES! I'm not sure what people in Bangkok and Pattaya area hearing, but here in Chiang Mai I hear a lot of people say "If the yellow shirts come here, they will DIE.'. As a very matter of fact statement. This IS already very ugly.

  11. The thread should be renamed:

    Thaksin incites bloodshed


    Thaksin hopes for bloodshed

    Oh come on, you can do better. Why not sink to the depths of The Nation in biased 'journalism' and make the headline 'Fugitive Thaksin incites bloodshed'. It's utterly ridiculous the way they conduct what they might still consider journalism. It was just frivolous and unnecessary. This is why I never buy this paper, it's trash, same level as Manager and ASTV.

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