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Posts posted by xenophon

  1. They are not at all clueless.

    There is a lot of money being made fairly blatantly in drugs, armaments, trafficking - not to mention career advancement - because of the troubles in the south. The last thing they want is for the insurgency to end and for there to be some semblance of law and order. Luckily for these interests, corruption and cowardice is compounded by incompetence.

    As we saw elsewhere, e.g. Sri Lanka, Ireland and various other struggles, there is a thin line between armed conflict and gangsterism.

    • Like 1
  2. It *could* be interesting. The US is one of only 14 countries that have extradition treaties with Thailand. Given the raft of charges still awaiting Our Man In Dubai upon his return to Thailand, I wonder if any civil service flunky will have the machismo to file a motion with the US for his extradition.

    Doubtful, eh.

    Oh yeah!! Go get him Yingluck. 555555555

  3. Mr. Michael a skinhead wearing an earring with the swastika, nazi symbol. The police had to talk to him all the time because they were afraid that he would commit suicide.

    I'm afraid to say that this guy should be allowed to commit suicide. Swastikas for Spastics......wai.gif

    Do you know what a spastic is? It is a person, often a very young child with a medical condition caused by spasticity and is also used to refer to people suffering from Cerebral Palsy. The people who suffer from the condition...many many children, have no control of the disease and whilst physically deformed by a cruel twist of fate they are as mentally acute as any of us, if not, more acute, Stephen Hawking being a point in case.

    Your comment is far far more offensive than anyone wearing a swastika ear ring and bears testimony to someone displaying minimal intelligence and a bigotry far greater than someone wearing 'fashion jewellery'. You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself, as should the individual who 'liked' your post.

    Agreed. Jim you are ignorant and far from a gentleman

    Multiple apologies to Jim. Not Jim. The sender was ignorant Sirichai

    • Like 2
  4. Mr. Michael a skinhead wearing an earring with the swastika, nazi symbol. The police had to talk to him all the time because they were afraid that he would commit suicide.

    I'm afraid to say that this guy should be allowed to commit suicide. Swastikas for Spastics......wai.gif

    Do you know what a spastic is? It is a person, often a very young child with a medical condition caused by spasticity and is also used to refer to people suffering from Cerebral Palsy. The people who suffer from the condition...many many children, have no control of the disease and whilst physically deformed by a cruel twist of fate they are as mentally acute as any of us, if not, more acute, Stephen Hawking being a point in case.

    Your comment is far far more offensive than anyone wearing a swastika ear ring and bears testimony to someone displaying minimal intelligence and a bigotry far greater than someone wearing 'fashion jewellery'. You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself, as should the individual who 'liked' your post.

    Agreed. Jim you are ignorant and far from a gentleman

    • Like 2
  5. I love these stories and there are so many of them. Don't be a silly old git.

    Whether its a tomboy, another man or the famous up country "cousin", the answer is it is usually the beginning of the end and the death of trust (she has lied by omission already). Broken heart perhaps but better in the long run. Rules, threats, pleas don't apply.

    Suggested response: $$$$. If tomboy wants in, it will cost ..... or simply cut money to squeeze monkey. I take it there are no kids involved. Then it would be different.

    Turn to ice and get out!! If you are a decent guy, there are plenty of better offers around

  6. Probably a waste of time trying to lift the intellectual (not to mention ethical) tone of this discussion but here goes:

    1. This is a serious issue which can ruin the lives of students and the reputations of teachers

    2. It is also a problem with people crossing over from the so-called real (business) world to universities, where there are different power relationships, duty of care, vulnerabilities, etc., and therefore different ethical standards. The same applies to many of the unprofessional and unvetted part timers.

    3. As for blaming the student because of what she might wear, well that reminds me of the disgusting defence used by rapists and mullahs.

    4. The teacher is obviously a completely unethical idiot and deserves to be kicked out. However, he reflects the moral standards of the surrounding community and culture.

    5. Teachers need to be not only ethical but vigilant about perceptions e.g. over many years, a teacher is at risk of being accused of something, sometime. Therefore, make sure you not only never do anything unethical, but no one could ever think you would.

    Are you stating the obvious for professionals, or giving guidance for back-packers?

    For back-packers there are no professional "qualified" teachers, so please leave the rest of us qualifiers out of your perceptions please.



    not sure how you construed your backpacker reference out ot this.

    Obviously, arguing that its an issue not to be trivialised, where blaming the victim is a disgusting response, that professional ethics are essential and not always to be found and pointing out the dangers to all, including professional, teachers.

    However, as said in the opening sentence, my expectations of readers and sober responses are not high.

  7. Probably a waste of time trying to lift the intellectual (not to mention ethical) tone of this discussion but here goes:

    1. This is a serious issue which can ruin the lives of students and the reputations of teachers

    2. It is also a problem with people crossing over from the so-called real (business) world to universities, where there are different power relationships, duty of care, vulnerabilities, etc., and therefore different ethical standards. The same applies to many of the unprofessional and unvetted part timers.

    3. As for blaming the student because of what she might wear, well that reminds me of the disgusting defence used by rapists and mullahs.

    4. The teacher is obviously a completely unethical idiot and deserves to be kicked out. However, he reflects the moral standards of the surrounding community and culture.

    5. Teachers need to be not only ethical but vigilant about perceptions e.g. over many years, a teacher is at risk of being accused of something, sometime. Therefore, make sure you not only never do anything unethical, but no one could ever think you would.

  8. I think you're all mistaken about some of this.

    The Ronald McDonald that looks like Hitler makes a lot of sense to me.

    Americans have killed much much more muslims, directly and indirectly, than the 2nd world war jews.

    Their behaviour is shaded by their mighty TV and Cinema propaganda and it's hard to see through, but they are at least the equals of Germand Nazis.

    Little Ronald McHitler makes so much sense to me.

    If you don't see that then you're the ignorant brainwashed one.

    even an idiot can have a lovely avatar. Who is she?

  9. pretty mild really. Hotter stuff on MTV et al.

    This ridiculously unscientific comment by Wallop is another example of the appalingly low level of critical comment from so-called experts in the country. And people just swallow it. What is the reference to his research? I would like to assess it.

    The more probable dangers from this video are RSI and carpal tunnel syndrome amongst cetain middle aged male psychiatrists (give me a grant and I will research that).

  10. Its Friday night and I take it that, from the increasingly garbled nature of this thread (reruns of drunken religious debates, hackneyed yank bashing, daft old <deleted> attacking each other, etc.), a large number of participants are posting from on or under various barstools around the burg. Can we get back on track - terrorist threat, handling of, information about, associated stories.

  11. Summary of this afternoon's events...

    3:00PM: US Embassy issues email warning of possible (no imminent, no possible, no imminent) terrorist attack in Bangkok targeting Westerners.

    3:05PM: US recalls warning emails.

    3:10PM: US sends emails to ignore recalls, this is a real warning.

    5:00PM: Thai Foreign Minister says they know about the suspects, are tracking them and will probably arrest them tonight.

    5:15PM: Thai government announces that they arrested 2 Lebanese nationals linked to Hezbollah (no correct that, one arrest... the other one already fled the country).

    5:20PM: Thai government says Israel warned them a couple of weeks ago about these 2 people but not sure why since the arrested man says he's not a terrorist.

    Conclusion: Nothing to see here. Thank you, Chalerm!

    Irrespective of whether this threat materialises or not, the government is handling it with all the disingenuousness,non-transparency and incompetence it displayed during the recent floods. In that case, over 600 lives were lost - many of which need not have been.

    The lesson here is you cannot believe the authorities who are corrupt and dishonest clowns. A real threat would be another FROC-up!!

    Unfortunately, that leaves us with only sources such as foreign embassies. Who would have thought we would be saying better the CIA than the national government for information!

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