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Posts posted by xenophon

  1. Althoug a new member of Thai-wing-er, I mean Thaivisa, I've been in thailand since 1979, working in Bkk, and there certainly were no where near 11 million tourists in those days. The "old days" were not particularly good, especially for reformist Thais. Unfortunately things have got worse.

    I have noticed a worrying growth of ethnocentrism among thai friends and thai bureaucrats over the years. What was previously just simple 3rd world incompetence, ignorance and insularity has been translated into jingoistic prejudiced policy. This is now heavily leavened with the lawlessness which has always permeated Thai society from the top to the bottom - a very nasty mix, e.g. the treatment of some foreigners at the airport.

    There is no Lee Kuan Yew on the horizon (thankfully perhaps), so I don't see any change for the better soon. The pigs at the top are simply rearranging their positions at the National slop bucket, which they always did anyway. the cops, immigration and customs are worse than before and some things, e.g. the educationsystem, are speeding backwards. I am starting to think of taking my own, previousl smug, advice to the wingeing, "do you have a passport? Do you know where the airport is? Well, have a good trip!"

  2. Déjà vu all over again .

    Sound familiar?

    In 1907, France (the colonial ruler of Laos), and Thailand (then known as Siam), signed a border treaty which later caused a dispute over the ownership of some border villages. Shooting broke out in 1984 over possession of three villages.

    Fighting broke out in December of 1987 in a dispute over land claimed by Laos, which considered the territory as part of the Laotian Botèn District in Xaignabouri and by Thailand as part of Chat Trakan District in Phitsanulok Province.

    Over 1,000 troops died before a cease-fire was put in place.

    Result of the conflict: Despite vastly superior forces, the Thais failed to dislodge the small Lao force. The Thais eventually gave up the apparently pointless conflict after heavy casualties and repeated failures to capture Hill 1428.

    Both sides agreed in a ceasefire (1988) to abide by the Franco-Siamese treaties, which the Lao had supported and the Thais disputed initially. However, Thailand still occasionally complains about the fairness of these treaties.

    Total Casualties: Approximately 1,000 for both sides

    Major difference to current Cambodian border spat: Thailand enjoyed an alliance with the United States, while Laos was a close ally of Vietnam and the Soviet Union.

    Sources: http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/latoc.html, The Land Boundaries of Indochina: Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam Ronald Bruce, http://www.historyguy.com/thai_laos_border_war_87.html

  3. Lets not forget the old adage that foreign policy is simply domestic policy abroad. Irrespective of the right and wrong in this issue, it derives its energy clearly from Thai domestic politics.

    Many nations have found that an outside threat is very useful in distracting the population from important local issues. Remember the confrontasi between Malaysia and Singapore, not to mention the constant accusation of external menace from various repressive regimes such as Burma, Iran and N. Korea.

    I do think this situation could get out of control very easily given the vested interests of the army and the politicians – together with their incompetence and corruption. The real victims will inevitably be impoverished villagers on both sides of the border.

    However, Thailand should not forget that last time it had a spat with a neighbour (tiny Laos), they got the #!!* kicked out of them. Better the army stick to what it is good at - marching and making money.

  4. I want to use thaivisa health insurance and to do so I understand I need to be amember. Now I have combed the site and cannot find a link or form to apply to be a member. Obviously should have rolled up my trouser leg and practised funny handshakes before logging on.

    Could someone pls help me with what should be a fairly basic step. How do I become a member?

    I await your replies - serious and comedic. thank you.


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