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Posts posted by xenophon

  1. Taxi drivers protesting. Next it will be the farmers!!!!

    They seem to be under the illusion that their opinion matters. Suthep has made it quite clear that uneducated, poor people cannot be trusted with democracy.

    I would like to add that the farmers WILL also join the protest. Already confirmed by the pres. of Rice Farmer Assoc. a couple of days ago.

    Dear oh dear!! Don't they realise that their role is to support the elite without complaint? Grow rice, drive taxis, work on dangerous sites, sell daughters, live in debt, etc.

    They are acting like they think they have the same rights as Bangkokians. I bet they don't even own brand name clothes!!

    • Like 1
  2. I used to take a side in this yellow vs. red fight but then I realized it is like two bald men fighting over a broken comb. Total waste of energy. Thais will do whatever they want despite what we expats say or do. We do not get to vote except via the difficult path of getting Thai citizenship.

    All we can hope is that the next fubared, corrupted, crooked, biased, elitist Thai government does not make the visa circus even more difficult than it is! coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

    At last, someone who can see it as it is. It is raw, real politik - local style

    • Like 1
  3. Suthep looks communist to the core. He wants to institute an unelected "peoples committee"? Where else have we seen that and what has been the end state of those countries? Bad news indeed.

    Kleptocracist to the core.

    Kleptocrats on both sides.

    Cannot believe that posters think this has anything to do with democracy. Its a straight out power struggle between the old long established, but recently threatened, network and a nouveau (in Thai terms) plutocrat, both manipulating different groups of people to grab or hold onto power. As for Suthep being a communist - ridiculous. Have a look at his connections .... .

    • Like 1
  4. I only loved him. He begged my forgiveness and to take him back. No way.

    Hopefully, this is a new year wind-up.

    If not, this site is the worse place to come to with a serious relationship problem. The cranky old c**ts, sex tourists and ex-sex tourists, here are hardly the types to give you helpful life changing advice.

    Talk to your friends and family and, yes, he probably has done this before and, yes, blame him not the Thai

    • Like 2
  5. Russian girls must have done something to provoke the Thais. Maybe the girls said something rude to Thai guys!!? Maybe they used tge F word. Thai people would never do anything this bad to foreign tourists! If you are nice to a Thai, and give them a smile, you get a sincere smile back. Also, we dont know the whole story! Im sure there is more to this, than the police report says. Am I right, guy!? Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Presume this is a particularly ignorant and insensitive wind-up.

  6. Its not uncommon for Thais to treat other people's homes as hotels in situations like this (i.e. no one else there). Have seen it before although the degree of destruction in your case sounds a bit excessive. I know someone who came back to find a buffalo in their house.

    Definitely chuck the kid out. If you're serious, ask her what she is going to do about the 20000 baht. She knows what she has done. Let her pay it off in small amounts out of her salary if she is really that important to you. Otherwise, just wear it.

    Important question: does she have any access to your business's funds? If so, cut, cut, cut.

  7. Once lived in a city where, on a slow news day, the media would report variants on the same old story - a shark attack, near attack, potential shark attack, no shark attack, etc.It appears that the need for education reform and raising levels of English performs the same function in the kingdom's media. A story that can be wheeled out regularly to produce the usual responses, horror and hand wringing but unlikely to lead to any change. This story and its subtypes have been reported since 1997 (and probably before) with what result.

    Fundamentally, the kingdom is not motivated to do anything about it. English does not matter to most ordinary people and companies. For example, CTH cannot even be bothered switching on the English language track for various movies. Furthermore, high level English proficiency is extremely difficult in a non-English speaking environment and damned hard work (an obscure and rare concept amongst most students)! Rather play with smart phone, na?

  8. No

    To get the OAP you must have been in australia for a period during your working life. The amount of pension you will get varies according to this.

    You must be in Australia on the day when you apply and are granted the OAP.

    You cannot receive the OAP and take it overseas if you have not been resident in Australia for a continuous period of 2 years surrounding the grant of the pension.

    Pensions may be payable overseas into overseas bank accounts.

    More information can be obtained from Centrelink as this is only a general summary.

    THe issue I was making is that the OAP can be paid into an overseas bank and recieved by those of us living overseas.

    from http://www.humanservices.gov.au/customer/enablers/outside-australia#AgePensionPensionSupplement : “If you returned to live in Australia and were granted or transferred to Age Pension within the last two years, you will not be able to receive your Age Pension outside the country. After you return, to be paid outside the country, you must have been living in Australia for two years since your last arrival for residence….. “

  9. This has become an issue for me because I don't go to bars much anymore and I drink far less. The culture in Bkk is pretty (actually not pretty) alcoholic and I am now less tolerant that previously. So, I have a very low b++sh+t threshold. Amlooking for other places and groups,not puritan, just not crazy drunken. Not much success so far

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  10. Would like to be a fly on the wall, when those to guys return home to muslim Oman, trying to explain their adventures to their wives and family!!coffee1.gif

    Heinecken Beer and non halal meatw00t.gif

    Lucky for them, literacy amongst women in the middle east is lower than in some african countries. They really do look dumb, like walking targets. Anyway, there is no prostitution in T'land because its illegal.

  11. This theory has long been discredited but still enjoys wide usage amongst pop psychologists. Aside from the obvious political implications (e.g. if you are very, very poor, you are incapable of philosophical reflection or not concerned about higher level needs), it is just plain neither valid nor useful - except for cosmo readers and such.

  12. I am 66. Spent over 30 years in the law business as private practitioner (lots of family law experience), criminal prosecutor and for 10 years as a judge. That's from where I come from. IMRO, even if she had "earned" your loyalty, committment etc..... by her self-sacrifices along the way, she has, as of right now, given up any claim to your ongoing relationship with her. Her bizarre behaviour verges on the dangerously psychotic and you should be rightly apprehensive as to what she may do to you. Really aprehensive, if you get my drift. Altho' sound advice, I would very surprised if cash plus a signed "release" would remove her from your day to day life. She should be a great continuing worry to you. I would either consider trying to either get a new job, as painful and difficult as that may be and change homes or just leave town, asap and seek your fortunes elsewhere. With her in your face daily that seems an impossibility to do without her in your back pocket. The situation will blow up, without doubt. A clean fast break like moving to another part of the LOS is in order. No doubt, lesson learned and won't be repeated. Good luck.

    Quite right. The situation will blow up (even further) and may lead to one of you ending up on the slab.

    As an italian friend of mine used to say:'cutta! cutta! cutta!' Just get out of .. whatever you need to .. including the city, job, etc. Temporarily or permanently, depends

  13. If she refuses to leave, then just leave yourself. Find another apartment and let the landlord deal with kicking her out. If she blocks your car, just drive slowly forward and push her out of the way. If she follows, grab her keys, throw them into the road, and go along your way.

    Alternatively, scare the shit out of her. No offense but you sound fairly passive, letting her hit you, bother your work etc. Just flip out, grab her firm by the shoulders, yell something like "don't EVER fuc_king touch me again", with your eyes all wild like you're crazy.

    ideally stay friends? Are you crazy? You don't stay friends with a woman like this. Staying friends with an ex is difficult in the best of breakups, you have to break up, cut off all contact. Whether she struggles to pay rent or anything like that, well, I guess what is more important, your wellbeing and happiness, or that of the psycho who has made you miserable.

    I've had stalkers in the past, never that serious, but a couple of girls who got overly clingy after just a few dates. There's no "nice" way to go about it, you want this type of person to stop, you have to be brutally blunt, "stay the fuc_k away from me, I don't want anything to do with you ever again, under no circumstances will I ever change my mind." etc.

    I don't know HOW you can still be with her after 3 years of this. And why your posts are so sympathetic towards her. She must be amazing in bed.

    Sounds like a good way to get yourself arrested. Who are the cops going to believe if you even touch her with the car, threaten her , etc.

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