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Posts posted by Hawkman

  1. A bit hypocritical. They served the reds well, blocking streets and being idiots. Now the shoe is on the other foot, they are upset!!!

    For "hypocritical" read democratic.

    The "population" is quite happy with the current government, thank you very much (it's they who voted them in, after all).

    It's only the elite who are throwing their rattles out of the pram cuz no-one likes them or wants them to govern in the current administration's stead.

    You have no clue at all, "it's only the elite!". What a comment to make, you've really fallen for the Red propaganda.

    Do we have to explain it your lot all again. Speak to the real people, go outside and speak to people on the street and see why they are unhappy with this Government. This isn't no rich vs poor thing going on, wake up.

    The South of Thailand, are they elite? No. Are they poor? A lot of them, yes. Are the majority, anti-Government, yes?

    The Elite - a lot of them are anti the Government, sure. But a lot of the Elite are pro-Thaksin too, a hell of a lot. And what about the Shinatarwa (sic) family, not exactly, trudging the fields every day are they?

    Then you have your working classes and middle classes, some who are pro Government, some Anti, some Neutral. Many of these are disgusted with the Government after what they see in a failed Rice Scam robbing their taxes they pay, a Government that continually lies and corrupt to the core and let's not forget the thing that started all this mayhem, a whitewash bill, to make corrupt, deceitful criminals have nothing to answer for.

    That my friend, is why the people are upset and taking to the streets. Do the majority of these people like Suthep, from what I hear, not many. They do however, know it's right for this Government to be railed in. If the Government had done its job properly then none of this would have happened. Simple. But no, they got greedy, power hungry and thought of one man, just one man, over the needs and wishes of the people. That's disgusting.

    It appears that you are the one who seems to have no clue at all, I would ask that YOU go out on the street and talk to people, countrywide, not locally, and I guarantee you will see that there is more support for this ELECTED government that you can possibly imagine, wipe your little yellow specs and stop listening to people that tell you that they are educated, believe me, they are the worst!

    Well, looks like someone's been brainwashed from the Red Propaganda. You probably think all Bangkok folk that are unhappy with the Government are all rich Elites with 5 maids and bentleys. Do you believe Yinkgluck when she says her family don't want power, just peace; do you shed a tear when you see YL crying? Are you happy that billions have disappeared from the rice scam when it could have gone to books, schools, homes, water and hospitals for the poor in Thailand?

    I know and have spoken to many from Thailand, some pro-Thaksin, but the majority, anti. And not one I know agrees that the Amnesty bill was a good move, not one, not even the Neutrals or the Pro Government ones.

    If the majority of people here are happy to support a corrupt, thieving Government that puts one family and its friends before the education and health of the people, then they have been fed propaganda. Just like the majority voted in the Nazis, propaganda wins you elections, it doesn't mean it's morally the right move.

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  2. Really the UDD/Red Shirts should just keep quiet, if they do come out, it will inevitably play into the oppositions hands as no doubt there will be clashes, deaths and inevitably it will lead to a Coup.

    At the moment, they unbelievably in the eyes of many around the world sort of have the moral high ground. Without people knowing all the history, on the face of it, it seems that their democratically elected Government is trying to be overthrown by some loony talking about People's Councils.

    The history is the elite have arrogantly kept the education system back ward for decades on purpose, to keep the masses down as poor uneducated bonded servants.

    Living of the elites scraps and benevolence.

    Whilst they have educated their off spring in the western education system.

    In their arrogance they have ignored historically what has happened in other country's to the elite.

    Its time once and for all to let the Thai spring begin.

    Unfortunately because the red shirts are so badly handicapped educationally I think its going to be bloody and not end for a decade!

    As you sow, so you reap.!

    Well, seeing as the Dems haven't been elected for so many years (like you Reds keep going on about), why hasn't PT and Thaksin done more to improve the education system for the poor? I'm not disagreeing with you that you may have a point re the past what the Elite have done, but don't forget, you don't get more Elite than Thaksin's mob. And they have done what to improve the education system?

    It's quite known in Thaksin's circles they want to keep the education system low as the masses are easier to control. You only have had to listen to Yingluck's speeches since the bill to know that only people with a pea brain or live outside of Thailand would have fallen for the soundbites - "this bill is not about a whitewash", "it's reconciliation", "our family don't want power just peace", "my brother doesn't want anything to do with politics", "oh no, I'm going to cry". For people living inside Thailand that are not educated well, will fall for all that.

  3. To all or most of you that have left comments here, I would like to ask you what YOU would do if YOU were in her shoes??????? I dont think YOU would have any idea at all what to do, so one should not critasize what one would not or does not know what to do. Suthep is a killer and is wanted - Yingluck is not. Remember that.

    Leave Britney Alone!!!!!!

    Hilarious post.

    Please can you supply evidence that Suthep is a wanted killer? If you are going to point at 2010 riots which have not yet even gone to court then you might want to look what YL's brother did re the drugs crackdown. Or is it ok with you reds that Thaksin can get away with whatever he likes, because Isaan folk like him?

    • Like 1
  4. and in any case, interpol said they will never comply to go after TS... go figure why

    Can you supply proof for your made-up claim?

    I have never known a debate where one side makes up so many outlandish claims, avoid responding to difficult or hypothetical questions and turn a blind eye to unethical practices more than the Red Shirt supporting side do.

    They post some weird stuff, then you ask them to elaborate or ask them something and they disappear from the thread and pop up again elsewhere and do it all again. It was like one poster, who though did post up some fair comments, would moan about the anti-Government supporters not compromising over Thaksin but refused blankly to offer a fair compromise in return. Was just a continuing loop.

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  5. Possibly it suits everyone's purpose that he remains out of the country. Might explain the ease with which he fled the country.

    He didn't flee, he was ousted in a military coup while holding a lecture about democracy at the U.N. Then he was convicted on trumped up charges and never extradited. And now you claim this was due to it being best for everyone. I want what you are smoking.

    Well, if he's innocent, why doesn't he just come back then? Face the courts! If they are "trumped up charges", why not going to an independent international court?

    Look at the case for what he got done for, can you point out exactly where he didn't abuse his power in regards to the tax laws and land deals (as well as others)? That will be interesting viewing for us to see.

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  6. You say Yingluck's government lies and cheats people, example? If Yingluck has 'cheated' then that's up to an independent prosecutor to prosecute whatever she did. I think what she meant when she said the government cannot control the parliament is that any MP can put thru, for example, an Amnesty Bill, it then gets voted on. The 'rice scam' your talking about is a farm subsidy, OK? ever heard of a farm subsidy? We have them in the US and historically they have been controversial, here a big reason for the subsidy is that Vietnam is able to sell it's rice for cheaper than Thailand can, and Thailand is trying to protect it's export.. a controversial bill is not a 'scam'

    The fact is that Yingluck has not done anything illegal. The notion that Thaksin is actually the 'real' PM via Skype is ridiculous; it in not illegal for the PM to call someone and ask advise. Have you ever heard of 'Reagan Republicans' in the US, these House members that try to do what they think Reagan would do.. it is not illegal for a PM model their policies based on their parties ideology or another politicians policies. SHE is the one that was elected PM and she is doing the job.

    Suthep is not elected, and he is not doing a job, he is protesting and making rambling speeches every night. He claims to be the 'secretary general' of the PDRC-something that has become an international joke.. there's gonna be a 'people's council' the PDRC gets to select 100 members, the other members are 'smart people'.. oh Paleese, nobody is taking his balouny seriously..

    They DID eliminate Thaksin and the TRT,PPP,PT DID NOT collapse, now your saying that if they just eliminate his entire family and friends network..the PT party will collapse, it will not, this is what we learned from the coup.

    If you have a look at my signature and if you would take the time to visit the protests last Sunday you will realize that many people are really angry. This government is using billions of dollars to facilitate their own. They lie and cheat the people. Have a look at Yingluck talking to Aljazeera. She still tried to claim that government cannot control parliament. She said she had nothing to do with this whitewash bill. She really knows how to make people angry. I won't even go into the rice scam.

    Yes Suthep could be replaced (but not easy, the guy has energy) but he is doing a good job and he has a lot of support.

    Look at PT. 1=Yingluck, 2=Somchai, 4=Surapong. All family members in those spots because they can't trust others. Eliminate Thaksin and PT will collapse.

    Man, you've been completely brainwashed. You really think she had no idea/control about the Amnesty Bill? If Yingluck came out now and said, Santa Claus does exist, you'd run and put mince pies by your chimney.

    People who cheat, lie, manipulate, who become cornered or are exposed will try and lie their way out of it, full of denial. Just listen to serial killers and pedophiles, always in denial and using their lies as some sort of way of avoiding guilt from within. It comes no different to people in power, to playing the political game. She is playing a very good political ploy here, knowing her tears will gain sympathy from millions around the globe, with them thinking "what nasty protesters making a woman cry". She knows many Thais and many farang living here will see through it, but what does she care? For the TV and the media, the neutrals, the ones who are bit short in the brain cell department, the Yingluck devotees and the rest of globe, will buy it.

    A woman in tears will garner more sympathy than a red-faced vein pumping mad looking Suthep that's for sure. You've been suckered into it, that's all.

  7. A lot of the stories of farangs and their nightmarish thai girlfriends stem from older men dating young bar girls who themselves have no formal education and are mostly from poor areas (would you turn to prostitution if you had the option of a better job?) and when the ATM (the farang) runs dry they look for a new gullible, horny farang to finance them. But, not all Thai women are like that. Sure, plenty do just care about money, but then again, you should include Vietnamese, Laotian, Khmer women and whoever else in poorer SE Asia into that category. I lived in Nam and it seemed worse there than here.

    The problem is a lot of the time here, the woman may not have come from that type of background. Know some good guys 30-ish, that have all had nasty splits with girls here that cheated who all had jobs, their own money, educated etc. It's even happened to myself.

    The thing is, to learn from it; trust your doubts and instincts and without getting paranoid, notice stuff that isn't on and be prepared to end it and walk away.

    At the end of the day, there are plenty of girls here, many I know, that would not cheat at all and they can be found.

    I think one of the biggest problems here is that many women are desperate for attention, even if they have it, they want more. Say no to meeting up with her one evening so you can play a bit of Football Manager and she will be jumping onto ThaiFriendly to flirt with another guy in no time, leading onto something further or not.

  8. Just like you get farang men with hangups about farang women, you do go get some farang women who come here and get very cynical and bitter towards Thai women. Understandable in many ways as they are not receiving the attention themselves and can see through some of the Thai women's intentions. However, to be bitter against all farang men with Thai women is just unfair, hypocritical and ridiculous. And without sounding sexist, there may be a bit of resentment that here men have choices, whereas back home in somewhere in the UK mens choices are a lot less compared with women, generally. Nice to even it out a bit.

    I will always remember bumping into a fellow female Brit, when myself and her fellow male traveller chatted to a couple of nice looking Thai girls, the farang girl got right on her high horse and saying all farang men who are interested in Thai girls are perverts, it's just wrong for a farang man to date local girls etc etc. When her friend pointed out that she jumped into bed with many Australian men while traveling through Australia and had a thing for Spanish men, her argument was, "that's different, they don't have a bad reputation / they are the same as us". I'm sorry, but sleeping around with people who like to sleep around, sure that's bad reputation in capital letters and why does the person we choose to sleep with have to have the same color skin, culture or upbringing? She had no basis for her argument, so I felt she was just bitter, jealous and cruel.

    On the other coin, I know some farang women who come here understand the situation and get on with lives, not bitter, have acceptance and enjoy dating Thai men or farang men without any hangups. There's enough men here with female hangups all over the land and there's plenty here that just happen to suffer from Yellow fever, as we call it.

  9. I wonder if these are the same people who beat their wife's and girlfriends.

    So, people who comment they can see through the lies of a woman are violent women beaters are they? Well, you surely have a weird outlook on life. No wonder we all think Red Shirt supporters are a bit odd.

  10. Is there no end to this Yingluck government's brutality. First setting their thugs on spotty bookworms trying to leave their campus, and now this. What a disgrace!

    are you crazy??? Who caused these clashes? You never heard about an brainless idiot named SUTHEP ???? Where are you living? WAKE UP !!

    Who caused these clashes?

    Try a certain Government that tried to bring in a bill to clear powerful people of their dirty crimes. If they hadn't done that then none of this would be happening.

  11. Makes me laugh when people focus on one photo and say that's not 100,000 without realising the protests were in many, many places.

    The western media are then fed lies about how many are protesting by reducing a huge percentage off the total (no one knows for sure, but it was big) and then you get the red shirt/sheep on here who believe what they are told.

    For all the red shirts here moaning at the reasons behind the protests, I have one question, if it was the Dems in power and they tried to bring in a bill that would whitewash themselves from the shootings in 2010 and any other corruption they've done and at the same time brought in a Pledging Scheme that with Isaan tax money benefited certain elite in BKK and made some people in the Dems very rich while putting the country's finances under huge strain and then lie and talk down to the people it was all done in the sake of "reconciliation and forgiveness" (yes Yingluck, we believe in Santa Claus too).

    What would they red shirts have done? Nothing?

    You need to educate yourself a little better. The Amnesty Bill would have whitewashed the Dems too.

    We are all quite aware of that, the Dems didn't want the bill though, did they?

  12. Yinglucks rivals are sounding increasingly hysterical and desperate.

    They have backed themselves into a corner and are willing to do a murder suicide as they go through their death throes.

    Suthep only has hatred and a facist, undemocratic proposal, thats why most International observers and diplomats have come out in support of Yinglucks direction.

    555!! It is so obvious that you are some troll working for the Shins. You were hired to troll websites and drop negative posts about the political opposition to the government. If anyone is a "facist", it is the Shin family. Do your homework.

    Great profile name by the way.

    Completely agree. I have a group of Thai friends who are very anti the Thaksin regime and one in particular is always posting stuff up on FB. She's not elite or anything, married, trying to run a business etc. But there's one farang ("westerner", to anyone sensitive) and his mates who are constantly arguing with her on her status, throwing personal insults at Thais who support the protests and being downright nasty about it too. So happens, as it turns out, he is a reporter (doubt anyone famous) and he is a bit cushty (comfortable) with this Government in a financial way from the past. It just stinks. He constantly moans at Bangkok people looking down at people from Isaan and thinking their stupid. At the same time he is doing it himself to BKK folk.

  13. Its fairly obvious by the photos that this is a Miss not a Mr, regardless of what the ID car says.

    Anyone who thinks she should be referred to as Mr clearly has no understanding of Ladyboys.

    Give her the respect that she deserves..

    Why does she deserve respect? She's really annoying and posing as a slut.

    I couldn't care if people call her Miss, Mr or whatever. If she wants to be called 'Miss', then people should call her that but she shouldn't get all upset and vocal about it through the media when it's quite normal for people not to know how to address ladyboys. Some may prefer to be referred to a Mr or Dr, how are we supposed to know?

    And no, I don't have much understanding of ladyboys; and though many people avoid them due to being hassled or the psychotic behaviour of other ladyboys, I expect the far majority of them are great people and are trying to be accepted in life, like the rest of us.

    This excuse for a she is just plain irritating though.

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  14. My twopence worth.

    I have a new passport and my old passport with my expiring Non-B in it. I was told I would have to get a letter from the embassy and do the transfer of the stamps either at Immigration here in BKK or NongKhai as Nongkhai border won't do it for you.

    I didn't do any of that - as 1) Immigration in BKK was a bit in the air with all the protests, 2) I was leaving the country on a Thai holiday and 3) I was a bit lazy to go to the embassy and Immigration.

    So I went to Nong Khai border with my excuses at the ready and went straight to the Overstay post at the border (not that I was on an overstay, just seemed more logical to go there than the normal post) and I explained that Immigration was closed etc, he cut me off, just whipped out a form for me to fill in. Put stamps in my new passport detailing the old non-b, asked for a couple of photocopies of a couple of pages of my new passport and all done in about 5 minutes.

    The border official was helpful, it cost me no money (apart from 6 baht for the photocopies) and only took up one page of my passport and from then on and even at the Consulate they weren't interested in my old passport.

    Now, it may have worked that I went on a Thai holiday, but I reckon if you just head to the Overstay post on the border have a smile and don't act like a prat and there isn't a queue (no-one in front of me or waiting - was mid-day) then you will be fine. No cost and only one page filled.

  15. some posters may not like it but she has the majority of Thailand on her side as will be shown in the elections (again) and a little local trouble down in amartland won't stop PTP winning (again)

    now the Army have said they support elections (good for them) and the Chief said he didn't understand Dear Leader :

    Gen Tanasak in his opening remarks admitted he had heard Mr Suthep's speeches at rallies but "didn't understand them".

    And if they win the election then they will continue to run the country as before as long as the Government don't try and abuse their power like they have done this year, then there won't be the protests.

    If they try and do what they did again, then the protests will start again and you Red Shirts can't have any complaints if it happens again as it's the Government who brought all this mess to the table to begin with, with the corruption, bad business scams and the whitewash bill. They should have learnt their lesson. Focus on the people, not one man.

    If they win, over to you, PTP, just don't take your people for fools like you have done and don't cause the mess like you did earlier. The people have spoken.

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  16. These morons should get their house in order before DEMANDING married retirees put double funds in their banks.

    Good riddance and don't come back.

    Thailand should PAY us to come here to raise the IQ of the nation.

    If you think Suthep and his ultra-nationalists will instead accept foreigners with open arms, hugs and kisses, you are in for a big surprise.

    Suthep has often said "we don't need farangs - I don't respect them" he's a nationalist thug and Abhisit is turning out to be his puppy dog

    I couldn't care what he thinks about farang; this is about the Thai people and their country and keeping it from being run by corrupt megalomaniacs.

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