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Posts posted by Hawkman

  1. I've seen it all now, brainwashed supporters, not only saying that Thaskin isn't Elite (555 yeah right, if not why has he been putting family members in top positions and trying to put friends and family in charge of the anti- corruption organisation; you don't get more elitiest than that!), but now, Thaksin - a Thai Jesus Christ!!!???

    What planet do these people come from? If he gave one monkey's about the poor, he wouldn't have tried to push through the amnesty bill and he would have made sure all the missing billions missing from the rice scheme went to the poor, not rich corrupted officials.

    Unbelievable how people fall for such propaganda and brainwashing.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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  2. For the record: all those westerners who are now dancing on YL's grave will be eating their words in three years. This solved nothing and only makes it worse. I'm sorry for what the anti-government people wished for because they got it. Westerners who come to Thailand from democratic countries but support this fascist decision are the biggest hypocrites of all.

    If you are trying to say anyone who disagrees with Yingluck and cronies as being un-democratic, well please tell us what's democratic what this Government have done? Any person from a Democratic country who had to put up with what this Government have done, would have had Yingluck etc removed a long, long time ago.

    Let's imagine it the other way.

    In a parallel universe,

    * British Prime Minister David Cameron wastes government time trying to get his corrupt and convict on the run brother back into the country as a free man.

    * Cameron tries to bring in a bill that will whitewash his Government and family's crimes and corruption, in the name of "it will resolve political differences and bring Britain together.

    * Cameron sees 500 billion pounds of tax payer's money fall away through a corrupted Fox Hunting pledge scheme.

    * Cameron brings in his brother in law as Chancellor of the Exchequer and other members of his family in top cabinet positions.

    Do you think for one moment, the British courts and people will stand for all of that? No, not at all. Not in a democratic government and country.

    Democracy is about the people, not a family.

    That is an absolutely ridiculous post. A democracy is about letting the people decide who they want to govern them. If they want a corrupt government, that is their decision. If the opposition thought they could win an election, they would contest it. The fact that a corrupt PTP party wins every elections says something about the opposition. If you removed every government that was corrupt or performed badly mid term, no government anywhere in the world would serve its full term. Get real.

    Hit a nerves did I? And that was the whole point of my post, no democracy would have courts and laws would have allowed this Government to get away with what they did. To say, that people from democratic countries should support this lot, is far more ridiculous.

  3. Conspiracy theorists believe anything they want to believe and only accept things that fits into their criteria and are impossible to debate with, relying on theories and discarding evidence.

    If the internet was around in the 1930s they would somehow find a link to blame America, Rothschild or the Illumaniti for Nazi Germany and claim Hitler is innocent.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Sorry, but such a foolish comment. If you would have said "extremist" conspiracy theorists then it would have made sense, just like extremists in anything such as politics, science, religion, you name it. Regular conspiracy theorists seem to have quite an open mind and are smart enough to doubt the BS mainstream media feeds them on a constant basis. Besides that, they are fun to be around and are creative in a good way.

    Oh I like a good ole conspiracy theory (well the ones of old anyway), but since the internet and 911 truthers, they've all gone a bit obsessive and loony. You only have to watch those megalomaniac lunatics Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura and David Ike and hear their followers to know they go way over the top.

    We all know the media and the government have their own propaganda and lies to us, we all know their have been and still are false flag ops.

    But to an extremist conspiracy theorist if, you don't take their side of the story, you are a sheep and need to "wake up", when they're the ones who blindly follow and believe everything these theories say. Hypocrites!

    The only thing I do agree on is some people who do follow the truth movement find out about what kind of real stuff is happening in the world and are able to open their minds. They soon then move on from the theorist stuff and look at the proper wider picture. So from that, there's good in it.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  4. Conspiracy theorists believe anything they want to believe and only accept things that fits into their criteria and are impossible to debate with, relying on theories and discarding evidence.

    If the internet was around in the 1930s they would somehow find a link to blame America, Rothschild or the Illumaniti for Nazi Germany and claim Hitler is innocent.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  5. Though tourists are the biggest idiots and jerks in Songkran, I always find it's the Thais who mainly will target the motorcyclists.

    Absolute idiocy!

    I always dread it but end up enjoying it, will do it for one day this year, if I avoid the tourist areas. Can handle the water, but not the ice or klong water.

    And please….. no b******y powder!!!! Why do they use that, it's so annoying?

  6. I see two problems here. 1, the Thai way (not Thai bashing here, just being honest) in how they believe something should be done without outside opinion and 2, Thai kids and their shyness. Some kids are brought up in such conservative and respectful ways (which is good in many aspects), however, are terrified from making simple conversation, whether it's English or even in Thai with other kids. A teacher in many cases can't improve on that, this is more a mental thing.

    A big problem is a lot of schools think they know the best way to teach English communication, without listening to the English teachers themselves. They believe students will learn, as if reading conversations from a book. "How are you?" "I'm fine thanks. And you?" "I'm ok, thanks." Then when they hear the "How's it going?" instead of How are you, they all get confused, focusing on the grammar and vocabulary instead of the context.

    I was once asked to teach conversation to very young Elementary students by showing conversations through a projector and I do all the talking, while the students just sat and listened to me for 2 hours every lesson, with NO interaction from the students.

    Trying to explain that all of the students would not learn a thing and would not be able to pay attention for 10 minutes listening to a native speaker, let alone for 2 hours in a 28 hour course, fell on deaf ears. It was only when I took matters into my own hands and tried it on the receptionists, that they finally listened (not agreeing I was right of course!).

    You only have to see some of the questions in the O-net exams etc, to see their idea of how communication is taught, doesn't work. Listening, talking about feelings, expressing opinions, commenting on things, getting pronunciation and intonation right, practicing as much as possible and improving your confidence, will make Thai students better IMHO.

    I was once asked to teach conversation to very young Elementary students by showing conversations through a projector and I do all the talking, while the students just sat and listened to me for 2 hours every lesson, with NO interaction from the students.

    That's why it's called "teacher." You'll have to find a way to make them speak. Make a clown out of you, be funny and you'll see that they love to speak English.

    ​So younger they are, so better is their pronunciation. There so many nice programs foe kiddies to teach them long and short vowel sounds.

    You can't just hammer boring stuff into their minds and expect they understand you. Thai kids never say that they didn't understand you, it's your responsibility to figure that out.

    Please it was never my intention to criticize you, just my own experience with little Thai kids.

    You missed my point, the school DIDN'T want the students to speak or interact, just to sit and listen to a native speaker talking. I explained that wouldn't work without interaction.

    Otherwise, I agree with your points entirely.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  7. I see two problems here. 1, the Thai way (not Thai bashing here, just being honest) in how they believe something should be done without outside opinion and 2, Thai kids and their shyness. Some kids are brought up in such conservative and respectful ways (which is good in many aspects), however, are terrified from making simple conversation, whether it's English or even in Thai with other kids. A teacher in many cases can't improve on that, this is more a mental thing.

    A big problem is a lot of schools think they know the best way to teach English communication, without listening to the English teachers themselves. They believe students will learn, as if reading conversations from a book. "How are you?" "I'm fine thanks. And you?" "I'm ok, thanks." Then when they hear the "How's it going?" instead of How are you, they all get confused, focusing on the grammar and vocabulary instead of the context.

    I was once asked to teach conversation to very young Elementary students by showing conversations through a projector and I do all the talking, while the students just sat and listened to me for 2 hours every lesson, with NO interaction from the students.

    Trying to explain that all of the students would not learn a thing and would not be able to pay attention for 10 minutes listening to a native speaker, let alone for 2 hours in a 28 hour course, fell on deaf ears. It was only when I took matters into my own hands and tried it on the receptionists, that they finally listened (not agreeing I was right of course!).

    You only have to see some of the questions in the O-net exams etc, to see their idea of how communication is taught, doesn't work. Listening, talking about feelings, expressing opinions, commenting on things, getting pronunciation and intonation right, practicing as much as possible and improving your confidence, will make Thai students better IMHO.

  8. Does anybody here seriously think that an election devoid of Yingluck, family etc will not still see a win for PTT or whatever they may call themselves if they are disbanded?

    The Dems certainly have no chance so the only other option is what Suthep and his backers has been pushing for all along. Sadly the end of any form of democracy and the peoples council. The judiciary seem to be pushing as hard as possible for the latter.

    No one has a problem if PTP win. What people have a problem with is, one family using propoganda, power, manipulation and wealth to form their own dictatorship disguised as a democracy. You only have to look at the way they are trying to get family members into important positions. You really think this is a good thing? You really think 450 billion baht disappearing into already rich corrupt officials is a good thing?

    And the red shirts call the yellow shirts, elite ....

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  9. Oh yeah, and don't get me started about the taxi drivers not having change! Nothing beats that sinking feeling of being in a taxi and realizing you only have 1000 baht bills.

    Though I did give a taxi driver a 1000 baht bill the other day, and he actually had change. It was the first time in my life that we didn't have to go to a 7-Eleven for change.

    Ah, the no change issue. Does my goat in.

    A bit of Karma a few months back though. My fare came to about 58 baht, so I said make it about 70 and handed him a 100. He just pulled this ugly arrogant face, "mai mii" while looking gleefully at my 100 baht. So I told him, wait a moment, while I looked for the right change, which annoyed him a little I bet.

    So he reluctantly turns on the light, I find no change, but what I do find is a 1000 baht note lying by my shoe dropped by an existing customer I guess. So in a swift move, I hand him the 100 baht and pick up the 1000 and pocket it with my other hand. He leaves thinking "lol that farang is a sucker"; and I leave thinking, "Karma, mate."

  10. Oh yeah, and don't get me started about the taxi drivers not having change! Nothing beats that sinking feeling of being in a taxi and realizing you only have 1000 baht bills.

    Though I did give a taxi driver a 1000 baht bill the other day, and he actually had change. It was the first time in my life that we didn't have to go to a 7-Eleven for change.

    Ah, the no change issue. Does my goat in.

    A bit of Karma a few months back though. My fare came to about 58 baht, so I said make it about 70 and handed him a 100. He just pulled this ugly arrogant face, "mai mii" while looking gleefully at my 100 baht. So I told him, wait a moment, while I looked for the right change, which annoyed him a little I bet.

    So he reluctantly turns on the light, I find no change, but what I do find is a 1000 baht note lying by my shoe dropped by an existing customer I guess. So in a swift move, I hand him the 100 baht and pick up the 1000 and pocket it with my other hand. He leaves thinking "lol that farang is a sucker"; and I leave thinking, "Karma, mate."

  11. Public opinion at the protest sites, and they could not get 100% there!


    Where does it mention protest sites? You're easily amused.

    Why, do you think Red Shirt Supporters, don't want a live debate? Why's that? Got something to hide or do you think your saviour ain't up to the task?

    She says she is in charge and no puppet, so If you can talk the talk, then walk it. What are you guys worried about?

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  12. Saw a farang guy repeatedly punch a Thai girl in the face in Robin Hood, a couple of months back. It was such a shock, that no-one did anything for the first minute as it was all a blur and you couldn't believe what you witnessed. The guy acted like he was some sort of legend, it was only when the rest of the male population of the bar moved in on the guy (all held back by their ladies by the way), that the guy was hurried out of the bar.

    Hooker bar?

    Anyway, op did a good thing. However im with the girl-stay out of it. Statistically -hours after the incident girl was probably making hot love to the guy and will probably be beaten another time. Domestic disputes are best handled by peo[ple who know whats actually happening.

    Funny op described guy as asian but not specifically thai. Could have been business dispute............lol. Some guys just dont want to pay.

    Nah, not a hooker bar, a British bar along Sukhumvit (though, I guess the odd bad girl would often visit).

    At a guess, the Thai girl was up to no good, may have ripped off the guy or something or she was an ex or on the flip side, maybe he was up to no good and he cheated on her or something (she was with a couple of farang girls and had walked past him where he and his mates sat), but his reaction was inexcusable; and afterwards he sat down like he was a king and his mates weren't bothered what he had just done. True idiot.

  13. And what defeat is that?

    I would assume it is the defeat(s) of the multiple attempts over the previous decade to overthrow elected governments, subvert the rule of law and end electoral democracy in Thailand by a self interested minority.


    Nailed it in one mate. YS and the PTP are going nowhere soon. It will snow in Thailand before the Dems hold any sort of power again. The yellow farangs on TV should prep their travel plans and depart LOS pronto.xph34r.png.pagespeed.ic.GOH20nhrx_.png

    Why should they leave? Because they have a different opinion to yours and some others on here who are easily swayed with propaganda?

    What about all the Thais in the South, in Bangkok or in the red area who are able to see through PTP, should they emigrate too? Or are people not allowed to have opinions different from yours?

    Seeing as Red Shirt supporters like to harass and threaten others who have different opinions to them, I guess you would love a Thaksin style dictatorship.

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