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Posts posted by kmj

  1. People warned against forwarding PM's doctored audio clip

    BANGKOK: -- Pol Maj Gen Panya Mamen, deputy chief of Central Investigation Bureau, Monday warned the people against forwarding Prime Minister's doctored audio clip.

    He said anyone was caught forwarding the clip could be arrested and subject to one year imprisonment and Bt500,000 fine.


    -- The Nation 2009-08-31

    What a joke. Surely they could maybe concentrate on prosecuting the Red and Yellow shirts that have a caused so much more problems with their public disorder than some grainy fake.

    True. Although I don't think that they are saying that it is something that they are looking to concentrate on, rather that they will prosecute should it come to their attention. I don't think that even they could dream up a plan to monitor it after all, for all we know it could be on you-tube by now.

    They can't monitor it, no way, all they can do is block facebook again, but it will be view as censorship and will be used by the reds to take abhisit out, and they can just keep on trying to delete every single clip on the entire web which is impossible.

    I dont think they have to do anything, the clip is already out, and smart people dont need to forward using email or mms, we can just use a thumbdrive or a CD.

    blocking facebook etc just use a proxy and you can get any site anywhere...

  2. Interesting thread.

    My wife works at a factory, long hours, short pay and for a while I have been talking her into leaving, anyway during Sept I have family coming for a short holiday 10 days, she ask the factory if she could have 10 days unpaid leave to which they refused, so she is now leaving in 2 weeks.

    She has a friend who has a clothes shop in south BKK who has given her details of her suppliers and prices she pays ( one of the most difficult hurdles in business, good supplier) & I have given her some simple lessons on calculating running costs, profit, loss and break even.

    She has toured the local clothes shops, noting what they sell and prices, looked at some retail space, but has decided to sell first to friends, family and doing clothes parties to cut her initial overheads until she thinks she can make a go of it.

    I have only made 1 rule, NO CREDIT to anyone. so I'm investing 80k B, 40 up front with 40 in the wings if it's needed, for me investing a few weeks salary in this is better than just giving her XXX B every month, if I wanted a pet to keep, I would buy one from the pet shop.

    and who knows maybe one day I will get my money back (ha ha, only joking)

  3. Thanks for the replies, I'm a UK national, my wife's home book is in her mothers address

    do I need a copy of that if we live at a different address?

    <Lite Beer>

    I think that they will want to see a Thai Bank book with something in it.

    </Lite Beer>

    I don't currently have any emplyment...

    If I open a Thai bank account and put 400K baht in now will that be enough proof just to get the "O" visa,

    and still do the border runs every 3 months?


  4. Hi,

    I have a Category "B" Multiple entry visa which ended 30th May 2009, (this is my first Visa for Thailand)

    I got my last visa stamp on 28th May from Cambodia which ends on the 25 August. my partner is Thai and we got married in Feb this year.

    I am planning to get a non-Immigrant "O" multiple entry visa during August, I don't want to return to the UK for the visa,

    I've looked on the site, but seem to find conflicting information on the best place to apply for this visa in the region,

    where is the best place in the region to go for this "O" multiple entry visa? and do people recommend using an agent?

    I am not new to applying for Visa's in general, I have applied for plenty in the past but not for Thailand.

    I have (is this all I need) ?

    My passport,

    2 x photos,

    copies of

    marrage certificate,

    Spouses ID

    rental agreement for the house (in joint names)

    I do not have a bank account or any money in my name in Thailand, so if I understand

    correctly I will still have to do a border run every 3 months until I do move money into an

    account in Thailand in my name, is this correct?

    Thanks in advance for any information / help with this.

  5. Seems strange to even consider linking the Jakarta bombings to ASEAN or Phuket - total non story.

    I'm off to Bali next week though which is a bit concerning in light of these events.

    mmm Bali, going myself next month, 6 months I live here and 6 months Bali, but I stay well clear of Kuta when there's potential trouble on the horizon, In general I think Bali is safer than here (I'm not talking about bombings)

  6. Have you tried BBC I-player? Can you get that ok in Thailand on the net?

    You cannot get any online UK TV channels outside of the UK without going through a proxy service based in the UK, but the the TV channels are pretty quick at blocking any new proxys so you may find you have to change the proxy you use often. google search UK proxy

  7. I don’t mind paying an ‘on the spot fine’ where ever the money ends up if I’ve done something wrong but the speed trap on the Rangsit tollway which is a monthly sometimes bi-monthly occurrence I always get stoped and I’m only doing 70 because I know they are there and also where the guy with the camera stands.

    But the camera is the key, so the camera guy sees me, tells the checkpoint cops near the toll and I get stopped.

    Cop: you where speeding

    Me: No sorry I wasn’t because I saw you this morning on my way to work and I saw you yesterday also when you stopped me, so I was only driving at 70

    Cop: we got you on camera

    Me: I’m sorry but that’s impossible, I wasn’t speeding.

    Cop: how long you stay in Thailand?

    Me: 1 year

    Cop: ok you can go

    Me: thank you, I’m sure I will see you tomorrow :o

  8. ukme :- I'm not saying the UK is bad - It's safe, democratic, affluant (for some), civilized, no (?) corruption etc It just seems like a very different place after returning from my travels.

    UK safe? Last time I visited (2008) there was nearly gang warfare outside my local Spar shop, but then again that was Salford Manchester where stabbings seem to be the weekly norm now adays... I feel much safer in Thailand :o

  9. Photography : no spend this year but about 150000B last year ouch...

    Making cheese : (not a euphemism) the real stuff

    Fishing : not been in Thailand yet, anyone know a good fishing place within 30km of Rangsit (bkk)

  10. Thanks GungaDin,

    That's my aim and buffalo mozzarella on a small(ish) scale but the ripening in these temperatures will be a challenge 12 - 16 °C for up to 90+ days, the best option I've come up with up to now is a generator run 2nd hand cool-produce shipping container although this doesn’t offer much backup support if the generator fails :o

    maybe I'll look into renting some chiller space at one of the food processing factories...

  11. Hi, I've some experience making cheese when in the UK, and want to make some here in Thai,

    I'm having success getting a clean taste with using a lime/lemon mix as a starter for my soft herb cheeses but does anyone know where I can buy Rennets in Thailand or will it clear customs ok if I order from the UK?

    Thanks in advance.

  12. My wife called me stingy person, or Thai equivalent when I injured my shoulder and refused to return to the hospital for multiple physio

    and doctor visits, 'health more important that money' she says, 'cash cow' I say...

    She sends money to her parents, but that comes from her salary and she always has before I appeared on the scene, but if it's for

    work on her parents house we go and she oversees the work and not just throws the cash in the that direction

    And if we go shopping for anything expensive she is the first to tell me to stay in the car, as she knows a farang face means more expensive

    and no bargaining position or she goes alone to get the best rental price for our house.

    I have no expensive car on the drive & I’ve worked hard for my money, can I be tight with money? sh!t yes and it will stay that way :o

    So for what it's worth from me, may not be an insult, more an accurate observation at that time...

  13. Being a Brit in Th, I don't like to complain or moan...

    After just completing the almost daily drive from Rangsit into Bangkok I find it an exhilarating past time that easily compares with a day trip to Alton towers theme park and is much cheaper.

    I for one never realized that the rear view mirror was only so I can chat more easily with the passengers in the rear seat

    someone flashing their lights no longer means please continue your maneuver, but means look out I have temporarily forgotten where my brake pedal is

    Trying to guess from which direction the next bike/car/bus will appear from I find is a particular favorite past time for me

    I am always surprised and love the David Copperfield type skill that any D-MAX 4x4 driver has by pulling into to a 2m space in moving traffic while traveling at 80kmph

    Then I get into BKK and the fun really starts,

    But thats just a Monday morning, and better than travelling at 10mph into London, YES, I honestly do love living here in Thailand...

  14. If the decision is made to clear the PAD from the 3 main protest sites what are the logistics? Maybe 3000-4000 protesters over 3 sites do the police have the numbers to clear all 3 at the same time without military support?


    Do they clear government house first (the one easiest for PAD to strengthen with additional support) then clear Don Muang and hope for a domino effect?

    The domino effect option is a risky strategy, giving the PAD leadership time to rile-up the Suvarnabhumi group which at the moment is the largest…

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