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Posts posted by kmj

  1. One thing not to be taken lightly will be the actions of Bangkok residents. No matter how many marchers the reds get, they will be outnumbered by locals, who will not take kindly to threats against their homes and livelihoods, and may make pre-emptive attacks. Just as 9/11 changed the way all air passengers will now react to hijackers, so did black songkhran change the way Bangkok residents will react to violent protestors.

    Bangkok residents are to busy with their own pockets to organize themselves, just like taking Friends off the air changed the way we watch TV, black songkhran change the way Bangkok residents will react to violent protestors. ( A better analogy than 9/11)

  2. Anyone who doesn't think that Sterling is collapsing clearly has no understanding of whats happening. This is not just a short term blip - this is the foreseeable future. There is nothing in the way of Sterling's fall. It will keep on falling because there is nothing that can arrest the fall. Eventually (maybe next year) when GBP/USD is down to 1.20 and the Thai baht is sub 30 Sterling will look cheap and traders will start to buy Sterling instead of selling it.

    The return to current levels (50 baht to the pound) could take years, possibly decades. 70 baht to the pound is already a dim and distant memory. In 12 months time its likely that anyone wanting to retire in Thailand (800,000 in a Thai bank) will need about £25,000.

    I hope I'm wrong but I fear the worst.

    are you really trying to tell me that sterling wont hit 50 baht again for years or decades? & I knew enough to bring my money in at 66 in 2008

  3. unless you are traveling before 6am from Rangsit to BKK the underpass adds at least 1 hour to your travelling time, I don't know how much everyone gets paid an hour but I get a lot more than 85B so an increase of 35B isnt too bad.

    Plus now all the sticky people are sitting in thier cars using the underpass for an extra hour using petrol, trying to get out of BKK, I get home in 45mins :)

  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesco

    Yada, yada with yer wiki quotes... Its Tesco-freakin'-Lotus and its Asian controlled... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesco_Lotus "Tesco Lotus is a hypermarket chain in Thailand and China. In Thailand, the stores are operated by Ek-Chai Distribution System Co., Ltd."

    I'm not sure that's correct ownership and operations are different, PriceWaterhouseCoopers shows tesco ownership though special dispencation after the buyout.

    Tesco entered Thailand in 1998 and operates through 380 stores as part of a joint venture with Charoen Pokphand and named the operation Tesco Lotus. This partnership was dissolved in 2003 when Charoen Pokphand sold its shares to Tesco.

    see the last public report from PriceWaterhouseCoopers (2004)

    Sources: Companies’ annual reports

    you have to pay for the latest reports but the information is the same.

    Tesco Lotus (Thailand, China)

    Tesco Lotus was established in 1998, when Tesco UK

    purchased the Lotus chain from the CP Group. Tesco

    Lotus has developed three smaller alternatives to its

    giant flagship superstores, being Tesco Express - mini

    supermarkets at ExxonMobil service stations, Tesco

    Supermarkets and Tesco Value stores in small towns.

    Tesco Lotus currently has 48 hypermarkets, 9 Express

    stores, 8 Value stores and 1 supermarket. In 2004 the

    company plans to continue with its large-scale

    expansion program and will open stores in various

    formats, mainly upcountry.

    Big C

    Big C commenced trading in Thailand in 1993 under

    the control of the Central Retail Corporation (CRC).

    However, after the financial crisis in 1997, French

    retailer Casino Group bought up the majority of shares.

    Since its core customers are price sensitive, Big C has

    launched own-brand stores under the name “Leader

    Price”. These stores sell in-house brands at prices

    15-20% lower than general brands. There are currently

    four Leader Price stores in Bangkok.

    Big C also plans to move to smaller stores closer to

    communities to lower opposition and generate faster

    investment returns. In 2004, Big C opened its first Big

    C “Compact” store with a total sales space of 6,000

    square meters. It plans to open another two new

    stores upcountry during the year.


    Carrefour commenced business in Thailand in 1996.

    The group has received special investment privileges

    relating to land ownership. To maintain these privileges

    Carrefour was initially restricted to the Bangkok area.

    Carrefour also has plans to expand upcountry in 2004

    and intends to open four new stores.

  5. Shouldn't the title read:Some 400 children were USED to appeal...............

    Of course! Kids who don't want to drink alcohol don't change to if they see a billboard.

    Thailands politic on Alcohol is one of the most stupid and therefore there are these big problems.

    As more things are restricted as bigger the problems get.

    I have never quite understood the reactionary and well-targetted pressure groups in Thai society protesting against booze. Remember the huge demonstrations about the listing of a brewery (Singha or Chang brewer) in Thailand?

    Can anyone explain it, and, perhaps cynically, I don't buy "genuine concern from grassoots" although unquestionably Thailand has a serious alcohol problem.

    Letting kids grow up with knowledge about alcohol is the best. Trying to keep Alcohol a secret from them and hope they'll never learn about the existence of it is plain silly

    Yes lets bring back tobacco advertising as well... we all know advertising doesn't work.

  6. If you travel outside your district on red plates you have to fill in your travel book before leaving or pay the fine 2000 if you get stopped, or you can trade your red plates in for B&W ones at any time and get a whopping 4,000B refund... I did as I couldnt be bothered keep filling out the travel book...

  7. I did KL last month and with no problems, but they were not issuing visa's the same day, not even to the people who were kicking up a fuss about having flights booked... and you have to get to the embassy before 11am for visa application so even the first flight with Air Asia from BKK won't get you there in time ( well I tried and didn't make it) so it was a 2 night stop over for me.

  8. I cannot load Bangkok Post anymore these days on firefox or chrome. It just won't load. I leave it loading for 10 minutes and come back, and all I see is the header. Their traffic may be down as they have problems with their web servers orsomething. I do not have this problem with any other site and have a fast connection, though in the U.S. right now.

    I concur. I live 30-40minutes s.w. of Bangkok, and with firefox and IE I have the same problem loading it. This has been going on for over a year.

    I can access any news site in US or Europe almost instantly at any time.

    never have a problem FF, IE & Safari - and I have to say its a pretty slick looking site...

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