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Posts posted by kmj

  1. well any publicity is good publicity i expect he will have a lot of sign ups now

    Just saw his bever bong site... hillarous!

    Yes he must love it, that's why he's crying to the press and sites to leave his name out of it, probably scared about the bullshit he told his family in the USA about his great business in Thailand, his mum & family must be so proud. 555 wanke_r...

  2. Year 1 : I was like a kid in a sweet shop...

    Year 2 : The sweets still look good but I'm only interested in the best sweets

    Year3 : The sweets may look different, but once you've had a sweetshop full their all pretty similar

    Year4 : Picked 1 sweet and I'm sticking with it, but I still look in the shop window now and again, smiling at the new people in the sweetshop...

  3. You may find it easier to make the guitar parts here and export as parts, this gets around the difficulties of exporting raw timber ( I have done this before but from Indonesia) , also timber exports rules differ weather the timber has been treated or not. It's nearly impossible to get import licenses for untreated timber ( into the UK & EU anyway)

  4. [


    But just days later reports of Poer’s arrest vanished from the Pattaya Times, Pattaya Daily News, Pattaya Today, Pattaya One news and all other newspapers in Pattaya which carried the story online.

    At Pattaya Times a spokeman said that ‘all newspapers’ were asked to remove all online references to Poer. Did the police make this request, or someone else? No newspaper would go on record. But a source at one said it was police, and at another, that it was not an official of any kind, but ’someone more powerful’.


    Spineless Pattaya press ride again...

  5. I have lived in Thailand for a very long time, probably longer tan many people who post here.

    Hang on a minute, it's either one or the other here..

    You have either done whta you say above, yet earlier in teh thread you say you want to sit in a Bar with some good looking Women ??? :ermm:

    It's either one or the other, not both ??

    I don't know any Man here that has been here for 5 plus Years that still enjoys the " Women Bars " here & i don't think anyone who has been here the amount of time that you're claiming to be, would do....

    I think for some reason unbeknown to me & looking at your Posts espcially the one where you start all over again about this place at the top of Page 3, that you are on a wind up..

    Edit : Let's get somethign right, Hua Hin is one of, if not THE best place to live in Thailand..I have been in Thailand for 7 Years & have come to that conclusion & i know MANY others who feel the same, for so many reasons.

    This is a FORUM and it's his OPINION maybe you should google the definition for both words...

    Hua Hin the best place to live in Thailand, what <deleted> but that's just my opinion. :)

  6. I moved here 6 months ago. I made a very bad mistake.

    I have lived in Thailand for several years and this is the most uninspired I have ever been. Its a boring 'one trick pony' town with very little to do. Sure, a certain revered person lives here but that is of no use to me... And as for the sodding relentless references to the train station, can someone please tell me what I am missing? Every street has some type of half arsed reference to the train station and market stalls everywhere sell crap t shirts and souveneres celebrating this building. It was one of the first places I checked out and as far as I can determine, its a very colourfull shed smaller than my house. And therin lies a glaring hint: Any place that boasts a train station and a palace which no one has ever seen must surely be avoided.

    Restaurants: for the most part they are the same as everywhere else in Thailand. Thats not a bad thing of course, but there is nothing here that should be boasted about on a grand scale. The one good thing is the tourist market area that has some nice fish restaurants. You need to eat a lot of fish.

    Bars: Rubbish. Soi Bintaban and area is the main place for bars. Out of maybe 100 bars there is possibly two that have made anything close to an effort. The rest of them are very basic beer bars with crap furniture and very, very, very ugly women, retired SAS captains and active MI5 spies. If anyone reading this has been to the bar area of Udon Thani, picture that scene basicly. I once posted about this before and got attacked for having little do do in life aside from wanting a nice bar. The fact is I am a single bloke. If I had a Mrs and kids, I would be pretty content to do other stuff but I am not. So when I am not working, it would be nice just a few nights a week to hang around in a bar with some good looking women and some sound blokes to have a laugh with. I have scoured Hua Hin and have found nothing even close. Someone recently suggested a place called Johnny Walkers whcih I gues I will check out but Im not holding any hope.

    Aside from Bintaban, there are many ex pat bars dotted around the city but they are pretty dead. They mainly consist of townhouses with a shop front that some retired bloke has converted into a 'bar' to serve chang to his mates. I have been to a couple. Bobbys springs to mind as does Bob and Noks. Im sure you all know someone back home who has put a small formica covered bar in there garage in order to escape the nagging Mrs? Picture that but include a few retired blokes with very old jokes and boring golf anicdotes.

    Disco: Hilton for Ferangs. The band is ok for a laugh but its expensive and full of old blokes either dancing like your drunken dad at a wedding or standing motionless, waiting for a freelancer to talk to them.

    Ex-pats: Old. And a fair shair of pretty full on criminals. Check out Andrew Drumonds site for worryingly regular updates on retired crims who have just beat the crap out of some guy over a disputed land and house deal.

    Land and House: Expensive to buy or rent.

    Beach: I have a real issue with the main HH beach. Litteraly every couple of minutes you see a washed up jelly fish and the rubbish can often be out of control. What is it with Roi Haa Sip and Red Bull bottles littering the beach? Samui, Phuket, Krabi etc have nice beaches but more importantly, they are fun. They are actualy frequented by people who sunbathe, chill out, throw a frisby, float on a lilo...... HH beaches have none of this. You may see the occasional couple strolling along but realy they are baron. And I dont mean baron in an idilic way I mean baron in a 'no one wants to go there' way.

    Locals: To me, they seem jaded with ferangs. I dont mean rude i just mean... Jaded. Indiferent. Cant be bothered.

    Shopping: Market Village. I dont get it. The place looks amazing from the outside and its glitzy inside but what is there to actualy buy? I mean realy - answer that for me. What is there in this place that offers anything even close to say, Siam Paragon in BKK? It looks like Paragon. Its not that much smaller than Paragon. Its raved about like it is Paragon. But once inside it offers little. A Kodac shop. A Homebase. lots of clothes shops geared mainly in my opinion towards Thais. A KFC. A Sizzlers. This is No Lincoln Avenue or Oxford Street so please everyone, stop raving about it like it is just that.

    Villa supermarket is ok if you need ferang food but expect to pay double the price of Foodland in BKK.

    Maybe I am just tired of Thailand. I dont know.... I still think Samui and Phuket offers more and I am very seriously thinking about moving there. For me, it hasnt worked out.

    Please dont bash me for this. Its my opinion and I am entitled to it.

    I have been here for the past 7 months and I'm moving on further south at the end of the month, but this description just about sums it up for me also just to add if you want to swim, snorkel or scuba this part of Thailand is not for you when you can see through the water ( rarely ) it's all too often jellyfish infested ... sorry Hua Hin but there you go.

  7. Neighbor did it.

    No way a thai complains about a neighbor smelling bad. IT happens too often and it's not like they go out of their way to lose face after 3 days.

    That is a plausable answer. No body starts smelling bad enough in that length of time to cause a complaint.

    Yes it does, especially in BKK heat if no AC is on, but even with AC on at 3 days gases in the body tissues form large blisters on the skin, the whole body begins to bloat and swell grotesquely, this process is speeded up if victim is in a hot environment, or in water and Fluids leak from the mouth, nose, eyes, ears and rectum and urinary opening, thats pretty smelly...

  8. This a stupid idea.

    Spend the money on earth, which is simply overflowing with problems (& people).

    The voice of naivety. The stupid idea is leaving all one's eggs in one basket. Any decent sized chunk of rock/ice (perhaps a mile across and up) come down on us would be bye bye time. Reaching out to Mars is not only about exploring and the 'getting there first' thing, it's logical. It needs to be done at the earliest convenience to get terraforming in motion for future generations / preservation. Forget problems here. There will always be problems no matter how much time, money and effort put in.

    Have you registered Marsvisa.com yet George? :D

    that was my idea, but... marsvisa.com is already taken :)

  9. Sorry, I am not trying to single anyone out or say you are bad BUT I don't buy child porn is being sold openly and displayed on the sidewalks on Sukimvit or pretty much in any other metropolis in Thailand. That is the point I am making and I believe in my heart of heart if you really saw it and are against it as you say then you would have done more than try very weakly to start a topic about it on ThaiVisa.

    I am not saying you are a liar about what you believe you saw but everyone has a tendency to see what they want to when it comes to issues they are passionate about.

    Thailand may often not be the most logical place but there is NO logic to vendors selling this in the open. They would lose money, sell less and risk prison. And I just don't believe the 100's of thousands of people passing the stalls all take no action. Forget alerting authorities or child groups ... out of 100,000 people, I can guarantee you there is a large percentage that would take matter in their own hands if this stuff was put in front of their wives face as they walk the street as has been claimed in this thread.

    I want to live in the land of logic like you also, can you point me in right direction please? It must be easy where everything is logical...

    Logic says don't walk through Suvarnabhumi Airport with 3kgs Ice strapped to your body but 1 is caught every week ( from the latest reports) ...

    <edit> 1 too many pleases </edit>

  10. Good question that is relevant in most of Asia, India ( and Iran if I remember ) call it the caste system to keep the poor poor using religion ( Hinduism) as their reason.

    In Thailand the people that see themselves as higher classes can't use that sad excuse, I think changes will come, maybe too late for some, but it will happen.

  11. only a couple yrs ago it was 67 to the pound .thailand got more expensive to drink stay eat and travel to never mind the pound on its knees to the bath.

    No it didn't things are still the same price in baht as a couple of years ago ( gasoline is cheaper now ) it only matters if you are bringing money into the country as in pension, holiday etc, I get paid in baht it only makes a difference to me when I send money out ( which at the moment is great ) go baht I say ( sorry I know selfish ) :)

  12. I officially forecast Thailand will NEVER recover as long as reds have their way.

    Thailand must decide... Tourists orTerrorists?

    Malls or Mobs?

    Best City or Bomb City 2010?

    I don't see this as the main reason,

    most of the people I know that visited last year but skipping to other Asian countries this year are doing it because Thailand is just to expensive at the moment the Baht is just to strong...

  13. Hi,

    I am moving some furniture from Cha-am to Chumphon (about 300 km), does anyone know of someone with a 6 wheel truck that wants a days work?

    I only need a driver & truck or is there such a thing as Truck / van rentals in Hua Hin area, I have searched the net and found nothing bigger than the standard 4 wheelers for rent, and I have one of those already.

    Thanks in advance for any info.

  14. one other thing, why cant you give me an idea of delivery costs before I have to enter all my details and create an account?

    just ask for the delivery province and show the delivery options with costs... I can't be bothered do all the registration and placing the order before knowing what the final cost will be.

    only an idea :)

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