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Posts posted by kmj

  1. ( Website keywords * Time ) / Budget = Rating

    It depends if you want to get getting

    snow_ploughs_in_thailand,com or ThaiHotels,com

    to the top of the ratings...

    Website ratings are dependent on the criteria of the search engine, They all have their own rules.

  2. http://www.interpol.int/public/ICPO/PressR...03/PR200332.asp
    NEW YORK - INTERPOL has made an important change in the requirements for the issuance of international wanted persons notices, known as Red Notices, based on membership in a terrorist organization.

    Article 3 of the INTERPOL constitution forbids the organization from getting involved in cases of a political, military, religious or racial character. Until now it has been interpreted to mean that no Red Notice could be issued based only on the crime of being a member of a terrorist organization. Individuals had to be charged with other criminal offences such as murder, assault, conspiracy to commit a crime before a Red Notice could be issued.

    The policy change has come about because membership in a terrorist organization is now a criminal offence recognized by increasing numbers of countries and because INTERPOL has developed greater expertise in evaluating such Red Notice requests. Thus, effective 18 November 2003, INTERPOL has begun authorizing the issuance of Red Notices based on this offence, even if the individuals are not wanted for other crimes.

    Requesting countries will, however, be required to provide strong evidence that wanted individuals are indeed members of terrorist organizations. Mere lists of suspected members of terrorist groups generated by member countries will not be a sufficient basis for issuing an INTERPOL Red Notice.

    Conspiracy alone has always been adequate to get a red warrant for Terrorism.

    I thought the government said that the red's are not a terrorist organization, but an organization with terrorist activists. otherwise every member could be arrested under the same warrant as a member of the organization.

  3. Sorry I must have missed the news article where the goverment accuses him of any of these DIRECT actions, can you direct me to it.

    And while you're there, try and find the one where the Americans accuse Osama Bin Ladan of personally flying planes into buildings, setting alight his shoes and underpants, blowing up trains and buses, and general hands on acts of terrorism.

    who rattled your cage, I was commenting on the Interpol article quoted... go start a poll or something

    The government is accusing him of being behind the grenade attacks, burnings and black shirts. You don't actually have to be caught wearing a suicide vest, with a pair of platform heels with a fuse sticking out the side and a suspicious scorch marked bulge in your undies to be up on a terrorism charge you know. They did capture some of the black shirts. They did delay the court order while they questioned them. They definitely have some information.

    I'm not sure which part of this you don't understand I was commenting on the Interpol quoted article 3

    "Requests aimed at prosecuting terrorists are processed in strict conformity with the above rules, particularly in terms of applying the predominance theory. In practice, Article 3 does therefore not prevent those accused of serious, violent terrorist offences (such as serious attacks against human life or physical safety, hostage-taking and kidnapping, serious attacks against property (bomb attacks, etc.), unlawful acts against civil aviation (hijacking of aircraft)) from being located with a view to their arrest and extradition."

    which lists direct action, and asking where the government accuse him of direct action. If there is another article stating BEHIND such actions then I agree with the poster, if not this quoted article is not relevant.

  4. Sorry I must have missed the news article where the goverment accuses him of any of these DIRECT actions, can you direct me to it.

    And while you're there, try and find the one where the Americans accuse Osama Bin Ladan of personally flying planes into buildings, setting alight his shoes and underpants, blowing up trains and buses, and general hands on acts of terrorism.

    who rattled your cage, I was commenting on the Interpol article quoted... go start a poll or something

  5. If the case is compelling for the charge of terrorism (and foreign press suggests it is!) then Interpol will help facilitate an arrest. Then it goes to the governent of the country he is arrested in to extradite or not.

    Political motivation will not be an issue in a charge of terrorism if a pria facie case is made for the warrant. It doesn't matter how much Thaksin supporters cry about it, there is no excuse allowed for commiting acts of terrorism, conspiring to commit acts of terrorism, or financing terrorism.

    Right on the money...... according to? Interpol!

    Interpol has an article 3 that precludes working on charges of a political, religious, or racial nature. But according to Interpol's website that discusses this very fact, it does not apply to violent terrorist crimes. Violent terrorism is not a political charge. They even give examples, which I think Thaksin had better read fast.

    Here is the full story from INTERPOL's website all about the..

    INTERPOL- Legal framework governing cases of a political, military, religious or racial character

    The key point is............

    "Requests aimed at prosecuting terrorists are processed in strict conformity with the above rules, particularly in terms of applying the predominance theory. In practice, Article 3 does therefore not prevent those accused of serious, violent terrorist offences (such as serious attacks against human life or physical safety, hostage-taking and kidnapping, serious attacks against property (bomb attacks, etc.), unlawful acts against civil aviation (hijacking of aircraft)) from being located with a view to their arrest and extradition."

    I think many here confuse a politically motivated crime like breaking press rules, with acts of violence. A politically motivated crime is one that would not otherwise be criminal except for politics. Burning down cities is illegal everywhere.

    Sorry I must have missed the news article where the goverment accuses him of any of these DIRECT actions, can you direct me to it.

  6. Lord T is my master; I shall not want

    Whilst my baht per deum is bestowed

    He maketh me repose on searing caementum;

    And anoints me from his fevered loins

    He restoreth my anger; He leadeth me not

    unto Democracy, but delivers unto fallacy for His sake.

    Yea, though I walk through the shattered canyons

    of conflagrant edifices, I shall fear no soldier;

    For His Tweets are with me;

    His video comforts me.

    He preparest a food cart before me in the

    Dominion of mine Enemy;

    He consecrates his tires with kerosene; its smoke runneth over.

    Carcinogens abundant for my pestilential future.

    Surely his Hegemony and patronage shall flow to me

    all the shortened days of my life; His will be done

    And I will dwell in thrall to his penumbra

    Forever and ever.

    "What a twerp." Just blasphemed the words of the King of Kings.

    Good thing God doesn't resort to lese majeste like this lot....

    No second prizes.

    It's called irony, deal with it.

    Somebody calling that irony, now thats ironic :)

  7. Ha Ha, news channels / news papers are great until they say / print something that you don't like... I don't understand why people are suprised, do you think they just started this sensationalist policy for the Thai conflict? Maybe a letter to some Thailand national press may also be in order.

  8. I agree that the Red Shirt leadership were foolish in not accepting Abhisit's compromise without trying to attach ridiculous conditions, but fail to understand how their surrender yesterday meant they abandoned their followers. Were they supposed to encourage their followers to fight to the death?

    This is a stupid and irresponsible editorial.

    Why is TV allowing such blatant and obviously paid criminals express any further support of these red group criminals on this web site?

    Are you out of your mind?

    The editorial was very well written and exactly on the mark!

    Thanks for sharing it with us!

    Please help get the scum toxic support off this web site.

    It's very disturbing

    It's called a forum, check the dictionary - do you get it now!!!!

  9. Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare.

    The curfew is there to protect Bangkok and it's citizens - people like you and me.

    The less people there are on the streets - the easier it is to distinguish between troublemakers with bad intentions and innocents.

    So keeping us innocent bystanders inside will keep us safe and make the job of clearing up the troublemakers quicker and easier.

    And then hopefully normality can return quickly and we can all stay out all night long again until the sun rises :)

    yes but you see he dont get that. he has a learning disability; he was dropped on his head from the 2nd floor when he was an hour old. he did survive the drop but that's about it. Thank you though for trying to point out the common sense of the curfew. u r a noble man

    And all this from a holocaust denier!! I've read your other posts... I think you're the one dropped on his head

  10. Great news for Pattaya already on its knees, now this, way over the top

    Selfish attitude. But, what can one expect from the typical Pattaya Farang?

    News Flash: This isn't over. There is still fighting, burning and looting going on. My GF's brother is a CID Bangkok cop undercover with the redshirts, monitoring and reporting on their continuing activities. It's turning into a guerilla war. He told her this morning, that the authorities believe that Bangkok will not be completely safe for some time to come, maybe years.

    So, a curfew should be the least of your worries.

    CID Undercover :) another wannabe

  11. Many people have a real problem when an unelected government forces its way into power through illegal manipulation of the very processes that were supposedly put in place to protect it. Abhisit should have dissolved parliament, stepped down as PM, and called for elections long ago… to preserve democracy. Instead, he has spent his entire term fighting against democracy, not for it. An illegitimate government with blood on its hands violates its published rules of engagement and now threatens innocent protestors with prison terms and/or the threat of death if they do not comply with their wishes. The government has succeeded only in preserving its illegitimacy.

    The last thing this so called democratic government seems to want is an election… they believe they will lose. What they do seem to want is to hold onto power long enough to install their handpicked Army representatives to facilitate a future coup (pending next election results… which will most likely not be in their favor) and derail any chance for a democratic process...again.

    The government swiftly rejects UN mediation to help resolve this crisis because if the UN were to get involved then the truth would be even more apparent…. that it isn't Abhisit making the decisions to begin with.

    The truth is out there, it's just banned in Thailand! :)

    5000 rioters do not dictate terms.

    Your truth is somewhere in Montenegro or Dubai or......

    There is an election scheduled, just not at the time Thaksin wants it.

    no 5000 people don't dictate the terms. but the government is letting them. I am starting to feel more and more irritated as others are I'm sure, that now 3 more days are cancelled and now many of us can't continue to make a living. for some their businesses closed forever, bankrupt, whatever.

    In the red camp there are few to no guns in the center, but on the borders near the army. When the h_ll are they gonna get their butts in their and show some authority and control? they have been far too generous to this crowd. bring in the special forces, tanks, and everything at disposal to get the job done! haven't these soldiers trained for all this, and they bought lots of high tech weapons? for situations just like this!

    sheesh, compromising and making deals with belligerent thugs...

    Yes, business before lives, we wouldn't want you to lose money when killing a few 1000's could get businesses open again...

  12. If the PM does not crush the rebellion he will be criticized. If he does he will be vilified. He is in a no-win situation.

    I'm glad we have such a good man in charge at a time like this. Look at some of the past PMs. Who knows what kind of bonehead will replace him?

    A good leader must be able to do things which do not look good.

    You can't cure cancer without cutting.

    yes you can cure cancer without cutting...

  13. All the poor innocent protestors??? They declare war on the Government, try to impose their will on the rest of the country (us that democracy???). They are using old women and children as human shields, they are every bit as bad as the Taliban and that lot. I am sure if you ask the Taliban they will say they are fighting for the majority of the population too.

    That comparison just shows your ignorance of the Taliban... and the photo is a fake

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