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Posts posted by ttelise

  1. And the Krabi police comment now is posted as an answer on the original 'Evil Man' Vid.

    Unfortunately it is only in Thai (8 min.). Hopefully some kind person on here being able to understand will be giving us a summary of what is said?! Pretty please!

    What's up with the scrawny arse Barney Fifth wanna give a bullet cops. Suspect probably threatened to kick their wimp arse so they let him go. If my kid, I might have to pay a visit to a dude like that. Heck with YouTube video. That would come after our little come to Jesus.

  2. This article in the Sydney Morning Heral indicates that Potterton sent home an image of a 15 year old boy. I guess things were discovered after that.

    "A Sydney man has been arrested in Thailand on paedophile-related charges after Australian Federal Police (AFP) allegedly intercepted photographs emailed to Australia.

    Ian Potterton, 51, was detained by Thai authorities on Thursday before boarding an Australian-bound flight at Bangkok's International Airport after a short holiday in Thailand, a Thai police official from the Anti-Human Trafficking Division said.

    On Friday, Potterton arrived at Crime Suppression Division Headquarters wearing blue jeans and a chequered blue shirt, his hand bandaged after spending a night in hospital receiving treatment for bronchitis and pneumonia.

    Senior Thai police said the charges related to nude photographs of a 15-year-old Thai boy sent to Australia.


    Potterton denies the charges, saying the pictures are of a "non-sexual nature" and he's the victim of over-zealous policing."


    He says he is the victim of over zealous policing. Now you know he is a guilty lying scum bag. Dude had to really cross line to get someone's attention on something like this in Thailand.

    What a fascinating post from an alleged lawyer. What a pity the legal profession don't take such a candid approach when being paid by a scumbag lying client to defend them rolleyes.gif

    There in lies one reason I have not handled a criminal case in 17 years of practice. Something about pedophiles that really pisses me off. Maybe because I have 17, 16, and 1 years old daughters.

    You gotta admit the overzealous Thai prosecution statement gives one pause.

  3. This article in the Sydney Morning Heral indicates that Potterton sent home an image of a 15 year old boy. I guess things were discovered after that.

    "A Sydney man has been arrested in Thailand on paedophile-related charges after Australian Federal Police (AFP) allegedly intercepted photographs emailed to Australia.

    Ian Potterton, 51, was detained by Thai authorities on Thursday before boarding an Australian-bound flight at Bangkok's International Airport after a short holiday in Thailand, a Thai police official from the Anti-Human Trafficking Division said.

    On Friday, Potterton arrived at Crime Suppression Division Headquarters wearing blue jeans and a chequered blue shirt, his hand bandaged after spending a night in hospital receiving treatment for bronchitis and pneumonia.

    Senior Thai police said the charges related to nude photographs of a 15-year-old Thai boy sent to Australia.


    Potterton denies the charges, saying the pictures are of a "non-sexual nature" and he's the victim of over-zealous policing."


    He says he is the victim of over zealous policing. Now you know he is a guilty lying scum bag. Dude had to really cross line to get someone's attention on something like this in Thailand.

  4. It's easy to get all upset by a comment like "this case cannot be considered rape", and assume that it's because Thai's don't believe in rape.. etc etc.

    Well, lets look at it for a western perspective. A few years ago, if this sort of thing happened in the west it WOULD NOT be called rape, ii would be labeled "DATE RAPE"... sounds the same, but adding the word DATE in front of the word RAPE changes the meaning quite substantially, not only in name but in many cases in the form of punishment IF a perpetrator was found guilty.

    I AM NOT SAYING that she was not raped, and I'm certainly NOT suggesting for one moment that the crime was any less heinous just because she had dinner with him and possible went back to his place, or invited him to hers..

    What I AM SAYING is that when you translate a word into Thai you have to accept that meanings can differ, in the same way that meanings differed in the west 30 years ago to some extent. If you accept that in the west (in some countries) we have a DIFFERENT exp<b></b>ression that we call "Date Rape", then it's understandable that when you translate just the word RAPE that a Thai can say "this case cannot be considered rape". Defense lawyers in the west SAY THE SAME THING under circumstances where both parties had been drinking and they go into a bedroom environment of their own free will. I AM NOT SAYING that what happened is not rape, I just don't know what happened, and neither does anyone except the man and woman in the room at the time.

    Also, for the record. The suggestion that bail was inappropriate is a difficult call. Bail is often given in the west to people accused of similar offences under similar circumstances.. remember he's a suspect and an alleged rapist that has not been given the opportunity yet to defend himself in a court of law. He may be an evil man, I just don't know and neither I suggest do you.

    Useless drivel from village idiot. I AM NOT SAYING YOUR A VILLAGE IDIOT. I am just saying I'm not saying.

  5. If I can go back to this election for a while (!), I was actually fortunate enough to catch the Limbaugh Advanced Institute of Terminal Whinging last night and it was truly hilarious.

    I've never heard the obnoxious buffoon sound so deflated and confused.

    And he seemed shocked from reading about exit polls and interviews that demonstrated that more than half of those who voted for Obama did so on the basis of his handling of the economy, and specifically because they blamed Bush and the Republicans for making the mess in the first place.

    It's heartening to hear that so many people saw through the rubbish the GOP churned out and realised what a monumental task they left for Obama.

    Now if the Republicans could just do the decent thing and stop thinking about themselves for the moment, and try not to block,out of sheer spite, everything Obama tries to do to fix the economy, the USA might actually have a chance at repairing the damage.

    Besides throwing a lot of money at the problem (most of it misspent), like FDR, and Obamacare, can you please detail what Obama has done to repair the economic damage? Do you consider Obamacare to be an effort to repair the economic damage, BTW?

    Do you actually listen to Rush Limbaugh or just get a second-hand opinion from the MSM (which is often quite mis-representative of what he actually says)? Are you a candidate for paying for the 6 trillion or so debt Obama has piled on top of the pre-existing Bush trillions?

    Auto bailout, bank bailout, investment banking bailout, AIG bailout, and trying to finish two wars ain't cheap. Maybe Bush tax cut extension not so smart.

    You didn't mention the great 'stimulus' bill and the burgeoning welfare and social security (phony) disability payments, just for starters. At least they were able to cut our financial losses in Iraq by failing to get a status of forces agreement with the those 'folks'. But how about all the parasitical costs such as the, what, billions we're going to give Pakistan and Egypt. We'll have to look at the budget to get the details. Oops, where did we put that budget, anyway?

    They haven't curtailed the Bush-era tax 'cuts', yet. They still have time to kick something down the road until next year. California just voted for tax hikes on themselves. Actually, it was the have-nots voting for taxing the haves, I believe. One voter was greatly surprised, I understand, to discover that there was a sales tax buried in the proposition, heh, heh.

    Forget that Iraq alone costs $120 billion a year, and we are paying $ 300billion a year on interest for Iraq war, $225 billion a year in increases for payment to vets of Iraq suffering from disability, medical issues or death and for veteran benefits.

    The big issue is taxpayer losses related to financial, baking and mortgages. A total of about $ 23 Trillion has been pumped into various bailout programs to try and stabilize banking and financial industry. Consumers experienced $ 7 trillion in real estate value losses, thank you George W.

    No talks about or apparently wants to acknowledge the ongoing CMO, REMIC, MERS Corp defaults triggering more guarantees for Frannie, Freddie and Ginnie who already sought billions in TARP.

    The stimulus package money at least, in theory went to tax payers whereas tax payers are just pouring several trillion down drain yearly related to Iraq, Afg, and the financial and banking industry.

    Remove Iraq, Afg, financial, AIG, GM, banking bailouts from equation and we have surplus each of the last four years.

    Obama and Bernacke did George W a huge favor by over the last four yearsby quietly keeping the big three banks afloat and not letting AIG, GM, GMAC, Ginnie, Freddie, Fannie, and a slew if banks and investment companies go under. It costs unprecedented amounts of bailout money, but George W does not go down as the President that let our banks and largest insurer fail.

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  6. If I can go back to this election for a while (!), I was actually fortunate enough to catch the Limbaugh Advanced Institute of Terminal Whinging last night and it was truly hilarious.

    I've never heard the obnoxious buffoon sound so deflated and confused.

    And he seemed shocked from reading about exit polls and interviews that demonstrated that more than half of those who voted for Obama did so on the basis of his handling of the economy, and specifically because they blamed Bush and the Republicans for making the mess in the first place.

    It's heartening to hear that so many people saw through the rubbish the GOP churned out and realised what a monumental task they left for Obama.

    Now if the Republicans could just do the decent thing and stop thinking about themselves for the moment, and try not to block,out of sheer spite, everything Obama tries to do to fix the economy, the USA might actually have a chance at repairing the damage.

    Besides throwing a lot of money at the problem (most of it misspent), like FDR, and Obamacare, can you please detail what Obama has done to repair the economic damage? Do you consider Obamacare to be an effort to repair the economic damage, BTW?

    Do you actually listen to Rush Limbaugh or just get a second-hand opinion from the MSM (which is often quite mis-representative of what he actually says)? Are you a candidate for paying for the 6 trillion or so debt Obama has piled on top of the pre-existing Bush trillions?

    Auto bailout, bank bailout, investment banking bailout, AIG bailout, and trying to finish two wars ain't cheap. Maybe Bush tax cut extension not so smart.

  7. Haha, the guys lamenting on about real estate show no comprehension of what affected values and what is being done to correct values. This was perhaps one of the most difficult tasks our government ever faced. Fed stepped in 2007/2008, did tarp to cover short term fractional lending deficiencies resulting from CMO, REMIC, MERS Corp, CDO, AIG credit swaps and bs guarantees by Freddie, Fannie, Ginnie. QE3 is simply more infusion of relief at tune of $ 40 billion per month for banks to ease securitized debt obligations holes that keep opening from fractional lending.

    Banks are closer to being stabilized. Money cannot adequately flow back into mortgage market until banks are stabilized, reserves are in line and CMO liability is reined in. Real estate prices will come back once banks are more stabilized and money flows back into market so sales can take place.

    No one likes to take about TARP2 or discuss the $ 100 billion BofA was having to set aside to deal the liability it faces regarding BifA and Ciuntry Wides CMO liability. Causes panic and uncertainty.

    Not sure why every one is complaining. Economy strong and doing decent where we live and spend our time. People just need to sit on their homes and investments a little longer and this stuff will shake out.

    Mortgage crisis was driven both both and consumer greed. Measures have been put in place since 2008, by the Fed and Dodd Frank, to protect system from similar manipulation. The damage done between 2001 and 2008 will take much longer to completely repair.

  8. America was built on entrepreneurial spirit and those entrepreneurs had to work considerably harder than a salaried employee.

    People who have never created and run their own business haven't got a clue about the sacrifices that are needed.

    There is now no incentive for people to take risks to take to start their own business when you know the Obama government is going to continue to put every obstacle in your way and tax you to the hilt.

    Let's see where America is in four years time if more and more people now take the attitude that the government will take care of me so why bother.

    I think most Americans still have the dream to succeed and prosper. Nothing has changed except now large competes like Walmart come into smaller communities and run mom and pop stores out of business because they cannot compete price with economies of scale reached by stores such as Walmart, HQ, Home Depot, Best Buy and etc. Privately owned grocery stores gone. Privately owned electronic stores gone. Privately hardware stores gone. Mom and pop pharmacies gone. Mom and pop clothes stores gone. Mom and pop sporting good stores gone.

    Perhaps forcing these large chain stores to pay appropriate taxes would increase costs to a level where small businesses could once again compete.

  9. Now where's that picture of a young body snatched Donald Sutherland gone? Here is a comprehensive article linking to others concerning voter fraud in the U.S. election, and in Ohio in particular.


    Wow, that is some really creepy sh*t, makes the John Birch Society seem downright liberal.

    Funny how when your candidate loses you can blame it on "vanloads of Somalians"?

    What of the other twenty or so links, such as those about absentee ballots to the military never arriving etc etc? To save you the bother, here is the concluding paragraph, which sums it up quite nicely.

    Lawrence Auster, an astute diagnostician of America’s multifarious pox, defined the American people’s choice in this statement: “America has two political parties: a party of leftist liars, criminals, and traitors, and a party of decent, nice businessman types who won’t expose or seriously oppose the other party because that wouldn’t be nice.”

    Both are equally blameworthy. It’s time Americans woke up and understood they have been sold down the river.

    What a fabulous quote. This really supports the theory that Republicans are comprised of essentially two groups of people: (1) rich guys who stand to lose very large sums of money doe to income and capital gains tax issues; (2) Ignorant, paranoid, religious zealot types who cannot think for themselves, need a lot of structure in their life, afraid of government, and vote based on fear even though the Republican platform does nothing for them economically, but does allow them to keep their guns.

    Bush played to these people well with his axis of evil TV speeches. Listen to those old speeches and you can see that target people in category 2.

  10. The voters want higher taxes from those that can afford it. Deal with it.

    biggrin.png that is so entitled thinking

    Actually so is the Obama Care once folks realize what it will actually cost them.

    Or is that also paid for everyone by "those that can afford it"?

    What the heck happened to the USA that this kind of thinking talk is so prevalent.

    Bush essentialy made sure that certain old rich white guys made 100s of billions off CMOs, REMICs, MERs, credit swaps, CDOs and other securitized bull &lt;deleted&gt; and left all Americans holding tab to keep banks and certain agencies from failing because Republicans made sure these losing bets in the form of securitized debt obligations were covered by guarantees by Freddie, Ginnie and Fanny or credit swaps by AIG.

    This is not much different than high ranking political official and his buddies going house to house and robbing every American of $ 100,00 and then being able to keep it by having the government pay everyone back. Net effect, is tax payer pays themselves back for money taken from them while guilty parties keeps money. The problem is compounded because so much money was taken that US has had to literally print money (QEs) to fill the hole (fractional lending system) left by their greed.

    At least with Obama care people are getting a necessary service, we only pay for it once, and the money is directed toward paying the health care industry.

  11. Haha, Hillary for pres and Bill for VP has an awesome ring. I was a die hard Republican until Bill Clinton came along, stood up to Congress and let them shut the Givernment down. Bill did not back down and he totally earned my respect. His planned worked and got country on right track. Then came George W.

    No one American in the history of the US has done as much long term damage to the US and out economy as Geirge W and the thugs he surrounded himself with at the insistence of dear old dad. That's why Bush Sr. Didn't cone out for Romney because no one wanted him to.

  12. I have a hard time understanding why Americans are happy to see their country bankrupted. Just saying.

    Who is 'happy' about it? unless it's someone who gets enjoyment from seeing another person unable to pay their bills. In the US, it's compounded by a belief, common among businessmen, politicians and everyone else that: YOU SHOULD ALWAYS BORROW AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Dems aren't worse than Republicans in that regard. Look at the historical record, particularly R.Reagan's raising the debt ceiling 18 times in 8 years while he was president. Reagan is a Republican can-do-no-wrong icon, yet he ballooned the federal deficit to its largest size in US history (not counting war years). All presidents increase the deficit. Sad but true.

    Here are some of the signs to watch if/when the US slips to bankruptcy:

    >>> federal workers will be laid off

    >>> federal services will be curtailed or stopped.

    >>> the most vulnerable and poorest will get hurt first: school lunches for poor kids, etc.

    >>> Rich white men will be last in line for cuts. Those double dipping with federal hand-outs, etc. And veteran benefits.

    >>> the US debt rating will get downgraded. % rates for borrowing will go up.

    >>> China will foreclose and take Hawaii. (ok, that's a jest). ......gotta get off this computer.

    The economy will spin back this term regardless as to who was in office. Housing market is starting to comeback. Obama will put pressure on banking to open credit back up for home mortgages. The stock market needs to adjust as it is artficially inflated, somewhat, by QE2 and QE3 even though QE3 was really more in response to CMO, REMIC, MERs and etc. to keep BofA, Regions, and other large banks out of a TARP2.

    QE3 to repurchase, fund, or back $ 40 Billion per month in bad CMO, REMIC, MERs spawned debt and to keep Ginne, Freddy and Fannie a float with those ridiculous CMO quarantees. The options, let banking system fail (big 3 at least), or continue the course of pumping money into the cavernous abyss created by Republicans who got fat and happy. That money had to go somewhere and now tax payers shouldering the burden.

    Anyway, the Fed and Obama are attempting to stablize banking at risk of inflation, but things will start improve once banking stablizes a bit and we stop pumping so much money into our little wars and use it here at home. BofA was reserving $ 100 billion for CMO debt related to Country Wide. The Feds currently easing is really an easing on the banks and their reserves.

    The last thing US needs now though is further erossion of the middle class. That can be devastating on an economy.

  13. Obama was beatable. But the republicans picked the wrong candidate. Ironically, one of the few ones that could have beat Obama this time was Jeb Bush (still a Bush but so much better and smarter than his brother). The only republican in the field that actually competed in their bizarre primary was Jon Huntsman, coincidentally also a Mormon.

    Jeb and George W are morons. Rather have a morman than morons who got where they are only by virtue of their father. Those of us residing in Florida not blinded by deep seeded political beliefs can admit how bad he messed up Florida.

    The neatest part about political alliance is all of these uneducated, lower middle class, Sothern individuals making $ 20.00 an hour that voted for Romney. I get a kick asking these people how Romney will benefit them or help their situation and they are clueless. They are just voting against the black even though the black guy is the one that actually has their back from an ecomoc perspective.

    Look at who Romeny's highest contributors were to his $600,000,000 advertising and campaign budget. Israel gagillionaire wanting to import billions of dollars saving perhaps a billion dollars in favorable tax breaks so his $ 35,000,000 contribution was child's play. Carl Rove's organization, nuff said there. Hedge fund guys with $100,000,000 on line in tax consequences.

    Really, you can break down Romney supporters into two brackets: rich to filthy rich white guys with a lot to lose in tax consequences; and religious and political zealots that vote based on platform regardless as to how that platform really impacts them.

    One may counter that a bunch of dumb, illiterate liberals vote based solely on race for Obama. While that may be true, at least they accidentally picked the candidate that will support their economic interests.

    The biggest problem with Romney is that tax break savings to business will nit trickle down like it did in the 80s to create new jobs and economic growth. Technology advances have dictated a reduction in labor force. More company profits will just be shared as dividend and ROI money for shareholders. Romney's policies, therefor, would there cause a further split in classes and erode middle class by making those with money investments richer and those without poorer.

    • Like 2
  14. If you found a screw in your pizza in most western countries the company would be open to a serious law suit if you were so inclined. You wouldn't be offered a couple of free pizzas but a generous cash offer to keep it out of court. A screw (or any metal object) in your food could cause some serious medical problems, the least of all a broken tooth. If McDonalds paid 2.7 million dollars (plus $160,000 medical expenses) for making their coffee too hot, what would they pay for a metal screw in one of their burgers?

    Thank God for lawyers! We keep the world safe.........

    The amount you quote in the Liebeck vs. McDonalds case is nonsense. The jury award was $160,000 in actual damages plus $2.7 million in punative damages, which punitive damages were reduced by the judge to $460,000. That award was appealed by both parties and they reached a confidential settlement, so the actual amount has not been disclosed. I have read that the actual total amount paid to the plaintiff was $640,000, not a small amount, but no where near the $2.86 million you state. The facts stated by the OP are very different than in the Liebeck case, where she suffered actual injury and it was shown that McDonalds knew that the temperature of the coffee they served presented a risk of injury to its customers. Not having suffered any injury, it is doubtful that the OP would have much of a claim against the pizza restaurant, even in the US.

    The amount I quoted (2.7 mil.) is taken from Wikipedia info. re the McDonalds case, so if it's nonsense, blame them. Even though no physical injury occurred with the screw found in the pizza I'm sure a good lawyer would find some grounds for either a settlement or a law suit, maybe mental anguish. Not that I'm advocating any kind of litigation.

    Therein lies the problem. Educated by Wikipedia and formulating opinions based on inaccurate information.

    No mental anguish. I defend large companies and reserve cases as monitoring counsel in a five state region for AIG, Lloyds of London and CNA Health Pro. No value here. I might not even authorize a coupon if lawyer filed suit as I like to send message won't roll over and pay bs claims even for nuisance value or costs of defense.

    Now a bloody band aide in the mouth, finger tip, dead rat in can or something that is shocking to the conscious may warrant some value.

    To add to lawyer dude above, the little old lady got second and third degree burns around her genital region.

    Plaintiffs lawyer offered to settle case for cost of meds which was like $ 5,000 (been a while since I read about so figure may be a bit off). McDonalds refused to tender small costs of meds and got nailed. Bad lawyering.

    McDobalds notorious for having weak trial lawyers shipped in from large firms. I actually tried a case for a family friend that fell in the bathroom of a McDonalds and sustained about $ 59,000 in meds. I offered to settle for $ 180,000. They declined and jury awarded my client $495,000. Trial in Pensacola and they sent a lame lawyer up from Miami. I told them . . .

  15. Really think your heading nowhere with the spelling / grammar issues, so much so your making me laugh.

    One of the worlds best cardiac surgeons Toby Cosgrove headed the Cleveland Clinic cardiac unit, a place deemed good enough to treat the rulers of Kuwait & Saudi Arabia, maybe they didn't care his dyslexia was so bad he used to have to rely on his residents to write up his reports.

    You can actually tell a lot more about a person by their writing style and skill than you would think. Additionally many people, when prevaricating, tend to subconsciously over-embellish and exaggerate narratives as they think this will make it more believable.

    Doctors often have Residents write up reports

    Dyslexia is a learning disability which doesn't necessarily manifest itself with below average writing skills. But are you suggesting the OP is dyslexic? Or that he had someone else write his post(s) for him?

    Dr. Delos Cosgrove is a graduate of WiIlliams College ('62, History major) and UVa Medical School - believe me he didn't graduate from Williams with a History degree with below average writing skills.. Yes, he is dyslexic and as he acknowledges he overcame this disability with perseverance. According to his bio he has published nearly 450 journal articles. Perhaps he is an even better CEO than he was a surgeon as the Cleveland Clinic is indeed one of the leading medical centers in the United States.

    Residents and interns probably do the vast majority if writing and editing. Old school doctors generally dictate the article and others revise. Then goes through peer review editing and etc. prior to publication. You end up with doctor's knowledge and someone's elses writing.

    You obviously know very little about doctors. Doctors do very little writing, especially old school. What they do write typically is difficult to read, full of misspellings and very fragmented.

    I have spent the last 17 years representing medical professionals and trying to interpret notes and charts. Their emails to me are typically not much better than their charts though some are better than others.

    This is perhaps more a function if time and not feeling the need to impress unknown people on the Internet with writing style. Haha, some here try hard to impress with writing. These posts tend to have poor sentence structure with a bunch of forced words obviously gotten off a thesaurus.

    OK, with three generations of Orthopedic surgeons, five in total including in-laws, in the family, the only doctors I know personally can write above the level of the OP.

    I guess you are saying that nothing in the content or style of the original post raises any doubt in your mind that he is a licensed Physician and Surgeon?

    I dunno what he is . . . Not sure I care too much, but he sounds like an older guy who is somewhat eccentric. Eccentric could be consistent with someone highly educated, but was educated a long time ago and does not engage in a profession that is constantly refinning or honing writing and communication skills.

    I am sure my writing seems like a grade schooler on here, but I have a JD/MBA, clerked for a State Supreme Court Justice writing opinions, and taught Legal Methods writing class as an adjunct professor for an accredited law school. Wonders of iPhone typing.

    Not sure that I can absolutely tell what profession someone is by reading a few posts. I do know doctors, and us lawyers, like to tell people what we do. Perhaps some sort of self-validation needed and could partly explain why we are driven to attend college for 7 to 10 years.

  16. If you found a screw in your pizza in most western countries the company would be open to a serious law suit if you were so inclined. You wouldn't be offered a couple of free pizzas but a generous cash offer to keep it out of court. A screw (or any metal object) in your food could cause some serious medical problems, the least of all a broken tooth. If McDonalds paid 2.7 million dollars (plus $160,000 medical expenses) for making their coffee too hot, what would they pay for a metal screw in one of their burgers?

    Screw not worth any money in US unless swallowed or chipped a tooth. Chipping a tooth would not get too much money. You do not understand hot coffee case, the injuries sustained, the reason for the verdict or how it was ultimately remitted. If my case, I would send some coupons for free pizzas and an apology letter as that's about all it's worth.

  17. Why would a surgeon bringing in $250,000k a year (I'm assuming this is a normal surgeon salary) be married to some Isaan girl from Srisaket and attending some low life, outdoor party? If I put in 12 years of school and made huge money, I would have a super hot American girl half my age and maybe hit the odd party in Phuket or Singapore but never some shit show in Isaan. Maybe he's lying about the surgeon part.

    Haha, sounds reasonable, but most surgeons that are specialized make much more than $ 250,000 a year. Orthopods, neurosurgeons, cardiothoracic surgeons, plastic surgeons and etc, are generally much closer to $ 500,000 to 7 figures even in small communities.

    Hot US chicks would not typically be attracted to guys half their age over $ 250,000. The hot ones can typically get younger guys who more than that and most US chicks don't go after older guys. US girls generally have to have the attraction and lust factors present or they simply move on to another.

    I have no clue about scalpel thing, especially over there. I know that most medical and surgical hardware here such as pedicke screws, PLIF, ALIF, TIF kits, orthopedic long bone hardware and screws and tools for insertion are carried around in the trunks of medical device reps cars and brought in for sterilization a day or a few hours before surgery depending on hospital.

  18. Really think your heading nowhere with the spelling / grammar issues, so much so your making me laugh.

    One of the worlds best cardiac surgeons Toby Cosgrove headed the Cleveland Clinic cardiac unit, a place deemed good enough to treat the rulers of Kuwait & Saudi Arabia, maybe they didn't care his dyslexia was so bad he used to have to rely on his residents to write up his reports.

    You can actually tell a lot more about a person by their writing style and skill than you would think. Additionally many people, when prevaricating, tend to subconsciously over-embellish and exaggerate narratives as they think this will make it more believable.

    Doctors often have Residents write up reports

    Dyslexia is a learning disability which doesn't necessarily manifest itself with below average writing skills. But are you suggesting the OP is dyslexic? Or that he had someone else write his post(s) for him?

    Dr. Delos Cosgrove is a graduate of WiIlliams College ('62, History major) and UVa Medical School - believe me he didn't graduate from Williams with a History degree with below average writing skills.. Yes, he is dyslexic and as he acknowledges he overcame this disability with perseverance. According to his bio he has published nearly 450 journal articles. Perhaps he is an even better CEO than he was a surgeon as the Cleveland Clinic is indeed one of the leading medical centers in the United States.

    Residents and interns probably do the vast majority if writing and editing. Old school doctors generally dictate the article and others revise. Then goes through peer review editing and etc. prior to publication. You end up with doctor's knowledge and someone's elses writing.

    You obviously know very little about doctors. Doctors do very little writing, especially old school. What they do write typically is difficult to read, full of misspellings and very fragmented.

    I have spent the last 17 years representing medical professionals and trying to interpret notes and charts. Their emails to me are typically not much better than their charts though some are better than others.

    This is perhaps more a function if time and not feeling the need to impress unknown people on the Internet with writing style. Haha, some here try hard to impress with writing. These posts tend to have poor sentence structure with a bunch of forced words obviously gotten off a thesaurus.

  19. Unless these Cambodians were an imminent theat to the lives of Thai soldiers or civilians, this appears to be clear case of extrajudicial killing and as such needs to be thoroughly investigated by the Thai authorities. Of course, the USA's model of blowing people to bits with drone rockets in Pakistan, Somalia and the Yemen on the pure suspicion that they are terrorists sets everybody sliding down this slippery slope.

    Comparing terrorist to someone cutting down a tree not cool, unless of course you have evidence that US Drones are in fact killing innocent people just minding their business. Nit sure the need to interject that bs anyway unless implying okay to shoot people for cutting down a tree or just feel the need to take a cheap shot at US.

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