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Posts posted by alocacoc

  1. 20 hours ago, kmj said:

    He's in Singapore if they want to know...


    From the BBC site today


    'The Associated Press news agency said Singapore airport authorities had confirmed with them that Mr Vorayuth's private plane was in the country as of Tuesday' Note :- that's last Tuesday...

    Serious? The Singapore Authorities can make such statements? Fire them.

  2. Actually I never tried apps like ccleaner, ram boost or whatever. My phone is lagging and has random restarts. I wanted to do a factory reset, but I hate to install everything....


    Now i red about the app SD Maid. I gave it a try and my phone runs like it's new. If this remains, this app helped a lot.

  3. 1 hour ago, thecyclist said:

    That is correct.Hopefully,though, they will realize soon that the old number system was much better and revert to it.Then when you arrive at the embassy you get your number , sit down and fill out the form and wait for your number to be called instead of standing /walking/writing in line, watching a tattooed Russian woman doing several queue jump to get from the back of the line to near the front.

    I like the way how it is now, since I don't have to fill any forms. I use a visa run company.


    7 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    I'm not suggesting but stating that the risk of dying from a terrorist attack in France is vanishingly small.  Yet some people such as yourself think it's such a crucial issue that it should be determinative of who is the next French President. If you want zero risk from a terrorist attack, you probably would need to live in a country like North Korea. Maybe for you that's an acceptable tradeoff.

    Not everyone is willing to accept random terror attacks.

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