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Posts posted by orosee

  1. He's somewhat of a confused Nazi to have an Asian girlfriend. He must have been off the day they did "white supremacy" at school.

    Nazis screwed around with and raped lots of Jews and other non-Aryans in WWII, I don't think their theories taught to avoid them, just to treat them badly. So in this case completely consistent. . .

    I admit I read a book, so I have to apply this knowledge.

    Any Aryan caught in a sexual act with a non-Aryan, in particular Jews and Eastern European peoples, would have been subject to severe punishment including death. And that indeed included rape.

    Be aware that there are few true Nazis left even in Germany, the skinheads are mostly a group of disenfranchised, borderline idiotic youth. Most of them would have barely made it into the early SA. But since the crime here doesn't bear any relation to his political or racial views, its only use is to make it easier for us to take sides. Crime of passion, this could as well have happened to a French communist or a Japanese anarchist.

  2. I guess he grew up in West Germany where only some years ago they still teached the kids in school other facts of WWII

    That he did not get much love would be an easy guess as well.

    Would you care to substantiate this nonsense with a couple of references? Oh wait, you can't! You just like to tell lies on the internet! sick.gif

    How can I lie if I say I guess about some background? And nonsense for you but this would be a very clear connection where you maybe not know anything about? And i never say it is my way, I guess... so why act like a fool?

    orosee, I would say by reading your posts that you are the fool.

    I'm referring to this, which is indeed nonsense: "West Germany where only some years ago they still teached the kids in school other facts of WWII". What the hell is this supposed to mean? And this is presented as a FACT, only the start and end of the sentence are "guesses" (fair enough).

    Markaew, judging by your comment I'd say you have nothing to say, so why don't you not say it?

  3. Mr. Michael a skinhead wearing an earring with the swastika, nazi symbol. The police had to talk to him all the time because they were afraid that he would commit suicide.

    I'm afraid to say that this guy should be allowed to commit suicide. Swastikas for Spastics......wai.gif

    Hmmm, did you just manage to insult a large part of the Buddhist culture? Why yes, you did! bah.gif

    Oh no he didn't. He insulted neo-nazis. (and people with cerebal palsy).

    Ah but yes, he did. He should have said "people who express their own inferiority complex with nazi symbology are morons" and he would have limited the taunt to skinheads, neo nazis and British aristocracy.

  4. OMG look at his earring! This guys was lost long time ago and grew up very sad prob..

    Well let all the stories begin again (lol)

    By the way i see Thai also with the same symbol on a T-shirt but little know what it is here.

    The Swastica for Thais is having different meaning. It is a symbol used in budhism. Check out about the Swastica more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika and you will see how many times and places it was and is used befor Nazis.

    Obviously the one in the German guys ears is not symbol of budhism...

    How is that obvious?

  5. Mr. Michael a skinhead wearing an earring with the swastika, nazi symbol. The police had to talk to him all the time because they were afraid that he would commit suicide.

    I'm afraid to say that this guy should be allowed to commit suicide. Swastikas for Spastics......wai.gif

    Do you know what a spastic is? It is a person, often a very young child with a medical condition caused by spasticity and is also used to refer to people suffering from Cerebral Palsy. The people who suffer from the condition...many many children, have no control of the disease and whilst physically deformed by a cruel twist of fate they are as mentally acute as any of us, if not, more acute, Stephen Hawking being a point in case.

    Your comment is far far more offensive than anyone wearing a swastika ear ring and bears testimony to someone displaying minimal intelligence and a bigotry far greater than someone wearing 'fashion jewellery'. You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself, as should the individual who 'liked' your post.

    I think he was trying a play on words, "swastika", "spastika", "spastic". I'm still confused why he doesn't have a clue who the largest group of swastika users in Thailand are.

  6. Just to be nitpicking a bit: The headline is incorrect, as we learned in school. Bayoke 2 is NOT Thailand's "highest building", I'd assume that would be standing somewhere in Thailand's North on one of the mountains. The first article corrects it: Thailand's "tallest building". All that could have been avoided by writing "Thailand's ugliest building", as it should be.

  7. ...

    The Baiyoke II is a gorgeous building ...


    I always thought of that thing as the World's tallest freestanding elevator shaft. Or the tallest ugly building of the World. It definitely became worse once they started to cover up its naked ugliness with advertising. Add to that the fact that it is practically standing with its feet in the mud, what with all those grimy, old and shabby buildings around it. I feel there are only two good things about Bayoke 2: One, it gives you an indicator when coming from the airport(s) that you're almost where you want to go, two, there are still many locations in Bangkok from which you can't see it.

    To think that this monster was supposed to outshine the Petronas Towers! laugh.png

  8. Hanging in a sitting position is common in Asia, especially Japan and Korea. It works by cutting off blood supply to the brain, causing loss of consciousness in a very short time if done right. I'd imagine a rather painless way to go. Similar to Mr Carradine not long ago, but with intent to die. About the location one might speculate, perhaps he wanted to see one last sunrise.

  9. Does anyone have a cost effective solution to problem of clearly the fields, fertilizing them and killing the insects without burning? I thought not. Farmers have been burning their fields for a millennium to prepare them for the next planting. Either get used to it or move.

    So how many farmers, how many fields were there a millenium ago? Does it not make a difference if there is agriculture to supply say 10 Million people for sustenance, or 60 Million people plus a larger amount for export?

    A lot of problems in Thailand (and elsewhere) have their roots in doing things the way they were done a millenium ago without adaptation to poluation growth, technological and societal advances etc., and I'm sure we've all benefited for example from NOT doing things as they were done for a millenium in the fields of medicine and government.

    That said, how bad is it? Is it possible for a group of corporate visitors on a workshop trip to enjoy CM for about a week?

  10. 2 am is early morning?

    Was that written to conjure the spectre of a "broad daylight" attack, or does the night end at Midnight? It certainly adds more scare to the event than "late at night, when most people should and would be safely in their bed".

    [sarcasm] I do blame the victims for their injuries, as they did not follow the rules here and ignored the instructions of the authorities [/sarcasm]

    Note: "The Rules": When threatened with with a weapon during a robbery, surrender your valuables. You have only one life (and two thumbs).

    "The Authorities": A person, or group of persons, who can by force or threat of force or consensus over the use of force, direct other persons according to "The Rules" (see above).

    "The Balloons": Another topic, another city altogether!

  11. I have very little respect for those that doesn't know the difference between 'mine' and 'yours'.

    Imaginary scenarios with kids and footballs are the escapes of the lazy.

    Well the life she took was "his".

    Is it true that her son used to work as a security guard on BTS*? There'd be a pattern of excessive use of force/lethal means then.

    * no, of course it's a baseless allegation and unrelated to this topic

  12. Unfortunately even CCTV footage wouldn't convince some, as many apparently think that getting a verbal argument with a Thai is license for them to bash you upside the head.

    And I regret reading some of the youtube comments, especially some of the Thai ones, some horrible comments and not just at this specific guy but all foreigners.

    I would not be too concerned about comments on YouTube, CNN.com, ThaiVisa and the internet in general. These channels are just being abused by trash talkers, "sticks and stones". People on the street are fortunately much different and in general, polite and rational (with exceptions as the one under scrutiny here). If the Thai channels are now filled with obnoxious, racist, generalizing or generally false accounts, well, it only shows that "them" and "us" are not that different!

    With no disrespect to the 20% of rational individuals writing on TV, I have to say that I am very happy (and not the least bit surprised) that none of the fine individuals in real life that I call my friends, whatever the nationality, spends any significant amount on time writing about their own moral circus on an internet discussion board (and since I do, I'm honoured that they consider me their friend).

    Surely "Animal Farm" should be recommended reading for adults, too.

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  13. All those boxes... Was that stuffed in the trunk? Can't imagine to overlook this and just walk away. Why did the cabbie go back to the pickup location instead of the dropoff? And the police is already putting on pressure to get their 30% cut from the cabbie. Not a bad tip, for sure better than the usual "keep the change".

    Strange story, been looking for the notthenation.com link ;-)

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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