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Posts posted by orosee

  1. back when I lived in Korea, ...

    If you lived in Korea like you said then you must know about the crime caused by US service men and they have immunity and have got away with murder before you can not compare this case with your Korea experiance.

    RIP this is a sad crime which most probably we wouldn't find out what really happened....

    US servicemen do not have immunity from prosecution in Korea. Just a fact, even though slightly off the topic.

  2. Terrorism and assassination (attempts) are not the same. Israel and its allies for once depend on the careful separation of the two though I believe neither is a legitimate form of conflict resolution as defined by the UN. There is a grey area where an assassination is used to terrorize a successor (e.g. the mafia murder of a state attorney, the killings of Iranian nuclear scientists) up to where many spectacular killings are used to scare a population (e.g. the events called "unrest" in Thauland's South). The IRA and ETA for example did both, yet at least one of them received strong financial and political support from US interest groups.

    A car bomb in a crowd is terrorism. An explosive device under a car to kill the occupant(s) is an assassination.

    So for the moment and until more is known, I prefer to see this as a botched assassination attempt.

  3. I think it's very sad that a55holes like this could attempt something like this especially outside a school, that's unforgivable. He's obviously panicked. Just a shame he didn't decide to panic when he was with the other 2 that have fled.

    I don't condone action such as this, for whatever the beliefs or reasons, and can't even start to try to understand what makes someone do this.

    However, I p155ed myself laughing when I saw the photo of the bomber on the floor after accidentally detonating the device too close to his own body. Maybe the instructions weren't too clear in the "Bombing for Dummies" book.

    It's just a shame that shock will have numbed a lot of the pain.

    Some times, sick people like you worry me more than terrorists. Don't forget to change your underwear (if you were wearing some).

  4. I know it's a long word to type, but would anybody mind if we stayed with 'VIDEO' instead of VDO?

    Thanks! I always wanted to say that. "VDO" is so 80's (as well as "going viral" is so 00's, I mean who except marketing pushers even uses this term anymore?).

    Now if members here could only also stop writing "video's", "Thai's" and generally putting their apostrophes (not "apostrophe's") where they don't belong... ^_________^

    ADD: If you Google M-Leg and use image search, you'll see much better what they can't show in the video. Not office safe, just saying ;-)

    • Like 1
  5. The Western world says NO. Thailand says YES.

    Could you provide a list of these countries whom you deem 'the Western World' and who have said NO??

    France and Belgium to my knowledge, although this was IIRC about complete covereage and not about simple head scarves.

    I wonder if this school is a temple school? Is it proper then to wear head dress? In a church you must remove your hat etc., in a synagogue you must wear one, perhaps there's a rule for such a thing in temples as well?

    I'd rather see some laws about circumcision than about clothing styles.

  6. Not all clear what happened just before the assault. Maybe the security guy hit him in the nuts with his wand? That's the first and last thing he does before the slapping starts. The customs guy was probably not on duty because there are special entries and exits for airport staff, and if you're on official business then you will not get checked if you're wearing the proper tags and ID.

    Probably just an prick who needs his privileged ass tasered.

    • Like 1
  7. Silly. A glance at any guide book with a dangers section would have informed them of increased risks in long distance travel. Yet uncounted numbers of local and foreign travelers board a bus each day and arrive safely. Someone is having a "duh" moment: road traffic can kill, traffic in southern countries has increased risk, tragedies happen. So they should have taken a plane, aircraft never crash. So they should have gone by train, those never have accidents (ignore the news this week).

    And let's lie with statistics for good measure; how many percent of travelers are killed is something we're not being told, as if absolute numbers had any relevance in comparing Honduras with Thailand.

    A sad and entirely avoidable loss of life, but not through a lack of information. You can drown in water, freeze in snow and die in traffic. This is news only for people who are not yet prepared for life without a nanny.

  8. Death by caviar & cognac!

    If such is the fate of a dictator, I'd expect to see a tsunami of job applications come in next year.

    He was relatively young at 69, but I'm sure he enjoyed most of it, unlike his subjects. Followed by a son who looks like he's a college senior. Not sure if that's a real improvement, "better the devil we know...".

    So here's the rule #1 for all dictators: "Live excessively! Die young(ish)!"

    If you've seen that one before: The same rule is used by Hollywood actors.

  9. Since there are a lot of assumptions flying around, I'd like to add my own:

    What if the couple agreed with the TT driver on a 100 Baht fare for the trip and he tried to charge them later 100 Baht per head? That would clear up the maths and even leave a door open for a "misunderstanding" exit.

    Apart from that it appears to me that living in Phuket requires one to bend over and take it up the rear any time, any place. You guys seem to be the towns people from High Noon, Seven Samurai and oh so many other movies where nothing will change until the hero finally arrives. Keep your face towards the ground, you'll find a 1 Baht coin now and then.

    And what century are the guys from who were writing about "their women"? "Thais and their women". Jeeez... thanks for making the West a better place to live by leaving!

  10. Now if it turns out, that "the other newspaper" is correct, and this poor man was in fact killed by one or two westerners,

    how many of these "bash the Thai's" commenters will come back and apologize ?

    None is my guess.

    So after we have seen this other story - why dont we start bashing the Swedes too ?

    Apparently thats the nationality of the man most sought after, if we can believe "the other newspaper"

    Or let us all refrain from bashing people, nationalities, and each other ( here in the forums at least ) ?

    What possible joy is there, to make a comment about someone's English skills ?

    A man was murdered.

    By persons yet unknown.

    Even the nationality of murderer(s) is still in question.

    So wait for facts, before being so judgemental please.

    Edit : corrected few spelling issues to avoid being flamed for that ( yes I still may have missed some )

    Well said. Also to add: the number of assailants in the first article is completely unknown, yet most "posters" (moralizers) seem to assume it was 12, exactly 12. Given the unrealiable nature of eyewitness accounts, "12" or "a dozen" could equally mean 6 or 20.

    TV should hold back "Breaking News" until it has been corroborated by at least one more, independent source. What a waste of time, writing and reading almost 4 pages.

    By the way on off-topic, while I agree that English proficiency should be ignored on an international forum, I strongly believe that posters who form plurals by apostrophe-s (as in 1 Thai - 2 Thai's) instead of how it is taught in all languages that use the Latin alphabet (1 Thai - 2 Thais) should have their posting rights revoked for a week. See how silly that looks - posting right's revoked for 7 day's. It seems to happen only on Thai Visa, it doesn't make sense, yet somehow these people seem to be sure that this is the right way to make plural's. See how silly this looks again?

  11. Incredible, there are not enough eggs in Thailand to cover the faces of all shoot-from-the-hip, must-be-first-to-comment posters here. A fox in a chicken coop couldn't cause more commotion than each and any unsubstantiated news story and the prejudices of Thailand experts, expats, whatever...

    So while a lot of people are wiping the yellow off their faces...

    The two named suspects should not be strangers to TV readers (or Google users):

    Should have locked them up for longer

    Well, unless those are very common names. I wouldn't be surprised if it all comes down to that.

    By the way, in the international guessing game, my own wager was "25 years + Mac + Villa = Finance Scam", but evidently it pays off to wait for the real news before making silly comments.

  12. Among the oddities I find in the news reports is a car bomb with a trunk full of explosives could not do any where near that much damage. The blast has been reported to be equal to 20 tons of explosives. A car trunk, like the one pictured, could not even hold 1% of that amount.

    TNT Equivalent

    If he had used TNT, he would have had to move 20 tons (which would have been very hard for him to do).

    Choosing an explosive with a higher energy density, he was able to get by with a smaller vehicle.

    That's why a Megaton nuclear warhead doesn't weigh one million tons (an amazing rocket that would be!).

  13. Airbags are designed to save lives, not endanger them.

    They would be worse than useless if you hit a deer, the airbag deploys, knocking your hands off the wheel and rendering you helpless for several seconds, and THEN you hit a tree at 50 km/h. So hitting a 40-50 kilo person should not trigger the airbag at all, nor should it significantly decelerate the car (simple conservation of impulse).

  14. Just so...

    It should be Megawatthours, not Megawatts (at least when published by a magazine)

    The Sun is NOT designed for 100 billion years (not that it will matter much for us)

    Yes we need CO2, we also need water (H20), yet still people drown (meaning: context is important, as well as quantity and effect)

    Wasting energy (or anything else) is anti-social regardless of whether one subscribes to the climate change theory or not, and not an intelligent form of protest

    And finally, most people would have been at the bar during earth hour and not at home ;)

  15. Some of you are missing the point. It is private property and it is not a public area. The land belongs to the University, as per the land deeds.

    Indeed, but what to make of this: "Wongduan Jaroenporn said she was running a stall on the footpath and paid service fee to officials from BMA Pathumwan District Office without any problem for at least five years already"

    Shouldn't it be that Chula would pay the BMA, and the vendors pay Chula?

    Or could it be... is it possible... that this "fee" is nothing official?

  16. One of my favourite movie quotes, from The Long Kiss Goodnight:

    Samuel L. Jackson's character: "Do not make an assumption, cause when you make an assumption, you make an ass outta you and umption!"

    Needless to say, the NATION just goes ahead and reprints the report, without asking any of the most obvious questions (clearly everyone has by now noted that twelveteen, twenteen, twenteenone etc. are not real numbers).

    In all probabilty the "interviews" were done on ABAC campus (and perhaps at home, with little sisters to account for the 12-17 bracket) to refute the persistent gossip of ABAC girls being "easy".

    Just to think that the same methods and finesse will be used soon in real business (ABAC is a business college) would make me want to change my Baht into Kiip or Riel real soon.

    Time for the World's encyclopedias to change the "Bangkok" entry to "A city full of virgins".

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