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Posts posted by orosee

  1. Yes the Germans and Japanese were allies- of necessity. The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend.

    Had the Germans and Japanese emerged as victors, I doubt that they would have peacefully coexisted in fraternal brotherly love. Hitler making nice with non Arayans? OK, I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale :whistling:

    More like Genocide Part 2.01

    The Chula graduates were wrong to include Hitler in their mural. Decency requires them to apologize. Ask the people who lost family members to the evil reigns of Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot if they think genocidal "fashion" is acceptable...

    Hitler was obsessed with racial purity and superiority and considered the Japanese as an Aryan equivalent. Their strategic purpose was of course to keep England (India) and the USA in check. Hitler did not want to "rule the World", his vision was that of a Greater Germany with a few vassal states around (much like the EU but more German territory), an allied, fascist England (again, much like today judging from tourists) and an impotent USA. Three spheres of control: Greater Europe, Greater Asia, Greater America's.

    Pretty well described in "The Man in the High Tower".

    Well, that's my interpretation.

  2. From the posts up to page 11, with pitifully few exceptions, one can summarize that many Westerners know little about the period of 1914-1945 except "Hitler bad, Japanese Asians".

    In addition, the Western perspective here is very pre-1989, without consideration of the effects of the slaughter in Soviet territories 1941-1944 or the 50 years of communist occupation of Eastern Europe.

    Hitler's war on England and France was of great benefit to many colonized nations, as was America's war on Japan, the interim colonizing power.

    And if you count sacrifices, Soviet Union, Germany, Japan and China come out top. Western allies suffered, but where in our schools do they teach the suffering of China under Japan? Our history writing in the post war period (when many TV posters went to school) is colored by Cold War policies.

    Back to the situation at hand, I can't believe that Chula students (not every single Thai as some posters claim) did that even after the last two university Nazi parades got such a bad resonance. They ought to have known better.

  3. Lots of posters here who forgot that on income, you have to pay taxes, insurance, Rent and other cost of living expenses. Perhaps alimony for his ex wife, too. It's more realistic to think that he was defrauded by 3 to 6 months of savings. So here's my challenge for you posters mouthing off that this is peanuts or that people with income somehow deserve to be robbed of their money:

    Please donate a quarter to half of your annual savings to a charity of your choice. Do it this week or while this thread is still running. No need for proof, just follow up on your original comment with the amount and name of charity. Everybody wins and you're not left with your foot in your mouth.

    FWIW, the guy was incredibly naive.

    • Like 2
  4. I met my finance in a restraurant. She was shitting with a group of 10 woman. She smiled at me so I went over and gave her my telephone number.


    Is this Japan? I swear I just keep reading here for moments as precious like this one!

    For the OP, tell your girl that you're rich and live on a high floor room with balcony. She'll visit you soon enough.

    Just kidding, by all means do not ever say that!

    • Like 2
  5. Amusing to see all the good advice posted by people many of which will never ever speak more than bar girl slang after more than a decade of living here. And I won't exclude myself from that merry group.

    Let me just say that an English language educated mass of voters is not in any present or future government's interest, unless they can fully control the Internet.

    Furthermore, if all Thais could read the things that are written on this forum, if would be the end of living happily here.

    • Like 2
  6. Many Koreans certainly don't seem to be lactose intolerant. Especially the womenfolk, going straight to Starbucks for their 3rd daily fix of a venti caramel latte macchiato with extra whipped cream, between visits to Baskin Robbins and cheese covered sweet bread. I'm not observing them to grow taller over the last 5 years, but fatter. There must be a pound of sugar in their daily diet by now.

    That aside, milk does not effect the genes. Tomorrow's 200 cm Thais will need to feed their kids on milk as well, or they'll end up with bonsai offspring. A sustainable business model for the dairy industry ;-)

  7. Don't worry about all that hocus pocus that milk increases hieght. I saw the size of thais being a problem long ago and that is why I created my special instant formular. Simply rub it on the skin and garanteed to increase hieght by 25 cm per year. Perfectly safe to use with conjuction whitening creams. I will have you looking like a farang in no time.

    Chooka . Question: why do they want to look like a farang, I don't go around in Oz tryin to look like a Thai. Is it a direction from Dubai?
    Often puzzles me why Thais want to be white. Seems to be a status symbol.

    Did you *just* figure that out?

  8. I'm told that legal businesses use or employ Thai guides and bring a translator, who is holding a work permit (since the profession of translator is not on the exclusion list), and operate within the law. Such a translator is free to do what he wants as long as the Thai guide can do his thing. It cost a little more. Maybe there's the problem?

  9. As an atheist I'm offended by any toilet not showing a religious motive! Clearly the absence of a deity on a relief station is an affront against the secular mindset!

    There are thousands of these around and not a single FB campaign yet!

    BTW with respect to icons and images, Islam actually got one thing right.

    • Like 1
  10. Well from the video it looks as if she pushes him first (more than just gently, but clearly she's already enraged) then makes a move for his phone, so his reaction - a very violent looking face slap - is certainly not unprovoked (she's got no permission to touch him or shove him) and looks much more like a reflex movement than a deliberate strike, but definitely over the top. Looks like there's a possibility for a settlement here.

    Much idiocy and ejaculatio praecox in the comments here, again and as expected, the one with the "North African descent" getting first prize from me for being both uneducated about both France and Northern Africa. Truth be told, one only does read Thai Visa for the comments.

    Amazing! I did not see any of what you saw. Do you have a different angle?

    No, just from the video, the link was posted here. They show the scene several times and there seems to be a slightly longer scene towards the end of the video.

  11. Well from the video it looks as if she pushes him first (more than just gently, but clearly she's already enraged) then makes a move for his phone, so his reaction - a very violent looking face slap - is certainly not unprovoked (she's got no permission to touch him or shove him) and looks much more like a reflex movement than a deliberate strike, but definitely over the top. Looks like there's a possibility for a settlement here.

    Much idiocy and ejaculatio praecox in the comments here, again and as expected, the one with the "North African descent" getting first prize from me for being both uneducated about both France and Northern Africa. Truth be told, one only does read Thai Visa for the comments.

  12. Or for a monthly contribution business as usual. Why don't they clear the pavements on Sukhumvit? You can't walk more than 6' without having to wait for someone coming the other way.

    But that's half the fun of living in Bangkok. Why come to a crazy city if you don't like crazy cities. Go live somewhere normal where the streets are clear.

    I do, I only visit that cesspit when I need to go to the embassy

    Does your wife know that you're visiting the cess pits when you're "seeing the embassy"?

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