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  1. each to his own however when youre healthy things are always good unfortunately life does not always make things even for us I have many people that dont care about what happens to them and that they dont have any money to live on. They live or exist on small money hoping like a backpacker to stay longer in Thailand Many funerals I have done where there is no one to mourn, no friends, no relatives, not partners and its a sad event leaving others to pay and pick up the pieces is not good - but each to his own All i wish for is people plan and not be like the 3 little pigs and party until the big storm comes = then they have nothing
  2. we always advise to have a Will in each country as each country jurisdiction has tax laws, and so you dont want to mess with one country tax regime controlling your assets in another country. Also if you had asset in say UK and Thailand then would you expect your Thai Executor (manager of your Will) fly to the UK to sort things out? Also should you die in Thailand all the docs are in Thai language and need to be MOFA translated and signed for use in another country - thai888 Law
  3. or put money in a foundation in Thailand
  4. BlackJack

    Will Advice

    a foundation is being set up that can look after your kids future needs. This vehicle may also assist in future age care for you and you family. Tax maybe minimized and assets out of the reach of international probate and jurisdiction issues
  5. BlackJack

    Will Advice

    better PM me as there are ways to safeguard everything. The Executor is the power player. The Beneficiarys can if named in the Will use the money for certain things like pay the hospital to release the body etc. Mostly it all goes to court as no one knows the future and what assets you will hold. Everything changes over the course of life. even wife's and GFs change. There are ways to write a Will that has fail safes written in as not only the tests dies but Beneficiarys and Executors. for convenience to the court Wills will eventually need to be translated. Storing a Will yes this can be done. Undoing overseas assets can be done but be careful as every country is a jurisdiction with its own laws, so include this as well.
  6. BlackJack

    Will Advice

    they won the top award for best Will writing and probate law in 2021, 2022, 2023. Also the top award in 2021, 2022 for the most innovative company in Sth East Asia. They must be doing something right.
  7. and now the subject is off subject. how easy it is to get distracted wh?
  8. there are 66 laws the making of a will, the executors role, probate, beneficiaries, penalties. Add to that company law, condominium and banking law, jurisdiction law, anti money laundering and inheritance, tax, banking, international law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, police, Embassies. So get it done right the first time to minimize issues in the future. if you have assets the it's a small price to pay in getting a proper Will done. Sorry for being so blunt however advice is good but bad advice is very problematic
  9. sorry the Will is a very important contract and if not done correctly will serve as a rod for your back - i have done this work for 15 years in Thailand and do public talks on it. The Will can be confined to Thailand and with most expats having some pension of bank accounts/assets causes all kinds of jurisdictional issue. I have just started a foundation to serve a particular group of expats that have no family and want to give to charity. I cant name it it and so PM me.
  10. careful as there is a fine line of committing a criminal offense here
  11. BlackJack

    Will Advice

    The Amphur does not guarantee the content of any Will translated of not. The court, Land Office, Banks scrutinize the Will for any anomaly that could get them sued later. Without knowing the woman or the situation where the bank gave the money to the beneficiary it is impossible to say. Small amounts , maybe the bank said ok and this amount is normally 100K and less I dont care if people make a Will or not as I have plenty of work and more coming. It is not until the Will is actioned that the problems arise. What I try to do is educate people through talks and our blogs that as a foreigner in Thailand listening to the advice of the partner is not always in your best interest as the education system and level of comprehension of Thais is not high. This is not being disrespectful but I see it every day. There is a right and wrong way to secure your partners future and their kids future so do it right.
  12. BlackJack

    Will Advice

    its not until you get to court for probate that you realise the translation is wrong -
  13. BlackJack

    Will Advice

    Well we did win the top award in 2021 and 2022 for the most innovative company and the best Will writers and Probate Law in Thailand and so yes I guess we can claim professionalism in this area. The amphur where you had the Will rubber stamped is not a legal body that is able to check the translation as being correct. The amount of times I have been to court and produced a certified translator to dispute the Thai and English parts of the Will is many. The Will only works when you die, and then it has to go to court to get a grant or to allow the NOK to settle the properties and the money in the bank. As you say you have assets in the UK and so the Death Certificate has to go to the MOFA in Bangkok to be officially translated and signed off by the minister before it can be used in the UK. The you have to deal with the IHT for probate and I doubt your wife could do that. No insult here, but I even have trouble with their weekly IHT changes. You may believe you have done everything right however its not until the Will is actioned that you see where the errors are and if it can be used overseas. IE I had a Will translated at the Embassy of the UAE and then sent it to lawyers in Dubai. One word was changed. Administrator to liquidator and the courts rejected it. The process had to start again and even now we have been looking at 2 years and still no settlement. So please if you have millions of bahts in property cash and gold then get professional advice on it as its cheaper than losing the lot because you trusted someone
  14. BlackJack

    Will Advice

    As someone that deals professionally with Wills and Probate each day, I would say your comment shows that you don't know much about Wills, or International Probate, it is very complex once your throw in jurisdictional law, international or international taxes ruled by FBAR -
  15. BlackJack

    Will Advice

    what on earth are you referring to
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