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Posts posted by fvw53

  1. 3 hours ago, xerostar said:

    The Swiss need to secede from the EU in order to return Swiss sovereignty, law and order.

    They have seen their once pristine country invaded by unemployable foreigners who have placed a huge burden on the welfare and the police at the expense of its own citizens.   

    Switzerland is NOT a member of the EU but the country joined the "Schengen area" agreement with the EU.

    • Like 1
  2. On 2/8/2020 at 12:20 PM, vogie said:

    Is that the promotion of 395 baht a month with 100 Mbps, complete with Thai TV. We switched to that and when they installed it they fitted a router with 4 antennae, we had to unplug it daily as the Mbps would drop, we reported the problem and they installed a box with 6 antennae, alls well now.

    To-day a True TV technician came to change our TV tuner because on 20 February there will be a change to Satellite 8 ....

    After questioning him I think I understand better what your wrote.

    Now we have True TV from a (small) satellite dish and I asked him what would happen if we use the optic fibre cable available in our condominium and he replied that this optic fibre cable would not enter directly into the tuner but that we would need a router inside our apartment and then connect the router with a traditional (white) TV cable to the tuner.  However reading your message it should be also possible to have a wireless connection from the router to the TV : is this correct?

  3. 3 hours ago, Henryford said:

    I would very much doubt if this is true. Get another lawyer. What happens if an owner dies and you can not contact them. No common fees ever paid on that property !! Clearly you have to make all possible attempts to contact them.

    You make a good point but when the new manager of Juristic Person was handed over the more than 10 year old chaos about a year ago it was decided to go first for the "easier" cases i.e. those of the 62 (out of 167) with long debts but within reach.


  4. 22 hours ago, nickcar said:

     I would be very interested to know which court gives you 12%. Our experience is it is always reduced to 7.5% 



    Our condominium was built in 1992 and since then there was negligent Juristic Person and Manager.

    Last AGM only 5% of co-owners cared to attend...but after follow up AGM we have now a JPM and Committee working with determination to improve the situation.

    To reply to the question : 

    - some co-owners started to pay after a good lawyer was hired 

    - there is one case in the court pipeline but it takes time because the court needs to find documents which are more than 10 years old.

    - more than 10 co-owners live abroad and remain silent and absent.... for some of them only their email is known but others have as only address the postbox in our building : in total they have debts of more than 5 million Baht but lawyer says THERE IS NO WAY TO GET COURT PERMISSION for a public auction if one cannot get a reply from the owner.   Any comment are most welcome.

    • Like 1
  5. We have in our condominium a crazy situation due to neglect by previous Juristic Person Managers to collect common fees (and penalties) : a total of 62 out of 167 units have  long delays creating shortage of money for the new Juristic Person Manager to pay for serious repairs related to safety (elevators and fire protection).

    Some of the co-owners have not paid anything since 10 years and more... and they are laughing when the new Manager tries to sue them in court.


    Indeed about 10 years ago the Annual General Meeting adopted the new Thai Condo Law 2008 which specifies that - for our condo - co-owners are liable to pay the maximum penalties (surcharges) up to 12% per year the first 6 months and up to 20% per year for longer delays.

    However when their case goes to court, then another Thai Law on Debt Recovery is always applied whereby the Debt is reduced to the last 5 years and the interest is reduced to maximum 7.5% (in some cases 5%)

    We have also a few cases of co-owners living abroad with delays of more than 5 years and they do not need to bother if this becomes 10 or 20 years because a court will reduce it anyway to 5 years.

    All this is very unfair to the co-owners who paid regularly and those who settled all their debts - without need to go to court - when new Manager was elected and contacted them.

    There is a clear contradiction between Thai Condo Law and the Thai Law on Debt Recovery.

    Do some TVF members have experience with this ...or are we the worst managed condominium in the country?



  6. 18 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:


    18 hours ago, Kadilo said:

    I don’t see why they won’t keep coming. 

    It still holds far more appeal than retiring in the UK, granted you may need to come more prepared than previous years. 

    Im already in preparation, can’t wait!


    QUOTE  It still holds far more appeal than retiring in the UK UNQUOTE  I heard that Thai widows of UK citizens are not entitled to a survival pension....is this correct...it does not concern me but it gave me a chilly feeling because on of my UK friends is now nearly 80 years old and married since more than 30 years to a Thai wife without own income.


  7. 15 hours ago, Metropolitian said:


    Sure.  It's here It's the offer third collum at ' True Gigatex Fiber ' which is the top notch package with 1000Mbps download

    And the channel list, see below.


    You are able to make combinations with True, like a more regular internet speed together with the Gold package for TV.


    The gold package is already a 'premium pack' which is 1,568.12 Baht / Month.

    Internet only under 'True Gigatex Fiber' is 899 Baht / Month.

    The combination package is 1999.


    If you would like to play with packages, you can for example choose Gold in combination with True SuperSpeed Fiber, which has 100 or 200Mbps download

    (Instead of 1000Mbps/1Gbps) but includes an extra mobile package with 10GB data)


    One thing we know is you want the gold package.

    But " unlimited downloads (I guess speed will be OK)  "

    'speed and OK' is subjective and everyone has their own expectation????


    True is unlimited, the upper packages are 100% that

    Even with the data pack, after the pack is used the speed is throttled but still connected.


    For example on a phone I have Truemove H, with package 4 GB, top speed 42Mbps, after 4gb it's throttled to 768kbps, still good for 720p streaming and web.

    The lowest package throttles to 64kbps.



    The channel list for Gold :




    Thanks a lot !


  8. 15 hours ago, Metropolitian said:

    Here TrueVisions Family and H.


    What you want is called True Fiber Gold

    Phone is trough VoIP.





    Thank you : can you also send me the URL link of this English page ? I would like to check the names of the 146 channels of which 56 HD

  9. I visited a True shop :

    - they do not speak good English

    - they have so many offers that cannot understand

    I want to subscribe to "Truevisions Gold" + True internet with unlimited downloads (I guess speed will be OK) + fixed telephone line

    Does any TVF member have such package and what does he or she pay for it per month?

  10. 3 hours ago, Kurtf said:

    I had a choice of 3 different quality implants and chose the most expensive at 40,000 baht each. I had 4 done over a period of one year and I am quite happy with the end result. I had the work done in Chiang Mai. 

    What kind of quality implants were offered?  It is related to the quality of the screw also? I live in Pathum Thani and I get price offers between 60.000 and 90.000 Baht ...Some of them (titanium screw?) are supposed to be imported from USA others from Korea etc.. Was quality you preferred for a traditional ceramic tooth or something else?

  11. 13 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    Even tragic mistakes can lead to prosecution. I don't think anyone is suggesting that she set out to kill the guy, but her negligence led to his death and for that she can be held criminally responsible. 

    yes if she was negligent ...but what about being absentminded ...I made twice the mistake of starting to drive on the wrong side of the road when crossing by car from the EU to the UK but luckily I could correct it without harming or killing somebody.  However the accident she caused should generate at least compensation money for the bereaved family and that will be settled between State Dept and Foreign Ministry.

  12. 23 hours ago, Scott said:

    No, she is not in charge, however, she can make it easy on everyone and simply return to face the situation.  

    She can do nothing unless instructed by her superiors otherwise she will face sanction at home (suspended, fired, no pension etc...) If US State Department would want her to return she would be back in the UK quickly....and then what?

    This matter has to be settled US State Department and UK Foreign Service and UK Police could be invited to question her in the USA. 

    If she would be suspected of a crime and not a tragic mistake then she would certainly face a US Criminal Court : that is how it works.

  13. 11 hours ago, Scott said:

    Diplomatic immunity extends to the immediate family as well as the diplomat.   There are different levels of diplomatic immunity, with lesser staff members at an embassy having functional immunity.  

    Sadly, there have been many instances of people abusing their diplomatic immunity, however, on the whole it protects the diplomatic corp in many ways.   It's a case of, 'you don't mess with ours and we won't mess with yours.'   


    This lady should do the right thing.   The laws in the UK are roughly comparable to the US and she does not face any punishment that she would not receive in the US.  

    She is NOT in charge here ...in her case US State Department will instruct her what to do.....and I doubt they will create a precedent about diplomatic immunity for the tragic accident - not crime - she caused.  I made the same mistake twice after crossing by car from the European continent to the UK but I was lucky not to hurt or kill somebody.

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