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Posts posted by fvw53

  1. We have in our large condo building a regulation (voted in AGM as part of a larger set of rules) : " do not leave the pets by themselves to wander around or disturb others."

    However a few co-owners have cats left out during the night and urinating and defecating in the common area. In one case they do it on the shoes which the co-owners leave outside before entering their condo unit...and it is not unusual that then other cats detects the smell and go there to...

    Does any TVF member have any experience what can be done about this (except poisoning them)?

    I case if the police is called they will laugh...but this is really not funny.


  2. 6 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    I admire you for making the move instead of just talking about it.  I do wish that farangs who are unhappy with their life in Thailand simply go back home instead of whining/whinging endlessly on TV.  They may realize that their unhappiness really has nothing to do with Thailand but more their inner self.  And if it turns out that they are happiest at home and never return, even better.  Everybody wins!

    I am living in Thailand since 1988 and how many times did I write in this Forum that Thailand is not paradise but that compared to other options it is still the best place to stay for foreigners compared to all other countries between Istanbul and Tokyo. I gladly accept the one time in a year bureaucratic hassle the get an extension of my Non Imm O Visa.... Indeed in most other countries it is worse.

  3. 10 hours ago, madmitch said:

    How's that losing momentum?


    Hoteliers realise that arrival numbers mean less in real terms than numbers of nights spent in the Kingdom. They've replaced Europeans spending their two week holiday in Thailand with Chinese on 4-5 day breaks. That means, effectively, you need three Chinese visitors to replace one Swede, German or Brit. So although numbers of arrivals are up, the hotel industry could well be struggling.

    You mean the 5 and 4 and 3-star hotels? Chinese tourists are happy to stay in cheaper hotels.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    There was a time when we believed what American officials told us.

    That time was long ago.

    We all know why the Americans want to blame. And what a surprise, they blame exactly them.


    Obviously I don't know who attacked. It might have been Iran. But maybe not. Who believes serial liars?

    I would think that the air space between Iran and Saudi Arabia is so closely monitored that even a bird cannot cross it without being seen.  The Houthi's claim they did the attack....they are Shia Muslims which Prince MBS would like to wipe out and therefore Iranian sympathy and support for the Houthi's should not be a surprise (or have we forgotten the Catholic - Protestant religious war of 100 years which ended in 1648 ?)

  5. The sister of my Thai wife has a daughter (now 25 years old) who suffers from epilepsy since she was a baby....severe epilepsy which may have caused brain damage so that she is now mentally retarded.

    When my sister-in-law asked the doctor who is prescribing medication since more than 20 years for this unfortunate child...if she could try (liquid) medical cannabis it was refused under the pretext that there are still too many side effects ...as if the medication sold by big pharma which the doctor prescribes now has no side effects.

    However my wife says that several of her former class mates (all mid 50 mid fifties) got the small bottles of liquid cannabis...through "connections" ...for a price of 1000 Baht and more...without a need to see a doctor.

    I wonder if there is already a black market...explaining a "shortage" in the licensed hospitals

    • Like 2
  6. 15 hours ago, usviphotography said:

    Kim has sent Trump several incredibly beautiful letters composed in English that Melania has surely also read. 

    Beautiful indeed :

    Kim's statement about Trump on Sep. 22, 2017

    “A frightened dog barks louder.”

    “He is unfit to hold the prerogative of supreme command of a country, and he is surely a rogue and a gangster fond of playing with fire, rather than a politician.”
    “Whatever Trump might have expected, he will face results beyond his expectation. I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire.”

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 8/27/2019 at 7:07 PM, RJRS1301 said:

    Amazing the deluded thinking of some supporters, who appear to be incapable of critical thinking, and feel that blatant mistruths are acceptable, I am afraid that Left and Fascist seem diametrically opposed to each other.




    Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce, (does this read like anyone in WH)??


    Left-wing politics supports social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy. It typically involves a concern for those in society whom its adherents perceive as disadvantaged relative to others as well as a belief that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished

    Very correct analysis ...but you will not be able to convince some idiots and fanatics reading this.

    • Like 1
  8. 23 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    It is bets to use google or other search engine. type in the search term(s) plus :site:thaivisa.com"


    Doing that for the term Heladiv yeilds:




    and also






    the first is probably what you are looking for

    Yes you got it in the first link (British tea drinkers) you mention ....but what kind of words did you use in the Thaivisa search box?

    Thank you !

  9. Some time ago there was a discussion about the kinds of tea foreigners (British?) in Thailand like.

    I remember one of the tea brand names mentioned was "Heladiv"  ...this is not a common word and I do not understand that I cannot find this discussion when I put this brand name in the "search engine" /  it is not about this particular tea...I simply want to find back the whole discussion

  10. 16 hours ago, swissie said:

    There is no Algorithm or any person born by a woman that can project the value of anything traded in open markets with such accuracy over a given time period.

    As far as the £ is concerned, I will say this: There are a lot of "negatives" already priced into the £ in connection with "Brexit". But in case of a "no deal" Brexit, most likely the £ will weaken further.

    This is the scenario currently expected within the "currency trading community".

    - In case the Brits prepare for a "worst case scenario" (managing to avoid major disruptions of the British Economy, avoiding shortages etc etc), making British Exports competitive on world markets. This would be the time the £ has hit "rock-bottom", spiking up quickly.
    It all depends of the "preparedness" of the Brits and how they fit into their "new world".
    - A bad time to sell the £ at this time. But there are a lot of folks around (with cash in their hands) to buy the £ at "rock-bottom" price if there are indications that the Brits will be able to digest the Brexit within a reasonable time-frame. (I myself have a little cash in my hands to buy the £ if the time is right).

    Strictly my personal assement of short term things to come. No idea where the £ will be 5 years from now. Neither does anyone else. With or without Algorithms. The Clairvoiant Gipsies from Romania all work for Goldman Sachs and live in NY.

    We can always ask George Soros ????


  11. 4 hours ago, andre47 said:

    There are priority lanes processing people aged?

    I never saw them. How old you have to be to use them and are they also for farang?

    I did not fly the last 12 months and I used without problems the priority lane upon arrival and departure (I am now 75)

    If this facility has come to an end for the elderly than I am going to ask for a wheelchair because pain in the lower back prevents me to stand more than 15 minutes

    • Like 2
  12. 9 hours ago, Crossy said:


    That page states:- The excess quantities of cigarettes, tobacco or alcoholic beverages must be dropped in the box provided by Customs, otherwise prosecution will be carried out.


    It doesn't say that you can pay duty on over-limit.


    There is nothing in the Red Channel section directly pertaining to alcohol, are you assuming that the general statements also apply to alcohol and tobacco?


    Have you actually tried paying duty on excess alcohol / tobacco?



    About 15 years ago when the the Buddhist version of Shariah Law on Alcohol was not yet enforced like now, I wanted to buy two bottles of red wine in the arrival hall but first I went to ask at the "Red Line" what would be the tax on the extra bottle...and I gave as a pretext that I wanted to organise a birth day party for my wife ...Custom officer smiled and told me "buy the extra bottle and come through my channel"...and he let me through with another big smile

    • Thanks 1
  13. The figures we can find on the internet about healthy heart rate are only indicators and every human being is different.

    I am 75 and my heart rate is around 55/min since many years but I feel good and my experienced GP says he had many patients like me with bradycardia and having a good life....most important is regular exercise and I follow the HASfit recommended exercise for the elderly  /  




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