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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. What's Thailand's sweet heart agricultural minister Thammanat's opinion ........?
  2. But US President Joe Biden said he had spoken to Mr Netanyahu and made it clear that Israel must "operate by the rules of war". Well, the Americans must know it; after all they've been in conflicts ever since 1945 and each and every interference (to avoid provocative attack) was a disaster for everybody. Interesting is also, that of its 247 years of existence they have been without a war for nine years - the other 238 years Uncle Sam and his boys were "defending" the United States. This year its USD 882 billion defense budget alone - might not be sufficient to cover the nuke free Canadian war mongers in the North and the cheeky tricky Mexicans in the South!
  3. Don't get me wrong but an Ambassador is a message delivery person between the dispatching and the host country - as far as bilateralism is concerned. I just find it sickening, that Israel has created havoc ever since it was formed 70+ years ago and meanwhile has encroached a country which has been in existence for thousands of years. Looking at an official map from 1916 I can see Palestine .... but it took 30+ more to "create" Israel by people who had nothing to say on the subject. While borders have been fluid for most countries over history, it is more than questionable in the 20th and 21st century to eradicate a state by encroachment. The world's guilty conscience is grossly misused by Israel over and over, they are supported by their religious brethren across the Atlantic in Washington DC and along the East and West coast of the US. The whole world knows about the imbalance and unfairness yet does not dare to speak up - for political correctness reasons. Hence my statement is unchanged; I can follow the Palestinian thinking while - at the same time - I absolutely condemn the way Hamas, a terrorist splinter of Palestine which nobody has (yet) under control, is on the path of absolute destruction. Maybe some of the USD 24 billion yearly contribution by the US to Israel imbalances matters further; all the while Israel has simply ignored the 1'300+ UN resolutions on the subject and is, most likely, taking the UN paperwork as substitute for what others use in the 00 - me thinks!
  4. Shop around, there is no law prohibiting non-residents having a bank account. The agency just sweet-talks (i.e. bribes) the bank staff in one or the other way and the insurance is absolutely NOT a condition for banking. The counter staff is getting a (juicy) commission on insurance sales yet a bank is a bank and an insurance company is an insurance company.
  5. Overtaking on the left (or undertaking, whatever you want to call it) increases the chances of hitting another vehicle for sure; taking the CCTV picture into the equation, then the accident would never have happened if: the Benz driver (race/nationality anyhow irrelevant and co-incidential here) not doing a circus turn the motorbike driver not overtaking on the left But then one would have to see the entire CCTV-clip.
  6. It would help, if you would read the entire article by the OP stating "an Airbus-340 and five C-130 military transport planes of the Royal Thai Air Force, which have not been allowed to land in Israel." Swiss flew out 224 passengers from Tel Aviv yesterday on an extra flight on behest of the Swiss government - so much to checking facts!
  7. Wondering which of those thousands of Somchais never ever had the idea to run an "overdue" list in their fancy immigration computer. I saw - by co-incidence - my own online record on a screen of an immigration computer and, trust me, everything is recorded there. The only explanation could be, that they put in the arrival year as 2557 (Buddhist calendar) while the computer runs on the Gregorian calendar (2014) which allows another 534 years until the immigration whistles and bells go off ... Another harmless fellow and an extremely poor certificate of immigration performance 8-)
  8. Yes, many people just take. Hence it is a little bit like fishing in a big pond but you find out very soon, if they are only on the take or not. Having said that, do not give up - in the long run you will see things clearer which will help you to take the next decisions - worked for me!
  9. Another dinosaur law keeping the oligarch elite above the underlings - the underlings have to rob and kneel in front of the Phooyais and such laws make it crystal clear. If there is "misunderstanding" among the Phooyais, it is a welcome deviation smoke screen as well so defamation keeps the truth out. Your call!
  10. Well, the visa waiver ......... you have to do A LOT MORE to get tourists than just waive the visa. All has been written, repeated and repetitions of the repetitions have been also written endlessly. You can paint a penguin green but it remains a penguin and not a frog - me thinks!
  11. Anything goes in this country for an explanation, why it does not work as anticipated ...... or it was a misunderstanding.
  12. Get the Israeli Ambassador in for clarification - on a daily basis - and wear her out until she moves things back at "head office". Works wonders and that is what diplomacy is all about.
  13. a) an A340 can carry certainly more than 140pax b) if Israel denies landing rights, then send ElAl packing out of Bangkok and Phuket - trust me, you will get fifth freedom rights beyond Israel
  14. Do the Israeli expect a medal for their encroachment as well as declaring more than 1'000 UN resolutions as toilet tissue paper?
  15. As in the Bible - eye for an eye: nothing learnt ever since. It was Israel which encroached Palestine and not the other way round. Wondering now, why the Palestinians retaliate? I fully agree with Palestine's position - likewise I condemn their latest action to the fullest. Only once the Israel-lobby is being cut off the yearly USD 24 billion from their zionist brethren across the Atlantic - only then there might be hope that they come to reason but, until then, it is how Kissinger always said. Not important who wins or loses, important is having a war. Latter feeds millions of Americans through their ammo and war gear industry.
  16. The court accepted the case and asked the former minister whether he would find a lawyer by himself, to which he said he would. My guess is that this little story will fizzle away as everything else here. He, his brother and his father were/are wearing invisible crowns so nicely pampered with some non-receiptable contributions by the thankful citizen of Bangsaen, Cholburi and ..... in this particular sweetheart's case - Pattaya. Latter the ultimate resort for family vacation and known of the butterfly farm on highway 7 ????
  17. Can it be assumed, that Shinapat Kitlertsiriwattana is not good friends with Pita? Let Thailand take care of the humanitarian needs of her people in that region but keep the nose out of this conflict. It is impossible to explain, that Palestine's motives are understood and correct yet the execution a hopeless disaster to be condemned to the fullest. But it is like Ukraine, 20+ years of watching, how NATO broke a promise to the extend, that their "non-expansion to the East" after 1990 (when the Soviets agreed to the reunification of Germany) was nothing but hot air as the Warsaw Pact had no members left 2009. Get the official America in Washington DC and the East coast out of all those world's conflicts while Thailand should do everything possible to get its citizens out - everything else is to be left between the haggling parties to sort out their mess by themselves - without the 24 billion USD yearly so kindly availed by the zionist friends in the US - me thinks.
  18. Puzzled, to say the least: what is the difference between "Beijing and Chinese officials" is anyone in Thailand aware, that for the price of ONE SUBMARINE, you can pay for TWO ENTIRE RAILWAYS systems which were built by the Chinese from 2016-2021 across Laos with hundreds of bridges and tunnels. Unlike Thailand, Laos had no existing railway system which could have been upgraded, i.e. they started from scratch. the Germans will not supply any engines whatsoever; that has to do with the soured relations between Germany and China on the behest of the absolutely incompetent German foreign minister. She thought that she had to put her big nose into China's domestic affairs on how to run their country while commenting in a less-than-favourable manner on the Chinese brother number one. Did not go down well in China and the Germans will pay for that faux-pas straight through their nose in the near future. the entire Thai submarine story is such a farçe for the sake of making a handful of goons very, very, very rich again shallow days ahead - literally Your call!
  19. Why do you not check TM1234.5678? Sooooo many alien, dirty farang and other ATM-machines on two feet are sick and tired of this bureaucratic manure. The straw breaking the camel's back is in the taxation cloud the boys on weed are dreaming of - combined with the landing tax upon arrival. For how stupid does the official Thailand think all those non-Thais are?
  20. Anutin's remark was made in Chiang Mai, while his populistic face-exposing road show stint handing out face masks in downtown Bangkok was simply not understood by the alien. I never take any handout of anybody in public, be it around the BTS or shopping centres and, in all fairness, Anutin is not as well-known and recognizeable as i.e. Elvis Presley or Mahatma Ghandi - just yet! I might have given it a miss simply because if I believe in face masks, then I am getting there without handouts. Thais are very clean on themselves, correct - and that's where matter ends. Aliens (South Asians in particular) have at times unpleasant body odor related to their cuisine of preference and some, no smokes about that, could take two showers a day. Thai toilets have not scored top prizes either so let's leave it, where it belongs. There are cleaner and less clean people - little one can do about it!
  21. Any clue on how to evacuate all those officials in Washington DC and along the East coast ..... not from the conflict zone but out of this universe. Ever since 1945 the official America has been warmongering and on a destructive blazing path through literally almost all continents, except Australia that is. Nobody ever queried the US "defense" budget of $880+ B I L L I O N per year. According to the official US understanding, Hamas are to be fought ever since 1950 in Persia, 1953 in Korea, 1964 in Indochina etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Get the yanks to mind their own business, clean up their tremendous domestic mess, stop with all this political correctness nonsense, use their taxpayers money for better use like education - but we all know, why nothing will ever happen unless they go belly up financially.
  22. Expect nonstop flights from Ulan Bataar to Phuket, every hour to the hour. Wondering how many Mongolians have consular needs in Phuket considering the limitations of the honorary character of the diplomatic outpost. But then, it does not any harm to anybody .........
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