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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Well, if the minister of public health refers to caucasians as "dirty farang" ........ You certainly got that right; no political correctness manure here - to which I fully and wholeheartedly agree. Avoids misunderstandings in a country, which is usually known for misunderstandings ????
  2. Well, it is the remuneration to Dr Thaksin for ensuring, that the party with the most votes ...... sits in the opposition. Looking at Google Earth I cannot identify a swimming pool with 100% accuracy, one rooftop is blurred out in blueish - but why bother, when the Royal Bangkok Sports Club is next door ........ I hope someone tells the government goons, that the internet is accessible also outside Thailand and the whole "imprisonment" is nothing but a farçe of superior soap opera quality ...... how sporty of Dr T to take the future of Thailand for swimming lessons ????
  3. Well, it also might replenish the "horn of plenty" when it comes to the election promise of forking out 560 BILLION Thai Baht in digital cash for each and every Thai citizen above 16 years of age. So, in essence, the non-Thais, alien or dirty farang (whatever you want to call them) pay for promised vote buying .... or am I getting it wrong all over again?
  4. So let me get this right: the Thai government decided to compensate a given amount for something which is not the government's fault paid with taxpayers money (as the government does not generate own funds) Now they don't want to pay any more taxpayers money (which was uncalled for in the first place): so when a non-Thai is getting killed, the compensation payment is borne by other non-Thais with a landing tax Thailand's tourism industry is suffering from decades of: degrading service steadily increased pricing on two different levels and presently has two segments being zero-dollar tourism by the millions by the red brethren in the North and two segments of the Russian tourism cake those who cannot splurge money in Western Europe due to travel sanctions (the fatter cats in Phuket) those who do not want to go to war and resort to be out of Russia for the time being (the poorer lot in Pattaya) What kind of excellent weed is presently smoked in all those tourism-related government offices to come up with introducing an arrival/landing tax without any service/product to back up the take?
  5. "Asian man of foreign nationality" - H.E. must have had an excellent CCTV set-up or the police some staff with eagle eyes. Very relaxing is - after all - that it, by all accounts, was not a Thai citizen committing the crime ........ "Asian man of foreign nationality" - let that sink in for a moment ????
  6. I am fully aware of those football fields - hence the reference to the "tiny" plot for his 55 (some 20 years ago) luxury vehicles. Is it not nice to know, that the government has remuneration packages of eight and nine digit amounts for the truly dedicated?
  7. Cancel in writing (i.e. email) with a scanned copy of the last bill/receipt and that's it. Stop paying, keep the termination and Bob's your uncle!
  8. True friendship, social life, mutual respect ..... just to start with.
  9. Absolutely horrific and not acceptable - but possibly poverty has something to do with it. Millions of Thais do not live, they barely exists. Latter keeps the ice extremely thin and it takes very little to loose nerves. However it does not justify the action in any matter and should be dealt with the full force of the law.
  10. Aaaahhhhhhh, Roi Et again - creeping on its way out of Stonehenge days, inch by inch, somewhere towards the second millennium - but yet far away from anything like the 20th, lest forget the 21st century. Hilarious - explains Thailand in a (pun intended) nut shell ????
  11. As far as the inheritance is concerned, yes - this is not covered and remains at the sole discretion of the heir. So inheritances do not fall under the category of "earned during marriage". As far as gifts are concerned, you would have to ask a lawyer. Common sense would dictate that if this gift goes to either party then it remains at the sole discretion of that particular person; a gift to the couple most likely not, i.e. latter would be a part of the common property/wealth. But, as said, check that with a legal professional.
  12. ....... and I always thought that this can happen only to male species of those alien and dirty farang .......
  13. Tell all those ministers, directors, governor, superintendents, generals and lieutenants to put up a loud speaker at head office of Thailand's Royal police (a mere 400 metres away from Siam Paragon) as well as at police hospital being 650 metres away. This would have - possibly, but not sure - resulted in a faster response time than the apparent 90 - 120 minutes which it took for anyone to show up. Everything else is utter nonsense, waste of money and nothing but stale warm air from where the sun never shines ????
  14. Well, 21st century in Thailand - explained. Kill them outside but not in the kitchen; just made my day.
  15. Those tight links got severed many years ago but Chalerm Yubamrung (that's how he wrote his name in the past) should enjoy his fleet of luxury vehicles (a pink Bentley among others) on his tiny plot of land in Thonburi (he was called the "governor" of Thonburi) as well as the company of his three sons, apparently all with interesting criminal traces. Is he off the booze meanwhile? I'm not a friend of either gentlemen but this hick hack must have been anticipated in an eleven party coalition to achieve "majority" - me thinks. Eleven parties in Thailand - mission impossible to agree on the colour of the chairs in the meeting room, trust me!
  16. Yet another pristine example of today's Generation Z - the label should terminate her contracts and send her back to work as a cashier at 7/11 or weigh bananas at the fresh fruit scale of Big C ???? Despicable
  17. You have to be more precise in the headline which could read "majority of online shopping fraud were 100,694 complaints with a loss of 1.9 billion Baht". a) if a deal is too good to be true, then it is usually too good to be true b) use existing platforms which process the payments like Shopee, Lazada, Ebay etc. I had two issues and was refunded without a big fuss. If you buy the ever-so-rare-and-antique amulet for a fortune from a private seller who operates his Facebook page for the last week only ........ well, you might have been asking for it. But explain that to the semi-divines ????
  18. Well, the prime minister and foreign minister of Thailand made condolences public regarding the Chinese victim of this terrible incident - nothing of the kind was in the media regarding this sad loss of a Burmese citizen .....
  19. "officers from the Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) embarked on a mission" I am hopefully not the only one who considers this tag line hilariously funny ???? ...... embarked on a mission!
  20. a) yes, the license is valid all over ASEAN countries b) no, welcome to go through the full nine yards
  21. Hub of all committees, working groups and countless meetings with sharped pencils, little sweets in bowls and the subsequent Somtam lunch to declare the congregation a success. What it needs is response time and if it takes anything between 90 - 120 minutes to arrive at a scene, where the police headquarters is a mere 500 meters away and a governmental medical institute, the Chulalongkorn hospital less than 1'000 meters away ........ any more questions?
  22. Well, he is tall enough to manage to get through the floods and the puddles ???? Apart from that, every predecessor did the same populistic visit at the underlings misery, flew back and the entire visual media followed the holy path of the semi-divine ????
  23. Never forget who put Srettha into the driver's seat in the first place. Absolutely nothing happens in the Land of Smiles without the blessing of the boys in uniform - since 1932 that is ???? So he will be walking a tight rope if he wants to interfere with his ideas on their shopping list 8-)
  24. Actually this is very much Thai. Thais are known to spend money they do not have. If you would move all unpaid cars and bikes off Thai roads, traffic would be no issue. Remember 1997; Thais returned unpaid vehicles back to the finance companies, moved out of unpaid houses and had to get on with life. This governmental idea of spending money they do not have is - AFAIK - based on a loan to be granted by GSB, a government-owned bank. If the proverbial manure hits the air-moving device, they will send GSB down the toilet - been there, done than in 1998 when commercial banks put all their rotten apples into a total of 57 finance companies. All except one then went bust and billions of Baht disappeared into thin air. Stay tuned, the government is handing out tax payers money, which is not in the bank - yet! Let's see, how the financial markets and the FOREX will react, if they really go ahead with this idea. The taxation of the dirty farang will not really have a compensatory effect - me thinks!
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